Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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If you think Trump won because of "uneducated" or "ignorant" people...well keep thinking that please because you will make the same mistakes at mid-terms, you will make the same mistakes in 2024. Trump's platform addressed the actual problems and issues.

That's basically what I'm seeing on every platform, melting liberals essentially blaming tradesmen because they don't have degrees.
This is a pretty good assessment as to why Dems lost:
Opinion | A Party of Prigs and Pontificators Suffers a Humiliating Defeat

article key points said:
Why did Harris lose? There were many tactical missteps: her choice of a progressive running mate who would not help deliver a must-win state like Pennsylvania or Michigan; her inability to separate herself from President Biden; her foolish designation of Trump as a fascist, which, by implication, suggested his supporters were themselves quasi-fascist; her overreliance on celebrity surrogates as she struggled to articulate a compelling rationale for her candidacy; her failure to forthrightly repudiate some of the more radical positions she took as a candidate in 2019, other than by relying on stock expressions like “My values haven’t changed.”

...But these mistakes of calculation lived within three larger mistakes of worldview. First, the conviction among many liberals that things were pretty much fine, if not downright great, in Biden’s America — and that anyone who didn’t think that way was either a right-wing misinformer or a dupe. Second, the refusal to see how profoundly distasteful so much of modern liberalism has become to so much of America. Third, the insistence that the only appropriate form of politics when it comes to Trump is the politics of Resistance — capital R.

...The dismissiveness with which liberals treated these concerns was part of something else: dismissiveness toward the moral objections many Americans have to various progressive causes. Concerned about gender transitions for children or about biological males playing on girls’ sports teams? You’re a transphobe. Dismayed by tedious, mandatory and frequently counterproductive D.E.I. seminars that treat white skin as almost inherently problematic? You’re racist. Irritated by new terminology that is supposed to be more inclusive but feels as if it’s borrowing a page from “1984”? That’s doubleplusungood.

The Democratic Party at its best stands for fairness and freedom. But the politics of today’s left is heavy on social engineering according to group identity. It also, increasingly, stands for the forcible imposition of bizarre cultural norms on hundreds of millions of Americans who want to live and let live but don’t like being told how to speak or what to think. Too many liberals forgot this, which explains how a figure like Trump, with his boisterous and transgressive disdain for liberal pieties, could be re-elected to the presidency.
While I understand the total vote count is not in yet, I'm still curious how the 2024 total is down 15m votes from 2020.

I'm dumb and go down rabbit holes...

Votes for Trump/ Votes for Dem. in millions per Wikipedia
2016 - 63/ 66
2020 - 74/ 81
2024 - 73/ 68

I think it was the pandemic. 2020 you have people sitting at home, being force fed a constant, 24/7 diet of anti-Trump and "you gonna' die" media. People who wouldn't ordinarily vote have time and emotion, whipped into a frenzy by the media, coming on the heels of BLM and whatever else that summe

If Democrats could somehow muster up enough fraudulent votes to win in 2020, wouldn't they have done so this year? Yeah, nah. 2020 wasn't stolen, you had a bunch of terrified, Tik Tok-watching sheep with time on their hands, fed a steady of diet of "orange man bad." This year, COVID's gone, people are working, they are making less because of inflation, and whatever their thoughts on Trump, they see what another 4 years looks like with a Democrat in the White House.
I'm disappointed, but perhaps not surprised, about how many of my leftists that I consider friends are losing their minds right now and lashing out at Trump voters. It's pretty vicious.

Yeah, some people who I thought were good, decent folks are completely unhinged right now. I say "unhinged" without a trace of sarcasm, drama, or irony.
Looking at my numbers above, Harris drew more voters than Hillary. That is beyond funny to me. I'll bet ole' Hillary is losing her mind over that, pulling fewer votes than a woman who sounds like she uses ChatGPT(ard) in her interviews.
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