I'd be willing to accept the suggestion that a mandatory buy back - is in fact - confiscation - just disguised by words that sound like there is some type of commerce taking place.
I didn't buy anything from the government so how can I sell something BACK o the government? MAKING me "sell" something BACK to the government when they are going to "pay" me with my very own tax money is nothing less than confiscation under the veil of commerce for stupid people that don't understand commerce
or liberty
or tyranny
or the definition of 'mandatory'
The government doesn't need to go door to door. They just need to set an example of what they will bring if they come to "your" house - and millions will comply out of fear. The rest can be rounded up over time when it becomes convenient to drive that warning home for a few hundred thousand more peasants that wont fall in line.
They've already demonstrated that they will murder Randy Weavers wife - consequence free- if you don't play ball. They will burn down your commune and leave your children and family members to die in the flames - even though they could have had the sheriff pick you up in town - if you dont submit.
...they dont need to go door to door - they just need to scare some folks into submission and get them to "say something when they see something"
It worked for the Stasi, it can work here too.
They can just say "bring your shit in or else" and people will flock to the mandatory buy back center. The lines will be insane. The internet will lag from so many folks trying to sell their shit online before the price drops - just like folks couldn't wait to jump on Obamas cash-for-clunkers program. Just like the legions of people that couldn't WAIT to register their AR pistols with the Bureau of Booze, Cigarettes and MachineGuns when the AFT unilaterally redefined the word "brace" - just because theaAFT promised to expedite the paperwork
The USA is full of folks that can't wait for Novemeber to end so they can swallow their "blue pill" and get back to pretending that nothing is wrong in America. Because they can't admit to themselves that the government will do whatever they please, whenever they please and those same people know that taking the red pill means you have to stay in wonder land...
There are people in governmnet - TODAY - seeking control of the governmnet - TODAy - that are currently DEMANDING that you accept their disinformation under the mantel of one of them being misquoted or taken out of context or misunderstood (lest you be accused of being a racist, sexist, estremist, or MAGA supporter) - all the while stating quite clearly that you or I should be held criminally accountable for spreading misinformation like saying...
...COVID came from poor lab procedures
...masks and social distancing "might" not work like the government says it does
...vaccines are supposed to keep you from getting sick
...there are only two genders
...FaceBook colluded with the government to impact election results
...the earth is round
You know - things that are all true - but in direct contravention to approved left wing narratives.
Nah, I'm going to go ahead and state clearly that what I heard in that video was ABSOLUTELY a top Harris surrogate and sitting US Senator giving verification that YES the democrats are going to confiscate your private property under the guise of "mandatory commerce" if they are able to finish their takeover of the US government in November...
...rewind it and play it again; pay close attention to the part when his lips are moving and its clear that he will happily interject the word "mandatory" in the leftist assault on those pesky inalienable rights that we all think our creator endowed us with
The 2d amendment to the Bill of Government Approved Privileges is in danger my friends - but its OK - because they are going to pay you for it.
Yes, sir. You are right. "Buy Back" is just fucking code.