Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Just once - I'd like to see somebody pull out a fucking APFT score sheet when one of these screeching congresswomen start telling lies about objective standards


Just once I'd like "objective standards" to be discussed in the same context as the score card for these "equal infantrypersons"
...we certainly don't have any uniformed senior leaders with the moral courage to do it so maybe we need a Fox TV personality to step up and do that "speaking truth to power" thing that they keep talking about in all of our leader professional development courses

Or don't - keep telling lies as long as the "bubble chart" on your power point readiness slide stays "green"

For fuck sake - "We the People" paid the government MILLIONS of our hard earned tax dollars because theu said they would make make the PT test "objective"
...but a chain of more "qualified" secretaries of defense have failed to deliver objective standards


...and then and those who identify as female began to show a pattern of failure SO fucking dismal that the Army removed the fucking event because it was TOO god damned "equal" for soldiers that identify as female to pass the mother fucker...
...ok troop hang from this mother fucking bar, lift your legs
...come on now, lift 'em up
...all the way
...good, continue
...I said continue
...come on now, continue; you are "on the clock" for record
...never mind, we'll just remove the fucking event so you can continue to be equal

objective standards - my shiny metal ass
At West Point, cadets are evaluated on four pillars: physical, academic, military, character.

There is a physical fitness test unique to West Point called the IOCT: indoor obstacle course test. It's a graduation requirement. Performance on the IOCT figures into a cadet's class standing, which contributes to everything from graduation rank to what branch you get to what job you have in the Corps of Cadets to what cool summer opportunities are available to them.

The IOCT is gender normed and is scored by time. I haven't looked at the specifics in a while, but Wikipedia says a D on the male scale is literally an A+ for females. A time of 3.31 is a fail for men, but is an A- for women.


The Army's latest physical fitness test is similarly skewed in favor of females. For example, a deadlift of 210 pounds is max score for females, 100 points. IT's only worth 74 points for males. So being (or claiming to be, I guess) female gives you a built-in advantage of 26 points out of a 100 point total on that event. More than 25%.

But cadets (and Army Soldiers) aren't evaluated male/male and female/female. They're all lumped in together. So being female at West Point imparts a several-letter-grade advantage in one of the four pillars that all cadets are evaluated on, and in the Army, where we tend to reduce people to numbers when we're considering them for advancement, schooling, positions, etc., women have an enormous gender-based advantage of something like 25%.

I'm totally fine with anyone doing any Army job that they are qualified to do. Women can be highly physically fit. I think I mentioned here on the site that I once watched a female cadet knock out 100 straight pushups during a PT test demonstration we were doing for some Yale students. So stop coddling the women and disadvantaging the men. Are we "equal" in Army green, or aren't we?

Let's make no mistakes - it isn't just gender.
Again, for emphasis:
I am 57 years old - in my current state, I am a very low threat when it comes to direct human combat.
I was sore and tired for DAYS after taking that PT test.
It hurt just to get out of bed.
I drove up profits for the company that makes Advil.
The air around me would burn out your fucking eyeballs from the cloud of BenGay... probably looked like the clooud of dirt that follows Pig Pen when he he walks

If a bad guy had struck me in anger, the chances are good that I may have fell the fuck over and started crying.
...yet, according to the ACFT, I was in better shape than a 21 Year Old Infantry Person that identifies as "fememail"

How is that?

In part - its also because we lie and gender AND WE ALSO LIE ABOUT AGE.
A 21 year old male would have BARELY passed his 2 mile run and plank with my performance.
2 miles is 2 miles. distance has no respect for age or gender - it's just 2 Miles
Ready, go.
2 Miles doesn't give a shit if you are a fit 21 year old woman or a dumpy, aging, has been that is just trying to fight back against nature.
2 miles.
Ready, go.

Does anyone want to guess who else holds no respect for age or gender?
...enemy combatants.
Google and watch the video circulating of the Ukrainian Soldier with a GoPro on his helmet that comes upon a Russian Soldier that didn't want to die that day. The Ukranina throws a grenade into the room and Ivan says not today and pops out before the grenade gets him. Then you see Ivan.s blade... is fucking brutal is fucking nerve shattering is a statement about humanity and survival of the fittest
...and more importantly, it is not about showcasing "equality" is simply human life boiled down to its most primitive state -the will to survive

People should find it and watch it from start to finish.
With the sound turned up enough so you can REALLY hear what is going on.

Then ask yourself - does my daughter belong in that fight because some fucking ignorant and deluded politician wants to virtue signal about equality?
Does my wife belong in that fight because some fucking ignorant and deluded politician wants to virtue signal about equality?
Does my mom belong in that fight because some fucking ignorant and deluded politician wants to virtue signal about equality?

If the answer is no - well, then the discussion should continue to expand and more people should ask why we are forcing this charade.

If the answer is yes, if you think the women in your life, the women that you love, should be allowed to choose such a fate because of their desire to defend their nation with the same level of fatal risk as everyone else, then ask yourself...
...why are you so willing to allow those same ignorant and deluded politician wants to virtue signal about equality?

You KNOW that your loved ones will only truly learn that there was not an "objective standard" until she feels the fucking sting of Ivan's blade in her stomach.
Why are you willing to let the women you love find out in their dying breaths that EQUALITY < LETHALITY Would you rather just "validate her identity" or just stroke her ego by telling her that running 2 miles means different things to different ages and genders?

How is that providing honest caring leadership to our combat force?
How is that providing honest caring leadership to our sons and daughters and husbands and wives?
15 years ago - I'd have given Ivan a run for his fucking money - and I'd have taken his weapons with me when I went to link up with my team - but at 57 years old - Ivan would fuck my shit up in short order and the 537 score on my ACFT wouldn't mean dick because EQUALITY < LETHALITY

Why is it so important for activist politicians to LIE about this thing called "equality"
It isn't about gender senator - its about lethality on the battlefield.

and votes
apparently its also about votes
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Leg tuck was a bad exercise for the stated goal of "core strength". If we aren't targeting grip/upper body strength but that's the overall limiting factor (M/F both), there better exercises.

The Hanging knee raises from bar straps/a dip bar is the same movement, just isolating the core.

If we're shooting for grip/upper body strength, then the Crayola munchers got it right; pull-ups/flexed arm hangs.

The Marines also got scoring right. All people that should matter are bands, something like:

1st class (above 540)
2nd class (above 480)
3rd class (passing)

An even better system that could probably work with DTMS; generate percentile by age and gender across the force. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to say "SSG stuffy has an ACFT score in the top 10% of her age range across the force." even better method (just my opinion) would be something more like this:

1SG: Staff Sergeant Snuffy just ran two miles in 12 minutes and 30 seconds.

Activist Senator: Yes, but how old is SSG Snuffy?

1SG: Who cares - didn't you her what I said - SSG Snuffy ran two miles in 12 minutes and 30 seconds
...SSG Jones took over 18 minutes to run that same two miles

Activist Senator: Yes, but isn't SSG Jones a 42 years old female?

1SG: Fuck SSG Jones' slow ass
Leg tuck was a bad exercise for the stated goal of "core strength". If we aren't targeting grip/upper body strength but that's the overall limiting factor (M/F both), there better exercises.

The Hanging knee raises from bar straps/a dip bar is the same movement, just isolating the core.

If we're shooting for grip/upper body strength, then the Crayola munchers got it right; pull-ups/flexed arm hangs.

The Marines also got scoring right. All people that should matter are bands, something like:

1st class (above 540)
2nd class (above 480)
3rd class (passing)

An even better system that could probably work with DTMS; generate percentile by age and gender across the force. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to say "SSG stuffy has an ACFT score in the top 10% of her age range across the force."
Love this stratification angle. But then again, you're hurting the feelings of the bottom 90% here, so... wait I agree with that too.

#MakeHazingNormalAgain even better method (just my opinion) would be something more like this:

1SG: Staff Sergeant Snuffy just ran two miles in 12 minutes and 30 seconds.

Activist Senator: Yes, but how old is SSG Snuffy?

1SG: Who cares - didn't you her what I said - SSG Snuffy ran two miles in 12 minutes and 30 seconds
...SSG Jones took over 18 minutes to run that same two miles

Activist Senator: Yes, but isn't SSG Jones a 42 years old female?

1SG: Fuck SSG Jones' slow ass

We've got the new "Expert Physical Fitness Assessment" (EPFA) that's essentially the Army's version of a CFT. Right now it's only for those doing E3B.

In my perfect Army world, we'd make passing the EPFA and E3B ruck standard (12 @35# w/weapon in 3 hours) a yearly pass fail requirement.
It amazes me how often conspicuous errors make it into national-level news publications. On Fox, I notice something almost daily.


VP Harris "took" President Biden after they made him quit the election? Took him where? Took him how? "Took him" in the... intimate sense? What did she bend him over the Resolute Desk? I know people say she "screwed him," maybe that's exactly what them mean.

Or, they meant "took over for President Biden." IDK.
she "took over" for him?
How can this be?
They have all said he is still in charge
He is still making decisions
He just made a deal to free hostages that wont be freed because he said he freed them
Why is he still signing shit to pardon criminals if SHE has taken over for him...

....blah blah blah
It amazes me how often conspicuous errors make it into national-level news publications. On Fox, I notice something almost daily.

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VP Harris "took" President Biden after they made him quit the election? Took him where? Took him how? "Took him" in the... intimate sense? What did she bend him over the Resolute Desk? I know people say she "screwed him," maybe that's exactly what them mean.

Or, they meant "took over for President Biden." IDK.

I love how they created the border crisis and are now using that self-created problem to show how difficult the administration's job was for the last 4 years.
This whole TikTok thing is hilarious and such a self-own by the Biden admin. The majority of users are young and probably liberal. Biden says "let's ban the app" which is then approved in a near bipartisan landslide while attached to a bill about? Sending more laundry to the Ukraine.

SCOTUS is all about the sale. Now Biden and Co. have to eat shit and go along with the ban which opens the door for Trump, the self-proclaimed best negotiator of all time. 47 can make a few phone calls, negotiate nothing, and still claim victory once a sale goes through.

THEN it gets even wilder. The app will be a neutered version because the Chinese are keeping their algorithm. You'll have TikTok Lite with a Trump W, served on a bed of seasoned Biden self-ownage.

And the Chinese will still have our data.

Bonus points: the Left ignoring "Biden did this" and instead gloating this was Trump's idea to begin with, inadvertently pointing out that Trump had Biden carry out his idea.

And somewhere in all of this, the Jews are to blame.

This whole TikTok thing is hilarious and such a self-own by the Biden admin. The majority of users are young and probably liberal. Biden says "let's ban the app" which is then approved in a near bipartisan landslide while attached to a bill about? Sending more laundry to the Ukraine.

SCOTUS is all about the sale. Now Biden and Co. have to eat shit and go along with the ban which opens the door for Trump, the self-proclaimed best negotiator of all time. 47 can make a few phone calls, negotiate nothing, and still claim victory once a sale goes through.

THEN it gets even wilder. The app will be a neutered version because the Chinese are keeping their algorithm. You'll have TikTok Lite with a Trump W, served on a bed of seasoned Biden self-ownage.

And the Chinese will still have our data.

Bonus points: the Left ignoring "Biden did this" and instead gloating this was Trump's idea to begin with, inadvertently pointing out that Trump had Biden carry out his idea.

And somewhere in all of this, the Jews are to blame.

Trump saying he would sign and EO is effing stupid. Kill this shitty spyware.
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