Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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My YT feed had a SNL sketch entitled "Coach Alan." In the skit a football team is getting beat and at halftime the head coach delivers a motivational speech. He then asks Coach Alan if he has anything to say and Alan begins haranguing the kids to pay him $20 for their jerseys. The skit continues along those lines until at the end the kids are fired write Alan a check for the jerseys.

And that's how I picture Coach Walz. A buffoon spouting garbage that doesn't matter. "Running a mean pick 6" sounds like a Madden nerd trying to sound cool. Had he said "running a mean 3-4" or a "mean nickel" would check out. Like the hunting photo op, he's punching out of his weight class, but setting the stage for the party's shenanigans if they are elected.
It is only my opinion - but the horrific angle to all of this is the very real possibility that Coach Walz is NOT punching out of his weight class.

He is punching down.
Democrats LOVE punching down.
They love reminding poor people that they are poor - they love reminding minority groups that they are minority groups - they love to exploit special interest groups...
...its what they do.

THAT is what scares the shit out of me.
Coach Walz doesn't give a shit. He knows he looked like an asshole when that video surfaced of him trying to butt fuck a shotgun.
He knows he looks like an asshole when he posts nonsensical shit on social media - "oOOo baby, AOC sure does know how to run a pick six" - but who really cares?
He isn't messaging "us" so it doesn't matter. He's messaging a legion of morons that that don't really know the different between a tailback and a babyback.
...and as long as "THEY" aren't calling him on his bullshit - the left and their sympathizers know everything is moving according to plan.

The truth is - the left uses their supporters as a "sentinel species"

Idiots like "Coach Walz" punch down at their supporters for the same reasons that 19th century coal miners took canaries underground with them. When you rely on the colossal fucking stupidity and gullibility of your supporters - you need a demographic that is particularly sensitive to carbon monoxide. Mouth breathing Leftist Democrats and Liberal Republicans routinely operate on very depressed levels of oxygen - they need as much as the rest of us - they just don't process it the same.
...its why they are all so fucking stupid and gullible

When the leftist "sentinel species" starts to properly process oxygen and their brains begin perfusing oxygen at levels associated with free thinking free citizens - it is just like a canary dropping dead in the coal mine. Politicians are on the lookout for free thinkers for all of the same reasons that coal miners are on the lookout for dead assed canaries...
...dead canaries can signal impending doom in the coal mines. thinking voters during an election cycle is catastrophic to a corrupt mouth breathing democrat or socialist minded RINO sympathizer.

These corrput fucks can spot a free thinker from a mile away.
-it's why they say bullshit like "poor kids can be as smart as white kids"
-its why they say things like "You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you"

It doesn't matter - because they know that that anyone with enough sense to call that shit out is an enemy voter. They recognize that accepting their idiocy is a sign that everyhting is ok.
The subterfuge is succeeding.
...but give a man some fucking oxygen to feed his brain and the subterfuge won't last's time to get moving boys - they're on to us.
...just like a dead fucking canary tells the miners that it time to go get some fresh air.

Fresh air is lethal to a democrat.
Fresh air will drop a socialist agenda in its tracks.
Fresh air will make a RINO wail in agony - maybe even force them to embrace the democratic agenda...
...I mean, after all Dick Cheney was also a VP candidate once - and he also proved his incompetence with a shotgun - and now he's voting for democrats.
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An old white guy tells Charlemagne that hes not really black if he doesn't vote for him - Karmelo says that the badorangeman is gonna take guns from black people and BAM
...ole' Charlemagne declares that she ain't ready to be the POTUS.

Joe Rogan cozies up to Trump
Bill Maher is bashing liberals
RFK is supporting a republican
Even Fredo Coumo is explaining why Trump supporters think the way they think

What in the actual fuck is going on around me?

Could the Detroit Lions run the table this year and win the Super Bowl?
Is Tom Cruise finally going to win an Oscar for "Best Male Actor in a Lead role"
Interesting to see the trends between 2024, 2020, and 2016.

View attachment 46088
This guy's analysis has been very close over the past few elections. He goes through stats and compares previous results. If you want to see trends, here ya go. Disclaimer: He admits in several of his videos that he personally leans to the right, but tries to avoid personal bias as much as possible.

First I heard of this, I live in Bucks County.

Well, then, you are part of the problem. Get your shit together.

In all seriousness, apparently some democrats have been badged as poll workers, so there's some sketch there. Also people in line turned away because the polls would close before they could vote, which is a violation of state law. Trump, et al., sued, a judge ordered extended hours through Friday.

In 2020 any evidence was guarded and often after the fact. People are a lot more cognizant on what to look for, and are recording it real-time and reporting it. It's all over twitter.
Well, then, you are part of the problem. Get your shit together.

In all seriousness, apparently some democrats have been badged as poll workers, so there's some sketch there. Also people in line turned away because the polls would close before they could vote, which is a violation of state law. Trump, et al., sued, a judge ordered extended hours through Friday.

In 2020 any evidence was guarded and often after the fact. People are a lot more cognizant on what to look for, and are recording it real-time and reporting it. It's all over twitter.

Just read that. I plan on voting on the 5th. Not surprising, fucking democrats around here.
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