Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Exactly my point. He's been smiling and playing an everyman all his life, all the while living a lie and its got him all the way to the VP ticket. At the end of the day though, he wants to put tampons in the mens room, so he shouldnt be anywhere near the nuclear football.
The Walz you're seeing now is VERY different from the Walz Minnesotans have seen the past 4 years. Very different. The guy is a complete fraud.
When Vance was making a point or countering some of the BS he said Walz reminded me of a Don Rickles character. He started writing down stuff like he was going to do homework on the points Vance was making. Vance sounded like he was reciting a rehearsed play, not a mispoken word the whole time.

Vance kicked his ass.

However: this is America. We have people.that don't see anything wrong with HizBalls rockets raining on Israel because they have the iron dome. People that believe America is not exceptional, and the infrastructure and entertainment we enjoy is a product of stolen land colonialism. Anybody else that stole a bunch of land could pull it off. I don't think there was anything last night that could yank anybody off the fence, to the other side.

I'd like to see a VP debate on Fox or an open forum. That wojld be something.
One of the reasons the Republican Party is so screwed is because of the Lincoln Project, the Lincoln Projects successors, The McCains, and Liz Cheney. Hell, I'll even dunk on Paul Ryan being a problem. These people wasted four years by continuing to go after Trump instead of figuring out how to save their country...well that's if you think they aren't bought and paid for by the Democrats which they are.
One of the reasons the Republican Party is so screwed is because of the Lincoln Project, the Lincoln Projects successors, The McCains, and Liz Cheney. Hell, I'll even dunk on Paul Ryan being a problem. These people wasted four years by continuing to go after Trump instead of figuring out how to save their country...well that's if you think they aren't bought and paid for by the Democrats which they are.
Classic case of going after the messenger instead of the messenger's message like a proper adult with civil discourse would.
I'm all for us aiding the Ukraine to kill Soviets until the last male Ukrainian falls on the field of battle, but we've spent too much and gone too far.

We've depleted our stocks of arms and ammunition, especially the latter. At this point, I'd say re-arming is more to our benefit than who is sitting in Kiev. We just had a hurricane blast through our country. Where's our foreign aid? Where are our thoughts and prayers? Who is changing their social media icons to an American flag?

Yeah, thought so.

I'm far from an isolationist, but I think we've done enough for those folks. The people screaming the loudest for aid aren't writing checks...we are funding this little square dance. Time to tell them good night, good luck, and God bless.
i would honestly vote for anyone that could reduce our deficit and stop raising taxes. Trump didn’t do that, at all, and I don’t think Kamala will.

I fear that many people think that the cries for “raise the taxes on the rich” think that actually affects millionaires and billionaires. Who it really affects are people already paying 37% as well as Medicare and SS who aren’t millionaires and billionaires. That equates to close to 45% if you are in the bottom of those brackets. Paying what is a great total household income in taxes fucking sucks.

I would love to try and actually tax these ultra wealthy people, but their money is sheltered through debt obligation, and it is impossible for normal people to do that. It leaves a heavy burden on normal people, who work hard to give 10-37percent plus SS and Medicare every two weeks.
The wealthy are the landlords, the employers, and the provider of goods and services for sale though. You go after them, they have to make up for it so they raise prices and rent and make some goods smaller but charge more.

They tried this here with a proposition that made anyone making over 500k pay even more. Suddenly rents went up, mortgages went up, goods went up, services went up, and people were thinking that it was the rich being greedy. lol, nope, they were the ones wanting this redistribution were the sole ones responsible for it.

Ease up the taxes if you want prices down. Give them tax break incentives if the taxes go down and cost of living is reduced by them and make it to qualify they have to prove how they went about reducing things in monetary values.

Problem solve this instead of using the tax the rich BS. Over taxing is what's causing this, it ain't going to make the costs go down and anyone who tries to lie otherwise is again, LYING. I'm not even an economics major and even I can tell you how simple it really is.
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