Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

I don’t know if this guy is legit or a crackpot but I'll be following to see what comes of this...
For the umpteenrh time, pease stop (everyone) posting random shit in this thread that you literally acknowledge could be real or fake. In this case you are not even sure about the source.

If someone wants to begin a thread designated for internet rumors with no way to validate?

For the umpteenrh time, pease stop (everyone) posting random shit in this thread that you literally acknowledge could be real or fake. In this case you are not even sure about the source.

If someone wants to begin a thread designated for internet rumors with no way to validate?

WSJ was looking into it already. Whistleblower or not, they kept score.

ETA: One of the authors was a pollster and advisor to the Clintons.
Man I love this timeline. Big shout out to folks in here ignoring testimony from the actual residents describing the active destruction of an Ohio town by replacing 15% of their residents with illegal aliens and crippling their emergency services in favor of trying (unsuccessfully) to dunk on people they assume are their political rivals.

The residents are terrified; their homes are in shambles, and they need help, thanks to this administration. And yet again, we play this cynical game.

Here's the timeline we can all expect. See also; drag queen story hour, tampons in men's bathrooms, lucky charms being better than meat, the Steele Dossier, Hunter's Laptop, "very fine people", transgender "women" raping children in shared bathrooms- you get it. (You don't, we will do this again shortly.)

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Notice how that was the exact playbook to make Coach Walz's cowardice become bravery over JD Vance's actual service and bootstrapping?

ETA: I hope all y'all were out there today being good middle class men taking pride in their lawn, doing the edge work yo get your edges looking fine and the grass off the sidewalk.

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Somebody needs to glue her hands together. I don't know what is more annoying, her voice or her constantly flapping her hands around. 🙄
Her voice. There is much condescension tones in it when she speaks her polar opposite of anything remotely close to being melodious in note.

She's not as vile of a person as Brandon but she's still contemptable enough that the mute button is a feature of importance on the tubes.
Who is “they”?

No snark intended, genuine question.

Well, I’m not a conspiracy guy—as you know—but how did the shooter know when Trump would be on the golf course? Trump doesn’t play every day. Did the shooter camp out within rifle range for days on end waiting for Trump to decide to play? Seriously, how long are you able to hide in an ambush site with an AK47 in an upscale residential neighborhood before somebody spots you?

He had to know. And someone with knowledge either leaked it inadvertently or the shooter was tipped off.

For all I know, it could’ve been a caddie shooting his mouth off…or it could’ve been something more nefarious. My spidey senses are tingling.