Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Agreed. But Harris owned that debate, largely because Trump failed to succinctly go after key facts. He needed to control the narrative and press the points and did not do so.

This is the exact point I made back when Harris got picked up.

He had an exceptionally good night against Biden, but he also seemed to be very prepped and uncommonly reserved.

Trump beats Harris in a debate if he comes into it with the posture he did in the last one.

If he comes in aggressive and off the cuff, his chances of saying some crazy shit shoot up exponentially.

Talking about how much Victor Orban likes him, Joe Biden, and people "eating dogs and cats" were all turns off topic that didn't really work.
Yeah, that came off as bizarre and unnecessary. He didn't need to mention it at all, but dogs and cats are not geese.

Well that's the thing. It started with a guy claiming migrants were killing ducks and geese in the park, then turned into a woman on Facebook saying "her friend's daughters cat" was found strung up in a neighbor's yard, which then turned into a bunch of other people who "heard so-and-so's" pet went missing.

The NY Post has a good wrap-up of how unrelated images/videos helped push the story.
Yep! Found out ABC is owned by The Disney Corp, so it's no wonder why they hold water for the regime.

I feel bad for Walt Disney, the man was an ardent anti-communist. His company and name now are being used to promote the same ideologies he despised.

Listening to Megyn Kelly's post debate show this morning on the way to work, she stated ABC's CEO is a close friend of Harris. Apparently he had something to do with one of her past relationships.

Instead of watching ABC throw softballs to the Socialist dictator-in-waiting, I went online and bought a bunch of ammo.

Priorities, gentlemen.

My first thoughts too, IDK why. I picked up some Critical Defense and Sabre Blade Black Tip. Did pretty good against gel on YouTube LOL
A couple examples of opportunity lost:

Harris says she's not taking guns, her and Walz are gun owners. Trump should've very specifically and directly asked her about banning the AR-15...and then be prepared for follow up based on her answer. She may not want to ban "all" guns, but Harris-Walz have been clear on their intention to ban and severely restrict this and other firearms.

On Harris' comments that there is "not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world". Again, blatantly false. Among other places, we obviously know troops are in a combat role in Syria and Iraq, as an example - just a week or so ago, 7 soldiers were injured in an attack on their base.

Point is, Trump has to return fire on these opportunities. He failed to do so last night and moderators didn't seem to be interested in fact checking Kamala.

One area I will give Trump a little credit is his willingness to hang in a hostile setting, sometimes to a fault. He doesn't shy away from potential conflict. He may not handle criticism well, be he's generally there for the fight.
Man I love this timeline. Big shout out to folks in here ignoring testimony from the actual residents describing the active destruction of an Ohio town by replacing 15% of their residents with illegal aliens and crippling their emergency services in favor of trying (unsuccessfully) to dunk on people they assume are their political rivals.

The residents are terrified; their homes are in shambles, and they need help, thanks to this administration. And yet again, we play this cynical game.

Here's the timeline we can all expect. See also; drag queen story hour, tampons in men's bathrooms, lucky charms being better than meat, the Steele Dossier, Hunter's Laptop, "very fine people", transgender "women" raping children in shared bathrooms- you get it. (You don't, we will do this again shortly.)

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying.”

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The "data" supports the no cash bail policies far left DAs around the country have implemented. Since doing so, there has been no increasee in crime. Alas, the woman who is killed by a rapist who had been arrested 20 times is just an anecdote.

Yeah crime is down...

because people report it less

women and elderly know not to go certain places at certain times

the stores in high crime neighborhoods shutdown long ago

the stores left over have half their goods locked up now

stealing $500 of stuff because you are a drug addict is no longer a felony

homeless people can now shit on your lawn and leave their needles everywhere....

People don't feel safe because of Faux News.
I will be honest. Although I hope Trump wins, and I am not sure he can, I will not be surprised if Harris wins. And I will spend 4 (more) years of saying "I told you so."

I'm afraid you're right.

As a voting-age adult I've lived through four Democratic Presidents, a combined 24 years under Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden. Individual Americans had their lives disrupted incredibly under Carter. He was a disaster.

And I honestly believe Kamala Harris is going to be another Carter.
I'm afraid you're right.

As a voting-age adult I've lived through four Democratic Presidents, a combined 24 years under Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden. Individual Americans had their lives disrupted incredibly under Carter. He was a disaster.

And I honestly believe Kamala Harris is going to be another Carter.

We survived Carter and became stronger because of it (thank you, Ronald Reagan!). We can weather a Harris shit storm.

But can we weather her ambitious liberal agenda of stacking the SCOTUS, ending the filibuster, adding DC and/or PR to statehood, and the other measures that will cement the democrats holds on our country?
We survived Carter and became stronger because of it (thank you, Ronald Reagan!). We can weather a Harris shit storm.

But can we weather her ambitious liberal agenda of stacking the SCOTUS, ending the filibuster, adding DC and/or PR to statehood, and the other measures that will cement the democrats holds on our country?
We're in a similar situation with Trudeau and he's just getting started with crazy idea's. If Harris and Trudeau are elected, throw in the new female President of Mexico; North America is fucked and the rest of the world follows. Europe is already fucked.

Edit: dumbass spelling
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We survived Carter and became stronger because of it (thank you, Ronald Reagan!). We can weather a Harris shit storm.

But can we weather her ambitious liberal agenda of stacking the SCOTUS, ending the filibuster, adding DC and/or PR to statehood, and the other measures that will cement the democrats holds on our country?
There are only so many storms even a strong ship can withstand before it sinks to the bottom.

"Ships don't sink because of the water around them. They sink because of the water that gets *in* them."

We have a lot of water inside our ship right now.