Women in Combat Arms/ SOF Discussion

This has been brought up before, but if the ( political ) demands ( and sjw complaints :rolleyes: ) are ( were ) so high, why not test and create an all-female special operations unit like Norway did, instead of trying to accommodate and adjust the selection process and upset the working environment and effectiveness of existing units.
So, there may be 1 in a million, and that person is still excluded from joining a team and participating in combat operations. What value does that have. It gives you a bad rep, and the person won't achieve their career goal, which sucks for them.

But the solution is not, to accommodate and lower standarts, in existing units. Therefore, maybe ....
This has been brought up before, but if the ( political ) demands ( and sjw complaints :rolleyes: ) are ( were ) so high, why not test and create an all-female special operations unit like Norway did, instead of trying to accommodate and adjust the selection process and upset the working environment and effectiveness of existing units.
So, there may be 1 in a million, and that person is still excluded from joining a team and participating in combat operations. What value does that have. It gives you a bad rep, and the person won't achieve their career goal, which sucks for them.

But the solution is not, to accommodate and lower standarts, in existing units. Therefore, maybe ....
Standards have not been lowered for females at RASP, RASP 2, and SURT. The overall selections have been revamped to better fit modern understandings of sports and performance psychology. There can be arguments made that the old ways of mind numbing smoking bred a tougher individual and I partially agree with this. With all that said, the standards are the same.
...In the nearly four years since the Pentagon announced it was opening all combat jobs to women , at least 30 have earned the Army Ranger tab, two have graduated Marine infantry school and three have passed the grueling initial assessment phase for Green Beret training...

So the empirical science is in!

IOC (2) > SFAS (3) > Ranger (30)
(where ">" means harder than)

OMG, muhreen is harder than Rambo, lololololol!

So the empirical science is in!

IOC (2) > SFAS (3) > Ranger (30)
(where ">" means harder than)

OMG, muhreen is harder than Rambo, lololololol!


The path to IOC v. Ranger School for Women Service Members has been significantly different.

They were still doing this at 1AD when I was there, women volunteers were OPCONNED to the Divisional Pre-Ranger course for a period of two months before going through division pre-ranger. Then went through Pre-Ranger at Bliss. Following completion of that they had a recovery period and went to Warrior Training Center at Ft Benning and went through the National Guard's Pre-Ranger course. If they passed that, they returned to Home-Station for Recovery for roughly one-month to six-weeks and then classed up to Ranger School at Ft Benning. Previous to the establishment of the 1AD Pre-Ranger course, they had a TACON attachment to DIV HQ where the women Volunteers spent 4+ months away from their units. The training path for any male Soldier at 1AD was pretty much a solo event until he went through DIV Pre-Ranger.

Mind,Marine IOC was open to women volunteers well before Ranger School was. The course was changed, likely to allow women to complete the course (or so it was said). This is opinion, but it's in this thread. You could say that Standards across the board were basically lowered. The Endurance Course-12 Hour Endurance Run and Obstacle Course previously was an entrance requirement to Marine IOC. Unlike ABOLC or IBOLC for the Army, there is no in-processing on Day 1 because Marines selected for IOC following TBS class up into IOC Prep. Basically a period of getting super fucking fit so that they can sustain the chronic load that IOC puts on Marines. The E-Course ate up Male Marine Officers, I think the figure was previously like 15-20% of an IOC class would get a new MOS following the the failure of the E-Course. Well, now the E-Course is no longer a pass/fail requirement. There were a few women to pass the E-Course before they changed this requirement. However, those that did usually had to physically withdraw because IOC is tough and it was breaking their bodies down. IOC today is still extremely tough course and the numbers show it.

They are different courses (both hard as shit), but the prep periods seem to be completely different approaches.

Another course to look at that's been open a long time and few British Women Soldiers and Marines have passed over time is the Royal Marine Commando Course. The data on this stuff is pretty succinct. The ROI isn't really there, but if you took the Marine or British path, I don't think you're investing that much extra time or money. But the Army's approach has pulled Women Officers and Senior NCOs away from their units for significantly longer periods than is expected of their male counterparts.
...This has been brought up before, but if the ( political ) demands ( and sjw complaints :rolleyes: ) are ( were ) so high, why not test and create an all-female special operations unit like Norway did...

Because the impetus behind the politics is diversity and inclusiveness and the abolition of segregated units.
, why not test and create an all-female special operations unit like Norway did, instead of trying to accommodate and adjust the selection process and upset the working environment and effectiveness of existing units.
It should be noted that the Jegertroppen was (it is claimed) created to meet a specific operational need for females - i.e. being female was an important quality in itself. All other NORSOF units are still open to females, however none have yet passed the selection courses as far as I’m aware.
With all that said, the standards are the same.

That is good to hear.

However the issue remains and is reflected in other countries. There are females who make the cut, but are denied access to SF teams and deployment in combat operations, from what I gather. So far, on the internet, I've heard mostly if not only cons from ppl who serve in such units and their objections about females being part in such a working environment ( SF teams, combat etc ), all sound very plausible tbh.

That is why I ask about all-female units.
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I think they ought to let those women progress without using them as subject matter for their articles. Let them be and allow them to do their jobs without the spotlight. But, that's just my grunt way of thinking....