Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Quick thought on the “Biden Ceasefire”.

If Trump secured it (likely) with his thoughts on the matter, then Biden is incompetent.

If Biden did secure it- how? Using what leverage?? He didn’t have any and the *exact same agreement* was rejected months ago, when his admin stopped caring about it.

So that leaves us with- if Biden did secure it giving up nothing and getting essentially nothing, then he could have done it months ago and he didn’t.

Meaning he’s not just incompetent, it’s much more likely that he’s malicious in his inaction.
Agree. This was 100% Trump.

Hamas knows that the best deal they are ever going to get has got to happen before Trump takes over. He was absolutely going to wreck things until he got our hostages back. No more multi-million-dollar "piers to nowhere" bringing in relief supplies. No more "pay for slay." The Hamastanians in the West have absolutely no pull in a Trump regime, because they don't represent a constituency that is part of the incoming coalition. The Muslims who support Trump are not the radical leftists who are rioting in support of Palestine Hamas.

I'm generally of the mind that "if this happened on your watch, good or bad, you own it." So if I'm consistent in this logic, then yes, Pres Biden gets credit for this deal. But he also gets credit for EVERYTHING ELSE that happened while he was president, including what his regime inflicted on us during COVID, the Afghanistan defeat debacle, DEI, BLM riots... ALL of it.

And if he gets credit for this new deal because it is taking effect on the last day he is in office, then he gets credit for October 7th happening in the first place, and not getting resolved all the days that led up to this one.
The most delicious wrinkle- the hostage deal/ceasefire is in jeopardy (which might just be a big middle finger from Bibi to Biden).

Soooooooo if Biden deserves credit for the ceasefire deal, then he also deserves all the culpability when it fails or is it Trump's fault?


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I think we'd enjoy it more IF YOU LEARNED HOW TO POST A FUCKING LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, you fuck up an Instagram post. You're a retarded kid treating Jello like it's modeling clay. You probably attach corn to a Dewalt and then wonder why your teeth are in a million pieces. You're the guy looking at 19 on a blackjack table and saying "hit me" which is probably what more people should do...

Fucking Muppet...
I think we'd enjoy it more IF YOU LEARNED HOW TO POST A FUCKING LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, you fuck up an Instagram post. You're a retarded kid treating Jello like it's modeling clay. You probably attach corn to a Dewalt and then wonder why your teeth are in a million pieces. You're the guy looking at 19 on a blackjack table and saying "hit me" which is probably what more people should do...

Fucking Muppet...

It works for me....

Ya wise ass! Lolol

Just once - I'd like to see somebody pull out a fucking APFT score sheet when one of these screeching congresswomen start telling lies about objective standards


Just once I'd like "objective standards" to be discussed in the same context as the score card for these "equal infantrypersons"
...we certainly don't have any uniformed senior leaders with the moral courage to do it so maybe we need a Fox TV personality to step up and do that "speaking truth to power" thing that they keep talking about in all of our leader professional development courses

Or don't - keep telling lies as long as the "bubble chart" on your power point readiness slide stays "green"

For fuck sake - "We the People" paid the government MILLIONS of our hard earned tax dollars because theu said they would make make the PT test "objective"
...but a chain of more "qualified" secretaries of defense have failed to deliver objective standards


...and then and those who identify as female began to show a pattern of failure SO fucking dismal that the Army removed the fucking event because it was TOO god damned "equal" for soldiers that identify as female to pass the mother fucker...
...ok troop hang from this mother fucking bar, lift your legs
...come on now, lift 'em up
...all the way
...good, continue
...I said continue
...come on now, continue; you are "on the clock" for record
...never mind, we'll just remove the fucking event so you can continue to be equal

objective standards - my shiny metal ass

edited to add - I turned 57 in June and for purely shit talking purposes, I took the ACFT with a buddy. He just turned 60 and talked even MORE shit. He crushed me in the plank and the run - I beat him in the dead lift and power throw - we were pretty much even on the others.
He he even went so far as to take the ACFT with the "green suiters" when they took their for record. I did not.

At 57 years old, I scored a 537
Scored to Female 17-21 standards I still scored a 527 which is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than the Army wide female average of 477
Scored to MALE 17-21 standards my score drops to a 456 which is significantly LOWER than the army wide male average of 498

Yet - when those two soldiers go to a promotion board - the female infantryperson with a 527 is going to get treated to a promotion and a positive outlook by her leaders

The male infantry person with the 456 is going to get treated like a shit bag
...for posting the exact same mother fucking performance

because, "objective standards" senator - you are the one that is wrong
...or just willingly and zealously spreading misinformation
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Just once - I'd like to see somebody pull out a fucking APFT score sheet when one of these screeching congresswomen start telling lies about objective standards


Just once I'd like "objective standards" to be discussed in the same context as the score card for these "equal infantrypersons"
...we certainly don't have any uniformed senior leaders with the moral courage to do it so maybe we need a Fox TV personality to step up and do that "speaking truth to power" thing that they keep talking about in all of our leader professional development courses

Or don't - keep telling lies as long as the "bubble chart" on your power point readiness slide stays "green"

For fuck sake - "We the People" paid the government MILLIONS of our hard earned tax dollars because theu said they would make make the PT test "objective"
...but a chain of more "qualified" secretaries of defense have failed to deliver objective standards


...and then and those who identify as female began to show a pattern of failure SO fucking dismal that the Army removed the fucking event because it was TOO god damned "equal" for soldiers that identify as female to pass the mother fucker...
...ok troop hang from this mother fucking bar, lift your legs
...come on now, lift 'em up
...all the way
...good, continue
...I said continue
...come on now, continue; you are "on the clock" for record
...never mind, we'll just remove the fucking event so you can continue to be equal

objective standards - my shiny metal ass

Hey y'all gender norming scores for the APFT on the 2 mile run minimum score is 3 minutes for 60 points. For the maximum it's a difference of 2:36. Are we equal? No. Were there women faster than me? Yes. Did they weigh 200lbs like me? No. I didn't see a single woman in the Army that weighed as much as I did, lifted as much as I did, and could run as fast as I did? Do these women exist in the world? Certainly. But I didn't see these mutants anywhere.

We had a female FSO that carried her own ruck and held her own in garrison. But I always wondered if the 5-2, 110lbs girl would actually keep up if we did a ruck in full kit and a real combat load...I say this because I had male soldiers that would fall out. (nothing against her, she was good people)

Guys, remember, the Marine Corps did an objective study. One battalion was fully integrated and one was not they studied both, and the all male infantry unit performed tasks at a higher level than the one with female Marines in combat roles. The disparity in the graded data was available...and then the SECNAV and SECDEF were like we don't care about data, let's open these roles up!
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