Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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My family and my in-laws run pretty conservative so no issues there. I have friends and coworkers who are flaming liberals and we pretty much have a 'don't ask-don't tell' policy. But I have absolutely lost friends because I voted for Trump.

This week a guy on Facebook whom I have known since 1989, posted a comment on how "vile" and "disgusting" the garbage joke was. I replied and asked if there was the same amount of indigestion over George Lopez's joke about Mexicans stealing supplies. He unfriended me on FB and won't return messages. Whatevs.
I want to know if dad just isn't voting the same as her, or it it's something more; my bet is the first one since she's blaming Trump.


Personally, I have 2 (extended) family members I no longer keep in contact with.

Back in 2008, young Cookie spent his last Thanksgiving before going off to the Army with family in Ohio. One uncle started discussing politics, and mentioned that he never thought the country would sink so low as to elect a n***er. He asked if I was going to not join the army, so I wouldn't work for the "Chimp in Charge". I haven't talked to him since 2012 when I last saw him in person, by happenstance when I was visiting my grandparents on that side of the family.

Thanksgiving time 2022. A cousin who was like a brother (literally a few months age difference) calls me to catch up. Tells me he thought about me because Colorado Springs was in the news from "the dude who killed those f****ts" and knew i lived in the area. I explain to him that I knew of two of the victims, and that I had a friend actually trying to invite us out with her that night. He just asked "when I started hanging out with queers".

My parents both bring it up as me "letting politics get in the way of family". I don't see it that way.
I think those are character issues more than political ones. I think cutting slingload was the right call.
I want to know if dad just isn't voting the same as her, or it it's something more; my bet is the first one since she's blaming Trump.


Personally, I have 2 (extended) family members I no longer keep in contact with.

Back in 2008, young Cookie spent his last Thanksgiving before going off to the Army with family in Ohio. One uncle started discussing politics, and mentioned that he never thought the country would sink so low as to elect a n***er. He asked if I was going to not join the army, so I wouldn't work for the "Chimp in Charge". I haven't talked to him since 2012 when I last saw him in person, by happenstance when I was visiting my grandparents on that side of the family.

Thanksgiving time 2022. A cousin who was like a brother (literally a few months age difference) calls me to catch up. Tells me he thought about me because Colorado Springs was in the news from "the dude who killed those f****ts" and knew i lived in the area. I explain to him that I knew of two of the victims, and that I had a friend actually trying to invite us out with her that night. He just asked "when I started hanging out with queers".

My parents both bring it up as me "letting politics get in the way of family". I don't see it that way.
I think there are definitely extreme cases (and I have seen them) of people who immediately typecast supporters of either candidate as inherently racist/queer/sexist/communist/whathaveyou, and these are bound to be the most circulated online tales.

I've also seen how this polarizing rift the past decade or so has exposed a lot of dormant ugliness in people many of us thought shared our sentiments about things as basic as religion, race, sex, and even thresholds for cutting off family.

Interesting times, indeed.
I think those are character issues more than political ones. I think cutting slingload was the right call.

I have people in my family that I disagree with on various topics, but wouldn't cut family off completely. I just take them in small doses. I think people are entitled to their views, but it obviously has consequences. We all gotta do what we gotta do.

I can tell you this, when my old man died, we may have had some disagreements and stuff. But when I read his eulogy I just wanted the clock rewound to Thanksgiving when I saw him last. It will be 10 years in about a month and I still wish I could rewind the tape and him be alive.

Also, who let the crazy terrorist take a pulpit at a huge funeral?
I'm telling you, these people are un-fucking-hinged. The members of the party of joy and inclusivity loathe Trump and Trump supporters at a pathologic level. I see it in action every day. It used to shock me. Now it's just...normal.

This is so true, it's crazy true. I live in Trump country--and unlike his first campaign and second term campaign--you don't see any Trump bumper stickers this time around. Why? Because Trump supporters are afraid their car will get vandalized.

I have a Trump 2024 ball cap. When I wear it--even here in Trump land--I'm packing with a round in the chamber.
I cut a couple of friends when Obama was in office.
Both of them said I was racist for not supporting him or his policies.
Poof, unfriended and blocked.
I was not going to jeopardize any job prospects by having someone claim I was racist.
This is the most mind boggling. Being called racist because you didn't like the person for how they behaved or their toxic leadership and harmful policies. This isn't racist. They're calling it that because when lacking a position to debate from they instead attack the messenger. This can also be argued as them having Dunning Kruger whether intentionally being obtuse or not in it's incorrect usage of the term.

The next time any of us are called one, ask them to prove it in context or their argument is indefensible intellectually without the context use of said word. Not liking the person does not make the person racist or sexist, etc. That's them trying to shirk responsibility and accountability for being a twat.

"Fight" these cowards with chess and not checkers.
As a professional nerd and cybersecurity guy I can say the general public can't fathom, or doesn't want to, the major flaws in voting machines.
The flaws are with the programmers and cyber security professionals that are shit at their job. Look at the DoD. How many 8570 certified individuals do you actually trust performing IA?
The flaws are with the programmers and cyber security professionals that are shit at their job. Look at the DoD. How many 8570 certified individuals do you actually trust performing IA?

Zero. 8570 is a clown show.
This is the most mind boggling. Being called racist because you didn't like the person for how they behaved or their toxic leadership and harmful policies. This isn't racist. They're calling it that because when lacking a position to debate from they instead attack the messenger. This can also be argued as them having Dunning Kruger whether intentionally being obtuse or not in it's incorrect usage of the term.

The next time any of us are called one, ask them to prove it in context or their argument is indefensible intellectually without the context use of said word. Not liking the person does not make the person racist or sexist, etc. That's them trying to shirk responsibility and accountability for being a twat.

"Fight" these cowards with chess and not checkers.

Look at advertising trends since 2008. Black and African American predominance with Asian, Latino and LGBTQ flavoring thrown in as a side order...with minimal white representation; and the white participation is predominantly dark-haired, swarthy complexion. No more blonds. The Aryan look is out.

And why is that? Because it's all preemptive damage control in the face of extortion. Advertisers are falling all over each other to prove they are not racist even before they are ever accused of being racist...before the fickle finger of the SJW's starts to point their way.
Look at advertising trends since 2008. Black and African American predominance with Asian, Latino and LGBTQ flavoring thrown in as a side order...with minimal white representation; and the white participation is predominantly dark-haired, swarthy complexion. No more blonds. The Aryan look is out.

And why is that? Because it's all preemptive damage control in the face of extortion. Advertisers are falling all over each other to prove they are not racist even before they are ever accused of being racist...before the fickle finger of the SJW's starts to point their way.

My wife and I have talked about this for years, the changes of demographics and advertising. Interracial couples? Honestly, as a product of the South it took me well into my adulthood to become comfortable with it but I am now, but a white-black couple in a lot of the south is still taboo. Definitely pushing agendas.
Look at advertising trends since 2008. Black and African American predominance with Asian, Latino and LGBTQ flavoring thrown in as a side order...with minimal white representation; and the white participation is predominantly dark-haired, swarthy complexion. No more blonds. The Aryan look is out.

And why is that? Because it's all preemptive damage control in the face of extortion. Advertisers are falling all over each other to prove they are not racist even before they are ever accused of being racist...before the fickle finger of the SJW's starts to point their way.
I'd like to say in disagreement that it was 2020 when it happened because that's when we took note of it because whites especially white males, we simply removed or made to appear as effeminately cucks.

The current trend especially with online ads and sponsored posts that we are forced to see such as on Facebook, is virtue signaling with certain catchphrases to appeal to emotions of the leftist kind:


Going to be honest here, I am now blocking the above ads from pages that are forced to us on our feeds. Either talk to us normally without the BS or F off. To include those ads you are pointing out.
My wife and I have talked about this for years, the changes of demographics and advertising. Interracial couples? Honestly, as a product of the South it took me well into my adulthood to become comfortable with it but I am now, but a white-black couple in a lot of the south is still taboo. Definitely pushing agendas.
I'm seeing white females with males from other races in these commercials with white males with females from other races with the females and strides making it obvious with the girls being the alpha between the two.

I love it when another race points it out. I'll use their post to share and use the left's own weapons against them by having another race say it so the radicals can't accuse me of being any other false narratives. Again, let's play chess with them.
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