Now I'm not really a big voter fraud/conspiracy guy, but, here in Minnesota, we had the following situation a week or two ago (I doubt any of this made national news):
This is a minivan with boxes of completed early voting ballots. The vehicle was found like this, open, unsecured, and unattended in a parking lot for over 5 minutes. The vehicle is owned by a courier company and travels around the county collecting ballots from various voting sites. The photo was taken by an election judge who just happened to be walking into the site at the time.
When transporting ballots, Minnesota law requires ballots be sealed and accompanied by
two election judges who are not of the same political party. The county, which has the largest population in Minnesota - includes Minneapolis, was responsible for this action and evidently didn't feel following the law or securing ballots was a priority.
The county brushed it off as a relatively minor, isolated issue and reportedly fired the courier, but that doesn't remotely address any of the real problems, like was this SOP, is the county now following the law, and how many other times did this occur?
As if that weren't bad enough, just yesterday, the Minnesota Supreme Court found the same county was violating election law by failing to appoint ANY Republican election judges to it's absentee ballot board. The county has until tomorrow to comply, although the consequence of non-compliance is unclear. In the meantime, more ballots continue to be received daily. As of today, over 250,000 absentee ballots have been received by the county. As of now, no remedy or consequence is in place.
Like I said, I'm not a big voter fraud/conspiracy guy, but these aren't minor issues and should concern every voter.
This is Tim Walz's Minnesota.