When you say "massaged now" are you meaning that the female and male standards are different? [/USER]
Indeed they are; for example take ANY career field that allows male and females to "
compete equally and fairly" for promotion to the next pay grade:
A 22 year old male soldier that does 39 push-ups in 2 minutes has
FAILED his PT test.
A 22 year old female soldier that does 39 push-ups in 2 minutes has passed and scored
90 points of a possible 100 on her PT test.
A 22 year old male soldier that runs 2-miles in 16 minutes and 42 seconds has
FAILED his PT test.
A 22 year old female soldier that runs 2-miles in 16 minutes and 42 seconds has passed and scored
89 points of a possible 100 on her PT test.
Sit-Ups are "equally scored" for both genders. it is worth noting though that because of the physiological construction of the female body, females are better built to do sit-ups because of their different center of gravity. So women have an
advantage in the sit-up event bit are scored equally...
So there's that.
Now, put those scores together so that equal results have been posted by both troops and one of them is going to get labeled as a shit-bag, he will get a poor counseling statement and possibly a career crushing mark on his next NCOER, he will most likely be put into a remedial PT program, and he will not be eligible to appear in front of the Staff Sergeant promotion board.
The female will post a final score of 270 and will be lauded as a stud-ette for scoring a 270 on her PT test. She will get much better marks on her NCOER, and she will have a big smile on her face when she is answering questions at the Staff Sergeant promotion board.
Both crossed the finish line at the same time - but one is more equal on paper AND in the eyes of our nations politically motivated leadership.
One will be promoted into a higher position of leadership and placed in charge.
...and when the REAL finish line demands payment in full - well: