SOF Support
Have to admit, it's probably time for the draft to be for both sexes. You can't cherry pick what you want to be equal for and what you don't want to be equal for.
That’s sexist!
Have to admit, it's probably time for the draft to be for both sexes. You can't cherry pick what you want to be equal for and what you don't want to be equal for.
Why would they need to make it any different?Well yeah, about time women have to sign up for the draft too. I wonder what kind of stipulations they'll put on it though, because there's no way they're going to make it 100 percent the same. At least I think on the base level they'll make the way it works basically the same, but probably have some different ways of going about it. Interested to see if they can pull it off.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
However, in the military, the unit is more important than the both the individual and any demographic to which an individual may belong. Gender neutrality, or better yet gender apathy, should be the norm. Singling out women for special praise or privileges damages male soldiers’ trust in their leadership and the policymakers that made this decision. It puts female soldiers in the most awkward of positions with respect to their peers. They don’t need it. They don’t want it. So stop doing it.
is the solution. It's also the only natural Schelling Point solution other than a male-only military.gender apathy
"...However, in the military, the unit is more important than the both the individual and any demographic to which an individual may belong. Gender neutrality, or better yet gender apathy, should be the norm..."
Thanks. sometimes I can ramble on when pissed. bvIn college they talked about “androgeny”. Knowing of the era of the demise of paper flashes and candy stripers I thought SF would prevail unabated. That was before SF was sold out to mother Army. SF was thrown under the bus with the enlisted / officers that only wanted to do the mission. The guys with a little larceny in their hearts, the guys that cared more about the mission than themselves, the 18A that would grab a beer with you at the GB club. I suffered through MacKall, a few MOSs and years later was commissioned. There’s a mission to do on a team. You lead from the front or you enable those leading. Or get the hell out of the way.
My success never relied on my maleness. I achieved what I did by sheer will/determination/perseverance. Is there a place for those traits to be tested, yes it’s selection. So if we default to SFAS to weeding out “weak” ones, we then have only the school house to trust to produce those that have been tested. Or can we? We are seeing in the national media now, some (allegedly) at the school house that may have an agenda very different. As rumors go, historically others in positions of power within the community have tried to make SF more PC or inclusionary, In OEF I “volunteered” for some “trips” that could have ended badly for me.
Would I care that the one covering my 6 was a female, of course not. Is there a place for a woman in SF/SOF? Ask the Israelis, our Intel services etc If there is, is the crucible in a male training environment? I would say no. I don’t know that you can expect a woman to pass standards that only a few men can pass. Can a woman, provided the standards aren’t changed, pass; maybe. Can a woman run a marathon like a man? Of course. But as I understand it, the fastest woman will always be slower than the fastest man, it’s the anatomy! Those inclusionary folks don’t want to acknowledge the differences or turmoil they will cause, for them a greater ‘good’ is being served. We have sown the seeds of our own demise.
I accepted being in the SF association when it was the Decade Club and knowing I couldn’t talk at meetings until I had my time in. In an ideal world, I’d say: you want to be in SF, get tabbed. You want to assist in the mission, get a tab. If you can’t get through selection, go somewhere else. How many more contrived windmills are we going to knock down? What’s next, the NFL, military academy football teams? Standards exist, even Hell requires you to be a sinner to get in!
The ‘enablers’ in SWC need to enable the teams’ prosecution of the mission with quality personnel. Two 18 series instructors are getting the boot over this, fair or not? As I’ve come to realize, ones’ perception is ones’ reality. A valuable teaching point has been lost if these 2 leave.
I’m reminded of a few anecdotes. One being: power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely and as Pogo said, I have met the enemy and he is us.
- mod edit -
@bvvanes - you had a lot to say, I did not change any words, but added some paragraphs so that it would be easier for folks to read.
Ooh Rah
it’s the anatomy! Those inclusionary folks don’t want to acknowledge the differences or turmoil they will cause, for them a greater ‘good’ is being served. We have sown the seeds of our own demise.
I’m actually calling BS on the chicks getting special treatment. I had an RI tell me they’re typically harder on females while I was a recycle. I had one graduate with me and another get held up in Florida who I was with the rest of the time. They didn’t get any special breaks.4 years for 30 Ranger tabs, 2 Marine infantry, and 3 SFAS selectees? What's our ROI for the policy, especially since we know some of the female Ranger grads had different "opportunities" than their male counterparts?