Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Couple thoughts on the Gaetz resignation.

  • There are no criminal complaints or charges now, nor have there ever been any. No witnesses have ever been produced, and no reports have been filed. The allegations (and subsequent investigation) are a standard democratic tactic. See Kavanaugh, Trump, and soon-to-be Hegseth. The playbook is so obvious it hurts- Make allegation. Open investigation to the allegation. Report BREATHLESSLY and REPEATEDLY, "He's under investigation for sex trafficking of a minor!!!" Then people parrot that as fact. The fact that anyone thinks this is any different is... concerning.
    • Here's a fun thought experiment. I am going to hire a private investigator. I am going to allege you're involved in trafficking a minor. Then, I am going on to my platforms and reports that you're not only under investigation for these heinous acts, but that I truly believe you're guilty. I found the person, I'll invent the crime, and then I'll craft the narrative. Now- think through how you'd refute those allegations. NOW think through how my 100k followers and 4.5M views across platforms can irreparably damage you for the rest of your life, even though the allegations are unfounded.
  • Gaetz can be appointed to the Senate by DeSantis, and even though there is bad blood there, DeSantis values conservatism more than Gaetz's support to Trump during the primary.
  • Gaetz resigned from the 118th Congress, not the 119th, though, where he is the duly elected official. In theory, he could simply show back up January 3rd. He didn't say he was never working in Congress again; he was resigning from Congress for the AG nod. He's not gonna be the AG now.
  • The "7D chess bros" are annoying. It's tiresome when people connect a whole bunch of things that sure look like incompetence and instead make it out to be some super genius move. Hanlon's razor. To all of it.
  • That being said, I will only partially ascribe to Trump's long history of A/B testing. He frequently says a highly inflammatory thing, only to return to his original position- what he wanted anyway. In this very narrow context, any mudslinging done but the left to Bondi now is going to seem like the Dems are just opposing all the picks no matter what. Which is, in fact, the case.
I will end with this.

I disagree entirely with Gaetz stepping down, and for the same reason, I applaud Kavanaugh for not stepping down. If we assume that the allegations are precisely what they look like- bullshit- then stepping down in the face of the allegations only emboldens the people making them to wield that tactic as a cudgel against future folks.

And again- just wait. The Hegseth story is next.
I disagree entirely with Gaetz stepping down, and for the same reason, I applaud Kavanaugh for not stepping down. If we assume that the allegations are precisely what they look like- bullshit- then stepping down in the face of the allegations only emboldens the people making them to wield that tactic as a cudgel against future folks.

And again- just wait. The Hegseth story is next.

They get Kavanaughed now. It's part of their warfare. I agree that stepping down emboldens them.
Just so there is no confusion...
...I am ashamed to talk about GEN Milley and Special Forces as part of the same conversation.

It pains me to share such a treasured association with that horrible example of a decent and honorable Special Forces Soldier

That being said - that fat piece of shit is probably just terrified that the bill is about to come due for his seditious and treasonous behavior as it relates to him admittedly talking to Communist China about his willingness to undermine a sitting Presidents foreign policy as we neared "judgement day" during the 2020 election.

HIs current admission that all of his bluster was just that - bluster - shouldn't surprise anyone.
Just so there is no confusion...
...I am ashamed to talk about GEN Milley and Special Forces as part of the same conversation.

It pains me to share such a treasured association with that horrible example of a decent and honorable Special Forces Soldier

That being said - that fat piece of shit is probably just terrified that the bill is about to come due for his seditious and treasonous behavior as it relates to him admittedly talking to Communist China about his willingness to undermine a sitting Presidents foreign policy as we neared "judgement day" during the 2020 election.

HIs current admission that all of his bluster was just that - bluster - shouldn't surprise anyone.
Honestly we don't instantly think of him when Special Forces are being mentioned. Instead we think of heroes like MSG Benavidez for instance, instead.
I agree, mainly because- you know, the guy said it on video. :ROFLMAO:

Do you mean his resignation initially when he got the AG nom was an exit strategy? Like he had it planned from before?
Well, truth is, I'm probably some political super genius. 😁

But, going back to my original comments on Gaetz, I did say I'd bet he withdraws his nomination before he ever gets to confirmation for a reason.

It never felt like Gaetz was the actual nominee. It seemed as though something else was at play. Given how quickly he resigned from the House, my guess is his exit was part of the plan from the beginning.

They knew he wasn't viable, but he'd make liberal heads explode...and that always makes for a good show. At the same time, he gets freed of an ethics investigation that may not have been trending well for him and was shaping up to be an unnecessary distraction for the new administration and Congress. Take away the ammo.
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Well, going back to my original comments on Gaetz, I said I'd bet he withdraws his nomination before he ever gets to confirmation for a reason.

It never felt like Gaetz was the actual nominee. It seemed as though something else was at play. Given how quickly he resigned from the House, my guess is his exit was part of the plan from the beginning.

They knew he wasn't viable, but he'd make liberal heads explode...and that always makes for a good show. At the same time, he gets freed of an ethics investigation that may not have been trending well for him and was shaping up to be an unnecessary distraction for the new administration and Congress.
Surgeon General and Agriculture cabinet selections aren't particularly great.

These both have increased visibility because we're coming off the Covid debacle and farmland in this country continues to disappear, with those remaining being quickly bought up by Chinese whenever possible.
Surgeon General and Agriculture cabinet selections aren't particularly great.

These both have increased visibility because we're coming off the Covid debacle and farmland in this country continues to disappear, with those remaining being quickly bought up by Chinese whenever possible.
Bro, we hit rock bottom already. Now we can bounce.
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