Women in Combat Arms/ SOF Discussion

Here's the remainder of the comment Worldweaver posted earlier:

Okay this guy has me fired up. I'm willing to bet he doesn't have a tab or even made the attempt.

First off, just being ok and good enough doesn't cut it. Task, condition, standard, period. Often, good enough doesn't cut it. RI is looking for more than that.

A cold weather casualty who I helped revive got go'd at Darby while I recycled. I recycled because patrols were substandard. It didn't matter that I had helped save my Ranger buddy... That's an expectation. I didn't meet the graded expectation of having good patrols. I eventually got my act together and graduated.

That guy has no idea how Rangers, Ranger school graduates, or any SOF soldier feels about this issue.

He can cry into his Cheerios all he wants, but he is sullying his wife's reputation. He needs to keep his mouth shut. I'm willing to bet most of those ladies will step up and admit they failed to meet the standard, and that is that. They will always be non-grads who say they got screwed. Good on all the attendees for trying. The pioneers catch the first arrows.
It's official.

Of the 8 women who recycled the Darby phase, only three were offered and accepted a Day 1 recycle (the other 5 - who "Flat out failed" were dropped). This means those 3 must start the next class with all the PT events and foot march. Two men, with the same circumstances were offered Day 1's, refused to recycle and were sent home.

And for those sour grapes out there that feel they (The female students) were hammered un-mercilessly by the RI's, remember that the class was filled with female O/C's that overwatched everything, from beginning to end.
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Great rundown Centermass. I must credit those that took the day 1 recycle; I was never put in that position but i've known plenty that had day ones, it doesn't sound like a good time.

As far as the husband and wife combo that feel she is being "mistreated", they just called out the entire RI staff and Command. They continue to question the validity of the process and the professionalism of all involved. The most disconcerting thing is that they're both Officers, and should know better. Lead the Way...indeed.
As far as the husband and wife combo that feel she is being "mistreated", they just called out the entire RI staff and Command. They continue to question the validity of the process and the professionalism of all involved. The most disconcerting thing is that they're both Officers, and should know better. Lead the Way...indeed.

Honestly, I wouldn't expect anything different. I'm just surprised there's not more bitchin.

Of course, if I received this, I'd be pissed as well...........:D

Great rundown Centermass. I must credit those that took the day 1 recycle; I was never put in that position but i've known plenty that had day ones, it doesn't sound like a good time.

As far as the husband and wife combo that feel she is being "mistreated", they just called out the entire RI staff and Command. They continue to question the validity of the process and the professionalism of all involved. The most disconcerting thing is that they're both Officers, and should know better. Lead the Way...indeed.

Not a Ranger, never will be, but I want to say, Fuck both of them, they're a disgrace to their uniform.
Part of me hopes the wife pays for the husband's stupidity. Going public to call out the RI's....talking out of your ass....dropping your wife's name for all to see...well, I guess that's one way to do it.
Interesting take on the whole situation.
Saw the article and wanted to share to see what you guys think.


1. Do you have any commentary?
2. That article was more jacked up than a football bat. I'm a tad surprised at the two who spoke out in the article, but the rest of it is utter rubbish.

"Ranger School, which grooms the Army’s most elite special operations fighting force..."

"As new technologies potentially make raw physical strength less important..."

While it is perhaps an interesting discussion to have, no one will take you seriously when you voice such nonsense. Then the bit about making loads lighter. Um, we've done that for over a decade but the demands and capabilities just add weight. See also: the M4 carbine. I also find it ironic that any discussion about changing standards occurs AFTER women begin attending Ranger School. If this is such an important topic why is it coming up NOW?

Agenda driven clownshoes...
^^^^This will only be a matter of time.

Soon, the combat diver course will be limiting swimmingg, cross-overs, and drown-proofing.

Only a matter of time.
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My opinion is the standards should stay the same and if someone earns the Ranger tab then that's a great achievement.

I deal with UCMJ on a daily basis for 3 years so maybe I'm bias and only see the problems that this may create..
Lots of men's opinions. What about the women? As I mentioned in the past, standards should reflect the needs of the job. They can be discriminatory or define what the job entails. I have never had to run 100 anything carrying a 250, 200, 150 pound person on my back. Is it reasonable to say a person needs to do that. I do not know. My opinion is that combat is 95% mental. The mind will throw in the towel before the body is ready too. A good Read.. Marines of Autumn. It is about what it takes to walk away from a battle. The withdraw from Chosin Reservoir to the gulf.

The best person for the job, is the best person for the job.
As often as I say that Ranger School is just a leadership school, I must kind of be reminded that it is specifically a combat leadership course focusing on small unit tactics. As there are no women currently doing "combat," than I'm questioning why the push to go through this school. Seems to come down to just getting a tab, which makes me a bit sick of our badge/tab chasing community.

I'll leave it to the tabbed/scrolled guys on here to fix me if I'm seeing this wrong because I understand that there is more to it if you are actually in Regiment.