Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Cannibalism is interesting. I like filing cabinets. Hand me the detonator.

The chair is against the wall and John has a long mustache.

Also, garlic butter, right @RackMaster?

I'm good.

Right now the latest entertainment for me is seeing the meltdowns on certain gun boards over the Ruger collaboration with Magpul (RXM).

Grill or kick?
I think the culture between .gov and private is very different and that breeds very different outcomes.

Sure, there are rockstars and slugs on both sides of the equation. However, private sector (again, non-union type jobs) is much more merit based. As a result, ROI is a greater focus. Innovation and performance are much higher across the board -- .gov is where innovation goes to die.

As a business, in order to make money -- that's the objective of all businesses -- I want to acquire and retain the best talent available for a given function.

If a remote resource isn't performing, the issue is no different than one that's in the office.

Different government but same attitudes....Her coworkers are lazy pieces of shit. I've worked in office in the same government as a civilian and in uniform. My coworkers were lazy pieces of shit. Public Service attracts the same types of pieces of shit.

I agree to some extent about private vs. public work, but the principal/agent problem persists. A guy earning minimum wage in the private sector is probably not going to work that much harder, especially unsupervised, than a .gov employee.

My wife works for a Fortune 500 company. They are pushing for a return to the office. She is much more productive at home. While at the office people are constantly “dropping in” which negatively affects her ability to work without distractions. They have been pushing for a 4 day in person work week with a hybrid day WFH. She is adamantly against it, not because she is lazy, she is highly productive with exceptional impact, but because she wants to be more productive.

When she works at the office she cedes control of her schedule to the whims of anyone walking by. When you are a busy executive or manager that is not a recipe for success, and turns 8 hour days into 10 hour days and 10’s into 12’s.

Generally but not always once one gets off their 'probationary' status, it's much harder to fire a government employee than a private sector employee. That coupled with the fact the private sector is usually but not always in the money business and the government employee is in the state administration business, government employees are often but not always lazier than the private sector employees. It's just so much harder to fire a lazy government employee, but it's easy to be lazy when their is no 'big picture' or terminal objective or outcome.

Regarding workplace interruptions our department has a 'soft policy' (not written, but just understood): if the door is open, it's open season for all sorts of chit-chat. If the door is closed, no one knocks, that person is busy and cannot be interrupted. It works.

I am fortunate that unless I am in front of a groups of students teaching, almost the rest of what I do can be done from home, or anywhere. We have a very generous WFH climate, and generally our department's productivity as a whole is higher than it was with the traditional in-the-office-5-days-a-week schedule. We also have big boy rules: if I work a weekend, which I have to do now and then, I take a couple days off during the week. I have a GREAT work-life balance.

Me, however, I am an equally lazy shitbag at work or at home. I thrive in either environment.
Snuffleupagus: hi Big Mike, it looks like Mr Hooper caught me in a big fat lie

Big Mike: but Georgie, you were just talking about Trumpster the Grouch; me and Barry talk bad about him all the time

Snuffleupagus: oh dear, they say me and the network have to pay 15 million dollars to settle a defamation suit

Big Mike: well Georgie, maybe I can just talk with my wife, and then he'll tell Brandon to give you a pardon

Snuffleupagus: oh dear, this is sad Big Mike very sad


George Snuffleupagus.jpg
So, Jill has only had one term and she's pardoned 4x the number felons that Obama did. A bunch of these folks were violent or did incredible harm.

50 years of Biden corruption - there are TONS of folks that are going to need favors before he fades into the sunset - and he aint gonna tell anyone "no" because he is afraid that refusing a "favor" is going to result result in a parade of "leaks" about the trail of dumpster fires he has left in his wake and for all of his blank stares and handshakes with invisible people - he is more concerned about his "legacy" than anything else. He will scuttle the ship if he thinks it will keep his "good name" intact after he leaves the white house...
The criminals in DC are afraid. One of the Biden team's National Security Advisors is saying Biden is mentally gone and won't likely make it another year.

Said it once, will say it again, Jill is not in charge. She is an idiot. Someone else is pulling the strings on the Biden government. Same people that coordinated the riots in 2020 and stole an election for a corrupt halfwit, are terrified of Trump taking back DC.

There is also a reason why Trump is hosting events at Mar-A-Lago, the State Department and Intelligence Services (same cocksuckers who cost us Afghanistan) can't be trusted to not be corrupt shitbags.

Add in nuclear material going missing 50 something days before a transition in power and something smells wrong.
I can't vouch for the accuracy of this video, but my feeling is that it's legit.

It's amazing what you can get people to talk about when they're looking to impress someone. A little "P&E up," especially when it's from a pretty face and lubricated with alcohol, and...

It's very interesting how many of these kinds of videos are out there, with people putting all kinds of business that should be close-hold out on the streets.

I wonder how much of this happens that we don't find out about, and is used against us by our national adversaries.
Lol, adversaries... some of our supposed "allies". DC and it's people are our biggest weak link.

It's very interesting how many of these kinds of videos are out there, with people putting all kinds of business that should be close-hold out on the streets.

I wonder how much of this happens that we don't find out about, and is used against us by our national adversaries.

I think what we're seeing is a split among Democratic voters, far left vs. moderate. Internal divides cost the DNC in 2016 and it looks like they cost them more in 20204; I maintain 2020 is a fluke.
I think what we're seeing is a split among Democratic voters, far left vs. moderate. Internal divides cost the DNC in 2016 and it looks like they cost them more in 20204; I maintain 2020 is a fluke.

I think we did see that in 2020, but with the republicans, who saw an internal split with the never-Trumpers.
I can't vouch for the accuracy of this video, but my feeling is that it's legit.

It's amazing what you can get people to talk about when they're looking to impress someone.

People like to talk about themselves. If you buy the drinks and encourage them to talk without being too obvious about it, it’s amazing what they’ll spill. But if they suspect you’re manipulating they’ll clam up…and you might as well unass the AO because it’s a dry hole and you’ve blown a valuable source.
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