Schadenfreude is exactly what I'm feeling after having watched this debacle play out in real time.
1) Calling Trump literally Hitler for years only for somebody to act like he is, actually, the reincarnation of it...and miss. In the meantime, showing the ineptitude of government protection and giving trump one of the most iconic moments witnessed in the 21st century.
2) The media telling us Biden had no signs of dementia, only for that to be fact checked in real time. Then, when the President was told he WAS going to be stepping down, he gave them
a final FU and supported possibly the only person in the Democratic party who could do worse than him, somebody that Schumer, Pelosi, and Obama wanted nothing to do with.
3) Speaking of the party of "democracy," not giving their supporters the opportunity to have a say...Chefs kiss.
4) Raising over a billion dollars only to end up millions in debt and then laying off employees with
no severance packages. Talk about the party of caring for the "little people." More like DC Oligarchs who couldn't be physically responsible ordering off the dollar menu at a McDonald's.
5) Putting up the first non-white woman candidate, only to have minorities flee in numbers no previously seen. DEI in action.
Say what you will about Trump, what he has endured and done since 2015 is truly revolutionary. The man has completely transformed the Republican Party and, at the very least, crippled beyond recognition both the mainstream media and the Democratic Party. All the corruption and power held by the old Republican/Democratic duopoly has been largely depleted, it's time for the new political generation to begin.