Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

I do start to worry when folks like him continue to state that democracy is a threat to democracy.

There's probably a good reason why the USA wasn't built as a straight democracy - its a democratic republic or a republic or a representative democracy - depending on who you ask - but his narrative that a "Uniparty" of sorts should make sure that a populist doesn't take office is dangerous in and of itself

When the POPULAR opinion is that both of the parties fucking suck - then populism may or may not be the only way to foist shitty leaders from their bunkers in permanent DC.

When "keeping the US nestled into global agreements that may or may not be in the best interest of the USA seems to "Trump" the idea that the governed should have a choice - well....

Do as you are told America - or else
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Dems still claim gun violence is the #1 killer of kids, ignoring the drug crises they created.
The same ones who think rules for thee but not for me and driving like idiots being reckless with their kids in the car from school? Their style of driving kills more kids than guns but hey let's have an ulterior motive and use kids as the talking point to get rid of the 2A.
In my pops hood. Lmfao

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Interesting to see this right now. Our county sheriff put it out on facebook that 50% of the meth coming from the border is being brought to our area for redistribution and there were butthurt people refusing to believe that Harris was at fault.

He put the runners on notice that he is getting a lot of resources from both the state and the feds to help rid the problem. We were cheering, the ones mad at those being vocal for the cheering tells a lot. Like the toothless woman from PA living in Ashfork, methbillyville central.