Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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It may be some of that, but it is probably also a little bit of political survival. If he wants another term, in a state like PA, he's going to have to appeal to a whole lot more folks than hard core leftists in the next cycle.
Oh for sure. From a utilitarian standpoint, I am much less concerned with the motivations than I am with the output. And in Fetterman's case, the output is great.

The Trump Effect is on full display; from hard-line Democrats here in the states, geopolitically, international business leaders, - hate him, love him, indifferent to him, you can't deny the man's impact. He's the definition of a "by, with, around, or through" guy.

Everyone smart enough to read the winds are changing course from Zuckerberg to DOJ to international business partners.
Oh for sure. From a utilitarian standpoint, I am much less concerned with the motivations than I am with the output. And in Fetterman's case, the output is great.

The Trump Effect is on full display; from hard-line Democrats here in the states, geopolitically, international business leaders, - hate him, love him, indifferent to him, you can't deny the man's impact. He's the definition of a "by, with, around, or through" guy.

Everyone smart enough to read the winds are changing course from Zuckerberg to DOJ to international business partners.
bolded parts: could not agree more
Someone needs to explain to me why there are 4 benedictions here...Trump is not a Muslim, so immediately cut the imam out.

I was interested, so I looked it up. Wikipedia has a page on Prayers at inauguration.

Seems Trump holds the record for most prayer services, with 3 each invocations and benedictions.

Other fun facts:
-This will be the first time since Regan a Rabbi is involved in inauguration day events.

-This is the first time ever an Imam is involved in an inauguration day event.

-Only within the last 20 years have Imam's been involved at the interfaith prayer service. Bush invited the first in 2005, who missed it due to being sick. Obama invited 2, and Trump/Biden invited 1 each.
Someone needs to explain to me why there are 4 benedictions here...Trump is not a Muslim, so immediately cut the imam out.

It's cause we still have anti-Western and anti-Christian factions in positions of power. Honestly, the Imam and Rabbi don't really belong. Given the push to denigrate and muddle Western culture, I'm waiting for Pujari, Daoist Monks, and other non-Western minority religions, to start giving benedictions and blessings.

To be fair, not sure he's Catholic or Jewish, and we (US) don't support a religion...
To be fair, the founding fathers were culturally Christian and the framework of the nation was built on Greco-Roman and Christian values. As for Catholicism, not a fan of the Pope, but Catholicism can trace it's roots back to Peter the Apostle.

For those that don't know, the church was subverted through corruption and a series of anti-Popes, which led to the schism/reformation, and the various wars between the Christian factions. That said, they're still Christian. As are the Mormons, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists, etc.
Did anyone bother to look up the Imam and his connection to Trump?


The Imam has supported Trump since about 2017, maybe earlier. He recently spoke in favor of Trump over Biden because of Biden's support for Israel. The Imam ruses to admit Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Dude's also Shia...Iran's official religion.

Trump had the most votes in Dearborn, the first Republican to do so since 2000 though he did not carry Wayne County.

This is political payback, nothing more. He and other Muslims worked to rally support for Trump. Don't forget Trump and his team invited an anti-Semitic, Hezbollah supporter to speak at the inauguration because that guy worked to land votes for Trump's campaigns in 2020 and 2024.
Someone needs to explain to me why there are 4 benedictions here...Trump is not a Muslim, so immediately cut the imam out.

I think four benedictions is excessive, but Trump is the president of all Americans, not just the Christians and/or Jews.

I'd personally be fine if we took all religion out of all governmental and military ceremonies and functions. But religion matters a lot, to a lot of people, so I'm OK with it being in the program.
I think four benedictions is excessive, but Trump is the president of all Americans, not just the Christians and/or Jews.

I'd personally be fine if we took all religion out of all governmental and military ceremonies and functions. But religion matters a lot, to a lot of people, so I'm OK with it being in the program.

Both the house and the senate have chaplains and government officers have sworn their oaths on Bibles since we were a bunch of colonies. I don't think it's going anywhere. I do think a single benediction, from anyone, can cover everyone though. They do it on bases all the time.
Hegseth is looking pretty good at the confirmation hearing. I don't know how Trump came up with him as a nominee but I can see now it was a pretty good choice.

Probably still not better than a random JSOC flag officer, but hell of a lot better than the past few Sec. Defs...
I thought Hegseth was a really interesting choice. He's short on relevant experience but long on what President Trump seems to want: a plain-speaking disruptor who is loyal to the movement. I hope he gets confirmed.
"CEO experience" as a barometer or requirement got us to where we are now. Is Hegseth the right guy? Dunno. Were an overwhelming number of his predecessors the right guys? Absolutely not.

So maybe Hegseth is a good SECDEF, maybe bad, maybe mediocre, but he's different. We don't have the best track record with SECDEFs, so I'll take "different" and give him a chance to succeed or fail.

Damn it, the current model is broken and people want more of the same? Yeah, nah.
"CEO experience" as a barometer or requirement got us to where we are now. Is Hegseth the right guy? Dunno. Were an overwhelming number of his predecessors the right guys? Absolutely not.

So maybe Hegseth is a good SECDEF, maybe bad, maybe mediocre, but he's different. We don't have the best track record with SECDEFs, so I'll take "different" and give him a chance to succeed or fail.

Damn it, the current model is broken and people want more of the same? Yeah, nah.

Hegseth is missing a great opening: point out those past SECDEFs and how they failed in spite of leading large organizations or having been GOs or CEOs.
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