Under the current SecDef we have been told that things like the Catholic Celtic Cross (emblem #46 on the National Cemetery Administrations Emblems of Belief chart) is racist...
...artistic depictions of St Michael; may or may not be racist
...there are too many white guys flying fighter jets
...our white Soldiers are inherently racist - they don't mean to be - but they are
...legs lifts on the PT test is sexist
...lowering the raw scores for females is how you get "equality" in physical fitness
...you WILL wear a mask (but you can take it off in the office to drink your coffee as long as you put it back on between sips)
After the shit show that I've witnessed out of DC over the last 30+ fucking years - UP TO AND INCLUDING - being told that sodomizing a government clerk with a cigar is a private matter between a man and his wife and that, well, blow jobs don't count...
...Womyn have penises
...Men can get pregnant
...Cross dressers should be allowed to read stories to elementary school children
...The world is flat
...The moon landing was faked
...Epstein killed himself
...and now, since our lame duck government needs something to talk about between now and January - we are having hearings about the possible national security implications of UFOs \
...all the while, the more academically minded people in this nation (who in many cases ALSO seem to believe that women have penises, men can get pregnant, cross dressers should be allowed to read degenerate stories about gender orientation to elementary school children, the world is flat, and Epstein killed himself) want me to start clutching my pearls and wailing at the harvest moon because a public figure isn't scared of germs.