Women in Combat Arms/ SOF Discussion

Not my circus and not my monkeys, but I have usually found T&P to be...better journalism with regard to military matters.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I was a newspaper reporter, so when I read articles like this I see if the author writes something in a way which would be libelous or unprofessional or violate ethical standards, which this one didn't.

For the new Ranger, if she met the standards, then she met the standards.
I mean, sure, you could some up the entire article in one sentence: "A female has graduated RASP."
But 1) that's not very much fun to write and 2) most readers prefer to have a bit more context then that.

Do I know more details on the situation? Yes. But I respected the USASOC PAO's wishes and excluded them. The real story is that, for the first time ever, a female passed the same selection that the "shooters" must pass to gain entry to a SOF unit.
Too much fluff in this piece and doesn't get at the meat and potatoes. Since it said the person who was selected is an officer I'm guessing it's CPT Griest?

Interesting take.

I thought the piece was spot-on for what it needed to be and that it addressed the central point. It also occurred to me that since I'm not/wasn't in the 75th Ranger Regiment, it's none of my damn business who the soldier is.
Greist does not have the experience required, as having been an MP officer IIRC, to do jack in Regiment. Any ladies wanting into the party will need to either be support O's with commensurate backgrounds to apply, or rock out 11A out the gate on commissioning and get their shot at a line platoon. The problem they will face there, is that the best get the job, so if they come in 2nd place in their RASP2 class, they very well could be the first loser, as we all joke about.
And...cue the G.I. Jane jokes/memes.

Watching some of the women and the upper body strength they display on Ninja Warrior (Jesse Graff comes to mind), women are training differently than they ever have.
Best of success to them if they are able to complete the training.

Cool but, starve them and deprive them of sleep completely and watch their bodies AND abilities return to what science and human anatomy agrees with.
Short answer: barring one very specific incident, I had no problems at all, and could often give as good as I got.

The one incident had to do with a highly inappropriate variant of my former last name, which nobody could pronounce. I'd been called Purgatory, Peppertone, Penitentiary, you name it. One guy thought it was funny to call me "Pedophile." I didn't whine to the CoC, but I made damn sure he knew that was the one line you didn't cross. He took it badly, but fuck him.

Later on, I had one particular security team (all 11B) that LOVED to go out with my team, and they'd always come talk to me when they had time. One day, we were holding in the staging area when one of their SSGs came and asked me what I was reading. I gave him a brief synopsis and my opinion of the book, and he looked somewhat disappointed.

RK: "What's wrong?"
SSG: "I'm disappointed."
RK: "Why? What happened?"
SSG: "We always come talk to you because you say the craziest, raunchiest, most fucked up shit that makes us laugh (and look sane). You didn't deliver."

I followed up with something sufficient to fix that.

If a female really has the right mindset, the shit talk won't bother her.