Could you explain what they failed in a bit more detail?
Regarding the females. they haven't posted a break down matrix on specifics yet, but was told it included all 3: Peers, Spots and Patrols. Will know more tomorrow.
What is Darby and the Gulag?
Darby (As in Camp Darby) is an out lying Camp, about 8-9 miles from Camp Rogers (Which is located on Fort Benning) and Camp Darby, is not.
The Gulag as it's known, (AKA Vaughn's Platoon) is located at Camp Rogers, where recycles, get additional training and also do details assigned to them, while waiting to form up at their respective times, with the next class, or a class, to be designated (Such as a student with a med problem, not serious enough, to send to a hospital or back to a unit, but needs more time to heal than say, the very next class that comes along)
Every Camp, to include Rogers, Mountains (Camp Merrill ) and Florida (Camp Rudder) all have their own version of a Gulag, per se.
So my buddy told me if you recycle for spot reports it is day 1. He said he was concerned because he has 5 out of 8 possible already, and he was pretty beat up and unlikely to pass the RPAT if he had to again after the brutal Darby phase and upcoming mountains. I'm hearing everything from a beat down student on his 8 hour pass though.
Enough Spots (Major Minus) would get you a Day One. An SOR (Negative) is the most serious and can get you dropped with a "DNR" attached to it. Minor "Minus" Spots and Major "Minus" Spots can be offset with enough of the opposites (Major / Minor "Plus" Spots) If he only has Minors, tell him not to sweat it, but just don't get any more. He just needs to kick ass in the Mountains, and do well on his patrols. The first week will be Mountaineering and Squad Level Patrols. The second week will culminate with Yonah, Section Level Patrols and an FTX. Let him know not be the source of any Breaks In Contact, mainly because, that's when they start to occur BIG TIME. If he's put on security, (LP/OP etc) PB perimeter security, or security at any time, he better not be caught sleeping. RI's have a knack for checking security TM's as they have (Students) a tendency to get a false sense of complacency, and seem to think, because their away from everyone else, no one will know. Trust me, they'll know. If he's good at Land Nav, there's lots of opportunity for him to get a plus, mainly because whenever Map Checks are done, most PL's, if not all, never get it right. lol
Peers, like Spots, are cumulative in nature, meaning depending how bad they are, you could get a recycle for just that phase or if they're really bad you'll get a board. And for most, they will recycle for just that Phase. Pass that Phase and accumulate more, then, at a minimum, you're looking at going before a BN Board, more than likely, a BDE board.
Patrols are more diminutive. 9 times out of 10, it's a partial recycle, with concentration on what that individual is having problems with. For instance, in the Mountains, if they smoked Mountaineering and the Knot Test, they'll skip that and be assigned to a Squad once they start a Planning Phase. Now, if they're a wiz at Planning and getting all Go's for a Planning Graded Phase, and they suck at being in charge for say a movement Phase, that's more than likely what that students next graded portion will be. Same thing with Actions On The Objective and / or a Patrol Base grade.
They can recycle nine times total or until 6 months have passed. Then it's bye bye.