Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Thank fuck. All this weird gender-bender, degenerate, commie crap, is finally coming to an end. That said, we have a lot of internal damage that we're going to need to fix. A lot of this damage was also done to our youngest and most vulnerable citizens. (see meme below)


Another thing to note. The same cocksuckers who enacted these neo-communist/globalist policies, to destroy the US and the West, have been successful in Great Britain and Europe. The Western world is still beset by enemies from all sides. China, Russia, and Islam aren't the only enemies we have.

The World Economic Forum and Open Borders foundation "people" are as bad, if not worse, than the communist Chinese or Jihadis. We have a thread on migration that details their schemes. People like Soros, Claus, and the international banking cartels, have damaged the US/Western world more than any of our other enemies combined. (see WEF snippet below)


It's good that we have a win under our belts, but we cannot relax. At least not until those guilty of treason and international intrigue are stripped of their ability to wage war on the United States and the rest of the Western world.
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