Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

I have a theory that the reason some are scared to fully go after the culprits, is that they'll be seen as the actual provocateurs and too extreme to their voting base especially the fence sitters.

Yes, it's cowardly. It would be nice if they did the long game and used a few proxies with nothing to lose to get in office and going after them and then once the objectives have been accomplished, let another moderate take over for the office. Which is what I am suspecting that the Left has been doing for some time now.
It is beyond cowardly - its almost criminal how badly they shirk their duty to actually represent their voters.

Its like these assholes standing at the podium during the Democritic Nuptial Consecration of Madam Vice Prezidense and saying "if Trump gets in office he's gonna weaponize the justice system against his opponents"
...after Obama weaponized BOTH the DOJ and the IRS against his critics
...then Trump got in office and didn't
...then Biden got in office and did
...then as soon as the Democritic Nuptial Consecration of Madam Vice Prezidense ended; the democrits got another partisan prosecutor to make up MORE charges against their political opponent

The republicans are WORSE than the democrats - at least with the democrats there is no doubt that you are going to get fucked in the ass in a dark room in the musty basement of a seedy motel...
...republicans just stand across the room and yell at them to stop
Have you guys been watching the videos about the failures of the USSS during Trump's assassination attempt? Total incompetency, and the fact that Jill who gives a F Biden, a first lady with no constitutional powers or was running for office nor even was in office, had more assets protecting her than Trump, is absolutely disgraceful and disgusting.

And I find it interesting that Blackwater said that the USSS refuses to do foreign missions where it cannot control things, yet Blackwater can and hasn't lost one VIP yet. Geezus.

Holy feck I honestly didn't know just how incompetent they've gotten the feds to be ever since Bill Clinton.

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They didnt fail to protect Trump - they failed to get him - they may HAVE to put him in jail since they can't find a patsy to cover the point spread for them.

The left means what they said...
"under no circumstances"
"at any cost"
"threat to democracy"

...why doesn't anyone want to believe what the left is telling them ?
I was on reddit last night, r/army reading about some triple tabbed woman LT. The comments were a mix of women are just as strong as men, these women are tougher than me, and older GWOT vets and other non-woke people that think the standards were changed are idiots.

I can't imagine what the next major war will look like. And that was the Army. Imagine the general populace trying to determine who is fit to run the country.

We're making these women out to be celebrities and they are not completing KD time to the same standard as their peers. They're becoming Instagram hoes. I mean good on you for using your tab to get that brand deal I guess.


While Bush was president the Democrats and their asshoke mega donors like Mark Cuban and Harvey Weinstein spent time and money to convert America's social institutions into bastions of libtardism. When Zero became president the media overnight went an institution that held the administration accountable to cheerleaders. Notice that when Kamala became presumptive nominee they shover their head up her sphincter and started snarfing her waste. I mean the NYT called her limp husband a new age sex symbol. Dude doesn't even lift or run, he's a skinny fat that probably couldn't shoulder an M-4 Carbine. Yet he's loving the travel paid for by you the citizen.

Oh, but let's actually talk about her record. She was tough on crime. The problem is she'll also take the rights of you, the law abiding citizen so maybe you'll have to go all Punisher on her DoJ when they come for you over some speeding tickets. Except they would try to put you in a maximum security prison for speeding tickets.
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1: You okay, friend?

2: Assuming you were not having a literal stroke as you were typing, a friendly reminder that booze+serious topics often equates gibberish. On the other hand, Booze +dot.thread often equates hilarity.

3: Either way, both equal entertainment, so carry on with your bad self!

4: One of my favorite perks of being a mod is being able to read the original posts after editing.

5: All for now.

1: You okay, friend?

2: Assuming you were not having a literal stroke as you were typing, a friendly reminder that booze+serious topics often equates gibberish. On the other hand, Booze +dot.thread often equates hilarity.

3: Either way, both equal entertainment, so carry on with your bad self!

4: One of my favorite perks of being a mod is being able to read the original posts after editing.

5: All for now.

I attempted, clearly not well enough to do a @Box .
4: One of my favorite perks of being a mod is being able to read the original posts after editing.
Oof, lol.

I'm so guilty of the "Damn the proofreading, pull post ahead...well F me running, typos wth endless edits, haha."

Damnit, I outplayed myself with correcting a typo before proofreading. Go ahead and hand me my "I we todded" sign.
Oh Boy. When I first saw this Billy Carter flashed into my brain for a minute for some reason.
Exclusive | Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology,’ believes VP hopeful is not ‘type of character’ who should make decisions about US’ future

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz is not the “type of character” who should make decisions about America’s future, his older brother warned in a series of damning Facebook comments this week.

“I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology,” Jeff Walz declared Friday evening about the far-left Minnesota governor and running mate of Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

And he has so little faith in his kid brother, Jeff Walz is now considering publicly endorsing former President Trump’s White House run, he told a Facebook poster who urged him to “Get on stage with President Trump and endorse him.”
If the Commie Cunt is elected and does this, that would open up government control/oversight of sites like this as well. This will lead to the same bullshit happening in the UK and what Trudeau is starting here.

Oh Ok, Kammie, so freedom of speech isn't really a thing in America....

I dont want to lose Twitter. Its the best forum to enjoy Trump Derangement Syndrome.
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