Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

A "plot" and pulling the trigger (also explosives, car wrecks, whatever) aren't the same.

I can plot to overthrow the state of Alabama (America would be better off to be sure), but until I'm dropping physical violence on another person...are they the same?

Context matters. Let's be honest.

So Trump only had one attempt? As far as I can tell this last idiot didn’t get any shots off.
Of all the presidents, presidential candidates, and former presidents who have been assassinated or attempted to be, all were Republican except one, Kennedy. I am not saying that as to imply some larger picture, just an interesting bit of trivia.

To add to this, even though Kennedy was a democrat he was an ardent anti-communist, shot by a guy with extreme left-wing tendencies.

RFK was shot by a Palestinian.

Both Kennedys were essentially conservative when it came to foreign policy.
So Trump only had one attempt? As far as I can tell this last idiot didn’t get any shots off.

I need some coffee for this response, but I admittedly painted with a narrow brush. My poorly stated point is you'll see "plot to kill" and "attempt to kill" thrown around in the media for a number of important figures. We, the general public, should probably put a bit of intellectual energy into what's reported vice what happened. This guy was an attempt, but I'll bet a dollar "plots" and "attempts" are overstated in the media and by people who should know better, but need clicks on their platform.