Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

But the one I think of for the best fit might be the Marshalls?

Diplomatic Security Service Agents have the closest mission set, as they do security for non-head of state dignitaries.
Wonder if it's a bit of "turf war" that's prevented that from happening. If Fed LEOs love anything it's pissing contests over who gets to do what mission.
So, I'm looking for an actual report on the google. But according to Fox, and the report from the Committee. The USSS has not been providing the same level of security as they do to the current president.

Maybe it's too many movies. BUT I thought the moment someone becomes the nominee they get the same level of protection? And if the USSS needs to augment the detail there are numerous Federal Law Enforcement Agencies that can supply officers and agents for this detail. But the one I think of for the best fit might be the Marshalls?

WTH is going on.

Don't think Trump was officially the nominee until the Republican convention, and the delegates officially name him.

But, he has had a detail since being president. His detail asked for more support, but was denied....hence the USSS firing of director and others.

Since the USSS is under the DHS umbrella, they get supplemented with HSI SA's, and other gun carrying LEO's that fall under DHS. But, the election period is a huge manpower suck and is one of the reasons USSS SA's have retired, or moved to other agencies....

As far as the DSS, they are far too small and the bulk of their agents are OCONUS, as they are a foreign service. The do have a PSD team, and tactical PSD team that travels with the head of the State department. They have lead on the UN General Assembly that happens every year, and they pull from a lot of agencies for assistance, a HSI friend of mine has had to go for the past five years.....and do Texas border TDY's and either the DNC or RNC every election year, he feels like he is pulled in too many directions.

Maybe having the USSS be purely a protective service might be a good idea....

Unfortunately, violence toward elected officials seems to be the way crazies go now.....just think how hard it is to have a protective bubble in open areas you don't fully control, and your principle has to get out and meet and greet.....I would hate that job.
Don't think Trump was officially the nominee until the Republican convention, and the delegates officially name him.

But, he has had a detail since being president. His detail asked for more support, but was denied....hence the USSS firing of director and others.

Since the USSS is under the DHS umbrella, they get supplemented with HSI SA's, and other gun carrying LEO's that fall under DHS. But, the election period is a huge manpower suck and is one of the reasons USSS SA's have retired, or moved to other agencies....

As far as the DSS, they are far too small and the bulk of their agents are OCONUS, as they are a foreign service. The do have a PSD team, and tactical PSD team that travels with the head of the State department. They have lead on the UN General Assembly that happens every year, and they pull from a lot of agencies for assistance, a HSI friend of mine has had to go for the past five years.....and do Texas border TDY's and either the DNC or RNC every election year, he feels like he is pulled in too many directions.

Maybe having the USSS be purely a protective service might be a good idea....

Unfortunately, violence toward elected officials seems to be the way crazies go now.....just think how hard it is to have a protective bubble in open areas you don't fully control, and your principle has to get out and meet and greet.....I would hate that job.

I would say even a chipmunk could have figured out that this needed to be sorted well before the first assassination attempt.
Don't think Trump was officially the nominee until the Republican convention, and the delegates officially name him.

But, he has had a detail since being president. His detail asked for more support, but was denied....hence the USSS firing of director and others.

Since the USSS is under the DHS umbrella, they get supplemented with HSI SA's, and other gun carrying LEO's that fall under DHS. But, the election period is a huge manpower suck and is one of the reasons USSS SA's have retired, or moved to other agencies....

As far as the DSS, they are far too small and the bulk of their agents are OCONUS, as they are a foreign service. The do have a PSD team, and tactical PSD team that travels with the head of the State department. They have lead on the UN General Assembly that happens every year, and they pull from a lot of agencies for assistance, a HSI friend of mine has had to go for the past five years.....and do Texas border TDY's and either the DNC or RNC every election year, he feels like he is pulled in too many directions.

Maybe having the USSS be purely a protective service might be a good idea....

Unfortunately, violence toward elected officials seems to be the way crazies go now.....just think how hard it is to have a protective bubble in open areas you don't fully control, and your principle has to get out and meet and greet.....I would hate that job.

Republican nominee or not, as a former POTUS he gets coverage.

Regardless, PSD can be framed out if done right. It has been for decades.
“They” — Leftists— have tried just about everything short of physical violence to put this guy away. And haven’t been able to do it because in their zeal they’ve twisted the law into the pretzel zone.

What’s next here at the DHS? Oh, maybe we can pare down protective resources (to save the taxpayers money, you understand)…

And if you want to distance yourself from involvement in some nefarious plot you tacitly encourage some well meaning fool to be the fall guy, someone who’s just crazy enough to give you plausible deniability but physically fit enough to pull a trigger.

Not that I necessarily believe that… but just tossing it out there as not beyond the realm of possibilities considering some of the batshit goofy Larry Lightbulb covert plans that have been hatched between DC and Fairfax County VA since 1949.
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Hmmm, you know assassination attempts are common place for POTUS on both sides. Obviously the shot to the ear was pretty damn disappointing for all security personnel involved. However, with the new found fist in the air sensationalism. Is it possible that any and all common place threats, are being, well idk, over sensationalized, because you know, we are talking about a dude who is master at manipulating the media and you know, kinda keeping himself in the headlines. Maybe even bad news is great exposure, or something like that?

The problem IMHO, is kinda the same as school shootings. The media, social media, cheese puff eaters in the basement, all making a ruckus over the event, tend to encourage copycats... Hints why, once upon a time, the USSS never publicized assassination attempts until well after it happened and in many cases never alerted the public at all.

I got no dog in the fight, I am not for either Kamala or Trump. But it seems to me this stuff is pretty straightforward. I mean the USSS got it wrong for a umpteen years, so now they need to restructure? The FBI is feeding Intel and intentionally allowing threats on their radar run a muck? I would think some loose lips would have sank that ship by now...

Just my $.02
Hmmm, you know assassination attempts are common place for POTUS on both sides. Obviously the shot to the ear was pretty damn disappointing for all security personnel involved. However, with the new found fist in the air sensationalism. Is it possible that any and all common place threats, are being, well idk, over sensationalized, because you know, we are talking about a dude who is master at manipulating the media and you know, kinda keeping himself in the headlines. Maybe even bad news is great exposure, or something like that?

The problem IMHO, is kinda the same as school shootings. The media, social media, cheese puff eaters in the basement, all making a ruckus over the event, tend to encourage copycats... Hints why, once upon a time, the USSS never publicized assassination attempts until well after it happened and in many cases never alerted the public at all.

I got no dog in the fight, I am not for either Kamala or Trump. But it seems to me this stuff is pretty straightforward. I mean the USSS got it wrong for a umpteen years, so now they need to restructure? The FBI is feeding Intel and intentionally allowing threats on their radar run a muck? I would think some loose lips would have sank that ship by now...

Just my $.02

Of all the presidents, presidential candidates, and former presidents who have been assassinated or attempted to be, all were Republican except one, Kennedy. I am not saying that as to imply some larger picture, just an interesting bit of trivia.
Of all the presidents, presidential candidates, and former presidents who have been assassinated or attempted to be, all were Republican except one, Kennedy. I am not saying that as to imply some larger picture, just an interesting bit of trivia.
Not trying to undercut or refute your point but I think it would be appropriate to include RFK… which would make that two from the Kennedy clan.