Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread


Second bolded part: what leverage, exactly, are we getting for funding Fatah and Hamas? Hamas is at war with the same country that we're giving billions of dollars a year to, and have been for decades. They are existential, zero-sum enemies...

I'm all about paying people to support our interests, but when they're acting directly against those interests, we either need to do something immediate and meaningful about it, or cease our support...

My best guess is, that at the top levels of intelligence and strategic planning, the idea of giving up aid to all sides would result in the obvious war, laying waste to the region for a while. Energy costs would spike. Every $10 increase in the price of a barrel of oil costs American consumers about $200m/day. We are cruising along around $70-80/barrel with Houthis and Ukraine going on. I couldn't imagine what it would be when shit goes haywire in the ME, but we get the point.

A huge war would also cause chaos with the resulting refugees and that would endanger our other more "useful" allies in the region.

I read the article you linked. I knew about the posters and paintings of "martyrs" but never the financial incentives. Holy shit, $39 grand/yr and a possible job, that's a lot of scratch.
My best guess is, that at the top levels of intelligence and strategic planning, the idea of giving up aid to all sides would result in the obvious war, laying waste to the region for a while. Energy costs would spike. Every $10 increase in the price of a barrel of oil costs American consumers about $200m/day. We are cruising along around $70-80/barrel with Houthis and Ukraine going on. I couldn't imagine what it would be when shit goes haywire in the ME, but we get the point.

A huge war would also cause chaos with the resulting refugees and that would endanger our other more "useful" allies in the region.

I read the article you linked. I knew about the posters and paintings of "martyrs" but never the financial incentives. Holy shit, $39 grand/yr and a possible job, that's a lot of scratch.
I'm pretty sure you previously read "Give War a Chance" but for those who haven't, here's a related post: With Gaza, Maybe We Need To Just "Give War a Chance" • The Havok Journal

Our money, and our policies, are a large part of what's fueling the fighting in the Middle East. Given Iran a ton of money was a huge mistake, and they used it to attack us and our allies and our interests. Giving money to Gaza and Hamas (wait, they're more or less the same thing) is a huge mistake, and they use it to attack us and our allies and our interests.

If our money isn't buying the desired results, we should stop giving it out. And if they're using it to harm us... then we should make them pay.
"Good guys, bad guys, made-up words. Let's see who formerly owned this gorgeous hunk-uh. Ah, this guy was an arms dealer. Made his bank selling weapons to the bad guys. Oh… And the good."
―DJ, from Star Wars: The Last Jedi
So the new vet left narrative is to not thank them for their service if voting for Trump.

I didn't know thanking someone for being selfless was conditional. That's not being selfless, in fact that's being selfish.

It's part of the Left's ongoing criminalization of Republicans. If you're not one of them, you should be in jail.
It's part of the Left's ongoing criminalization of Republicans. If you're not one of them, you should be in jail.
Weird. The party that preaches tolerance, love, unity, and zero hate, is doing the exact opposite.

Projection, I keep mentioning it and people can disagree if they want but the facts remain unchanged because it's very real.
I'm a supporter but he vowed to release the Kennedy files too. I'll wait.....
I hope he does both of those things. The JFK assassination happened well over 50 years ago. Whatever "sources and methods" that needed to be protected are outdated. Any unindicted co-conspirators have to be either dead or in advanced old age. Let the people know.
I hope he does both of those things. The JFK assassination happened well over 50 years ago. Whatever "sources and methods" that needed to be protected are outdated. Any unindicted co-conspirators have to be either dead or in advanced old age. Let the people know.
When Joe Biden wasn't yet in government, you know its time.
Can anyone explain what Drumpf is supposed to mean? So his family changed their surname, oh em gees !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111

Like seriously, that's weak sauce. As weak as overfilling an MRE heater thinking you're smarter than everyone else.
Whatever you think of Bob Dylan, Masters of War kind of nailed war for profit.

Investigating Basketball Wives GIF by VH1

And I hope that you die
And your death will come soon
I'll follow your casket
By the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead