Verified Military
Is it true that the only Trump rally CNN has covered is the one at which Trump happened to get shot? If so, I find that strange.
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Maybe he wants in on that head action?
Geez, I don't even have to try to sneak it in there with the double entendre as her reputation certainly precedes.
The thing is, I think this is affecting all of us.
I have low-T too and am definitely not a Democrat. I'm also sure there are plenty of Dems with considerably higher T than me.
The thing is, I think this is affecting all of us.
The "Signature Injury" of the War on Terror Is Not PTSD. It's Low-T. • The Havok Journal
I have low-T too and am definitely not a Democrat. I'm also sure there are plenty of Dems with considerably higher T than me.
That's interesting. If that's true, then we'd expect to see it in high-performing athletes as well? I wonder if that's the case.Yea, it may be one of those evolutionary biology studies that puts too much stock into single mechanisms.
if I'm remembering the study correctly, one of the purposed reasons wasn't that "high T makes you Conservative" but that the weak-Dems may have actually had more in agreements with Republicans but gave "social" answers. I.E. TRT just made them honest.
- As an aside on the low T thing; I found out about two years ago that my T was much lower for my age (low 300s) than normal. The Doc explained this is actually super common in service members.
Apparently, we are more at risk of developing exercise induced hypogonadism, I.E. so much endurance training (without recovery) over years tanks your T. Throw in the effect that high cortisol and bad sleep have on T production and it seems like it may effect more of us than we'd think.
Yea, it may be one of those evolutionary biology studies that puts too much stock into single mechanisms.
if I'm remembering the study correctly, one of the purposed reasons wasn't that "high T makes you Conservative" but that the weak-Dems may have actually had more in agreements with Republicans but gave "social" answers. I.E. TRT just made them honest.
- As an aside on the low T thing; I found out about two years ago that my T was much lower for my age (low 300s) than normal. The Doc explained this is actually super common in service members.
Apparently, we are more at risk of developing exercise induced hypogonadism, I.E. so much endurance training (without recovery) over years tanks your T. Throw in the effect that high cortisol and bad sleep have on T production and it seems like it may effect more of us than we'd think.
Low 300s? Bud you were in the normal range. I did performance bloods when I was working out like 20+ hours/week. And mine were not in the 300s. At the time I did this I was 25. And endocrinologist was like "sleep study". And then I did that and I found out I had sleep apnea. Fun times.
I was like in the best shape of my life, but I felt super haggard and not recovering well. Maybe it was the duty assignment.
For me it's more like "watching operators work" syndrome but yeah, that's a possibility.Some of you may have operator's syndrome, which explains the low T.
I thought that is how you raised your t levels. Wasn't that how they made Captain America?That's interesting. If that's true, then we'd expect to see it in high-performing athletes as well? I wonder if that's the case.
I just thought that the low-T phenomenon with service members was too much jerking off in overheated Port-O-Potties. ;)
That's interesting. If that's true, then we'd expect to see it in high-performing athletes as well? I wonder if that's the case.
No. High caliber or elite level (think national or world class level) athletes don't get to that point by training without rest and recovery. While they will have cycles of intense training, they also get to sleep in great beds, eat great food, and get the best in recovery aids (think massage, cold tanks, etc). I don't remember any of that being the case in the service.
Now, people that are over training, I fully expect to see the same thing. I'd expect it to occur in a lot of Ironman and marathon athletes that are good for their age group, but way over train and don't get enough rest/recovery because of day jobs, family life, and other social obligations.