Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Of all the presidents, presidential candidates, and former presidents who have been assassinated or attempted to be, all were Republican except one, Kennedy. I am not saying that as to imply some larger picture, just an interesting bit of trivia.

To add to this, even though Kennedy was a democrat he was an ardent anti-communist, shot by a guy with extreme left-wing tendencies.

RFK was shot by a Palestinian.

Both Kennedys were essentially conservative when it came to foreign policy.
So Trump only had one attempt? As far as I can tell this last idiot didn’t get any shots off.

I need some coffee for this response, but I admittedly painted with a narrow brush. My poorly stated point is you'll see "plot to kill" and "attempt to kill" thrown around in the media for a number of important figures. We, the general public, should probably put a bit of intellectual energy into what's reported vice what happened. This guy was an attempt, but I'll bet a dollar "plots" and "attempts" are overstated in the media and by people who should know better, but need clicks on their platform.
How can anyone not see through this complete gibberish?!

It's not that people cant see through it - they just don't want to acknowledge seeing through it.
...Emperor's new cloths and all that jazz.

Imagine spending a portion of your adult life in an EXPENSIVE institute of higher learning - a place that claims to teach people "how to think" instead of teaching them "what to think"
a place that claims to champion the cause of free speech
a place that claims to champion the cause of personal freedom
a place that conditions people to "Know" that they are better than everyone else
...and then you realize that ALL of the reasons that you cite for hating an opposition-politician are lies

Before long - even a child is able to see through the charade - and even call out the ruse - but the "elites will just continue to go along supporting the subterfuge - NOT because they are ignorant or just plain stupid - but because they don't want the REST of the elites to accuse them of being ignorant and stupid.

Even the Empress - fully aware that she is completely full of shit - just continues her procession, PROUDLY - because she knows that well....
...mother fuck you peasants
...just fuck right off you silly Americans and vote yourselves into tyranny OR ELSE

"its time to rip off the band aid and eat our peas"
- Barak Hussein Obama
Wait, I thought this was fact checked as false?


I think you might be conflating two stories.

The video was going around claiming she was a Hatian migrant in Springfield. The only fact check I ever saw was correcting it to the info in the description, I.E. she's an American in a completely different city who was doped up out of her mind.
I think you might be conflating two stories.

The video was going around claiming she was a Hatian migrant in Springfield. The only fact check I ever saw was correcting it to the info in the description, I.E. she's an American in a completely different city who was doped up out of her mind.
Conflating? Or projection of conflation? To be fair though I was hearing actual conflation from both sides, more so from the left by the way.

Two things here. Sometimes information being forwarded gets conflated. Give me a school circle with members of this board. I guarantee what I will first tell you will eventually come back to me differently.

Whom they called was definitely suspect. Go call your town office right now and tell me that you immediately went through. I rest my case on this fact alone that something was indeed off here.

Do you honestly feel that the mediator whom I heard was a biased twit, had honestly fact checked it correctly and didn't indeed set it up prior to? Who owns ABC by the way and where do they lean politically, hm?

I won't even go off topic with my original post about how they didn't go after her obvious lies to the public.

But the cat thing did happen. regardless of how and where, it did happen.

Now this not directed at you but to whom I am refwerring to: I'm still waiting for the one who liked your post to tell me that Walz had honestly gave true faith to the Army values, Soldier's Creed, and the NCO Creed. This will be time number three. Not answering tells me me a lot, knowing he's here to read what I asked tells me even more.
Is that a club? Are there dues? What do I have to do to join?

Steal some stray cats and rotisserie them.

I know the vast majority of the immigrants aren't' eating cats or whatever, but damn, why are we (as a country) even trying to act like things like this won't, don't, haven't, can't be happening?

Compassion doesn't last forever.
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First lady joined Cabinet meeting. She’s not running the US
Jill Biden didn’t lead the meeting or sit in the president’s usual spot; she was providing a scheduled update on her initiative for women’s health research. Joe Biden led the meeting. The binder is ceremonial.

Some conservative media outlets criticized her presence at the meeting, partly because it was the first one the president had held in 11 months, and might be his last before his presidency ends in January.