Verified Military
I really hope this keeps going, no introspection, just blame game. Nothing about "why aren't we good enough?" "What did we do wrong?"
They are still recovering from grief, still in the denial stage of it.I really hope this keeps going, no introspection, just blame game. Nothing about "why aren't we good enough?" "What did we do wrong?"
I don't know where to put this, so @Ooh-Rah move as you will. But it also kinda fits here how we've talked about the media and misinformation and how when the left wing government is in power they control the media to spread this misinformation
I know that my wife and I will spend at least $700 on this thanksgiving that we're hosting for just 7 people.
Instead of writing something critical of the American Farm Bureau Federation, they push a huge line of BS.
Even back in the day, when all of us were poor as dirt, no way Thanksgiving cost us less than $150 in the 90s.
I suppose I could separate "appies" from just the dinner. But even then, Dinner piece is at least $200-$300 not $58.
I think what happened to Joe Rogan was a lot like what happened to me. Why did I start seeing myself as white/conservative/straight/Southerner/whatever? Because the leftists wouldn't let me be seen as anyone other than than.I really hope this keeps going, no introspection, just blame game. Nothing about "why aren't we good enough?" "What did we do wrong?"
I think what happened to Joe Rogan was a lot like what happened to me. Why did I start seeing myself as white/conservative/straight/Southerner/whatever? Because the leftists wouldn't let me be seen as anyone other than than.
I had to walk away and listen to understand rather than to respond. My conclusion? You are right but you are also not right.
Tell me *why* you hope that the President of the United States stops exercising his First Amendment right? Why is that sad?
I'm guessing the reason he feels the need to tweet what he did, is because we have been called things we are not and accused of things we haven't done, on loop.find it difficult to believe that had Kamala won the race, and then posted a similar Thanksgiving message, calling out “Right Wing Lunatics”, we would be defending her First Amendment rights.
It's only another word that they use out of context. "Unity" to them is having your wills bent to theirs. Their false sense of unity is their words coming from our mouths.I admit I am a bit split. I do wish Trump would be less Trump in his communications and more 'presidential'. However: with what the left has called me and people who think like me, the vile, deplorable (see what I did there?) crap, I also think 'to the victor goes the spoils,' and I am OK with him going scorched earth on the left. Fuck them. What @Topkick said is true, I think the left doesn't want unity.
...cant be outraged about that
...or can you