Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Who is “they”?

No snark intended, genuine question.
Super Crazy people who also ID as a voter of Biden and now Kamala? But if you don't people are starting to believe the deep state wants to kill him like it also thinks the deep state killed Kennedy...well, broken clocks and stufff.
Someone explain how the guy who's had two high profile attempts on this life is the person turning up the flames?

And Not Kamala and her friend in office?


This is also ridiculous, how do these people have jobs?
Go find someone bullying others online in any social media when those being bullied for saying we should all be respectful in disagreement, and you'll find the target audience on why they still have those yellow media jobs.
Interesting, shooter voted in NC primary this year. Is he now a N

He is from NC as far as I have heard. Long criminal history in Greensboro.

I think this all a conspiracy against this fine gentleman as NC law prohibits gun ownership with the crimes for which he has been found guilty.
USSS being compromised.....

How do we know they are not brother? I'm not a cop, I'm not SS but how do these things happen?

Sometimes the prevailing political attitude at the very top of the Administration--in this case, Trump hate--has a way of filtering down into various departments and influencing certain behaviors of those in the decision-making tier who want to please their boss and keep their job.

The Secret Service may not be compromised among the rank and file who bravely soldier on. But I've seen top commanders in the military bend with the prevailing breezes, and the Secret Service--at least at the top--is just another government agency, like the military, the ATF, the FBI, and not immune to pressure, however subtle.
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