Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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Aside from the obvious crime of crossing the border, the rest if the rhetoric just keeps some of the moderates from voting, which will definitely continue the current cycle.

It wouldn't kill Trump, if he controlled himself a bit. We need him to get across the goal line.

Grump 2024
I'm still on the Trump train and still follow him fairly closely. From what I've seen he's been a bit more controlled recently. He still talks shit about the media, which is deserved, but he seems more focused on putting his record up against Biden's. I'm okay with his talking shit when its warrranted, but I do think he has to stop talking so much about 2020.
I do think he has to stop talking so much about 2020.

I'd just shut up and let it die. The average person would eventually forget or not care, but the more bombastic his fight, the greater his risk of alienating voters. The base knows where he stands and the best way to avoid a repeat of 2020 is to blow Biden out of the water.
I'd just shut up and let it die. The average person would eventually forget or not care, but the more bombastic his fight, the greater his risk of alienating voters. The base knows where he stands and the best way to avoid a repeat of 2020 is to blow Biden out of the water.

2020 is an issue, and we all know there was fuckery. There is nothing that can be done except running on not what happened in 2020, but simply making future elections more secure.
2020 is an issue, and we all know there was fuckery. There is nothing that can be done except running on not what happened in 2020, but simply making future elections more secure.

100% agree, but that ship will take some time and a huge fight to turn around. Until then, your best defense is getting enough votes that fraud has to be over-the-top banana republic obvious. "Stupid, what do you think 2020 was?" Not over-the-top enough to make rank-and-file Americans push back.
2020 is an issue, and we all know there was fuckery. There is nothing that can be done except running on not what happened in 2020, but simply making future elections more secure.

I got on a plane to Afghanistan seeing Trump way out ahead with more than 50% of the votes in for most states. I don't remember exactly how much of the vote was in but it was late at night, and well over half thinking Trump had a 2nd term. I landed in Dubai to Biden being President...
Trump could win over a hell of a lot more moderates if he would just keep himself from offending half the country. He was at a rally the other day talking about the illegal aliens coming here, saying they were thieves and drug dealers. 10 million of them. If there were 10 million extra criminals running the streets we would have a huge backlash rather than the small one we have now.

The vast majority of these people are here to work and send cash home, that's it. I'm not condoning that BTW, I think they are all due for deportation. Work visa, no birthright citizenship, or sent back. Claiming they're all criminals just turns off a lot of people to the message and they get all anal retentive and vote progressive.
I think there is a huge backlash coming. Liberal places like California and the city of New York are seeing a huge uptick in crime, as well as border states. It's why liberals are fleeing to other states and turning them into liberal shitholes, bringing along their vices and voting habits.

10 million might also be on the low end. Crime isn't always about thieving or dealing drugs, there is a myriad of networks and underground economies that support the criminal trade. Due to the nature of underground economies, people are needed to preform the most basic ancillary functions. Everything from money laundering, sex trafficking, protection, housing, the fencing of goods and services, will have multiple people at the end chain. Most of the people on that chain will be undocumented. Which for organized crimes groups is great, as they view these people as disposable.

If an illegal alien breaks into the country, and then illegally votes in an election to propagate the policies that are letting them continue to be illegal aliens, then that same illegal alien sends US currency to a foreign country without documenting their employment or paying taxes on the money they made working as an illegal alien, then that illegal alien is just a criminal - at least that's the view from my foxhole
The other thing is that American and multinational businesses rely on undocumented labor to boost their bottom line. If it's labor intensive and unskilled, why pay an American when you can pay a Guatemalan 1/4 or 1/3 the rate? That's the logic these companies have. When it comes to business there are no loyalties. Especially if they're multinationals.

That said... given the insanity of our government and DEI bureaucratic class, companies have very little reason to be loyal or even hire Americans. If multinationals then kick a small portion of their profits to DC, the beltway has no reason to change things.
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The myth of a backlash is just like the myth of the 2022 midterm red wave. There is no backlash coming all
...not even a LITTLE

In fact, get ready for Broadway Joe to score 90 million votes this time around while Donald Trump is busy trying to appeal his prison sentences.
We're fucked. I probably will be dead at some point, but dollars to donuts this experiment balkanizes in my children's lifetime unless we can retake our social institutions and eradicate the ideology of the alphabets, the pro hamasistanis, the commies, all of it.
We're fucked. I probably will be dead at some point, but dollars to donuts this experiment balkanizes in my children's lifetime unless we can retake our social institutions and eradicate the ideology of the alphabets, the pro hamasistanis, the commies, all of it.
We're not fucked. We just need to hang some treasonous idiots, reform our intelligence & security apparatuses, and isolate or terminate the ideological and outside forces that have brought us to the brink. :D

Balkanization is what our enemies want. It makes us easier to subvert as a nation. Yeah things are going to suck, but hopefully this serves as a lesson as to why certain ideologies don't belong in the Western world.
President Biden is sharp, he's focused, and he's on point.


President Biden is sharp, he's focused, and he's on point.


President Biden is sharp, he's focused, and he's on point.


President Biden is sharp, he's focused, and he's on point.
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