Your 2024 Presidential Election Thread

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I've spent enough time in a lot of those states to know there are decent left, right, and center people. You can't blame the entire population for the fuckery of a few cities.
Agreed. As someone with family from and spends quite a bit of time on Northern NY State. But sadly just like most of Canada, the decisions are made because of the wackjobs in the city.

Oh and we don't need any more Liberal's, we have enough.
Who wants to go to Canada just to watch the Orioles or the Yankees play baseball?
Why would we give up hundreds of miles of prime beach front property to the Canucks?
Why would we let Fidel Castros love child extend his commie sympathizing policies that far into the continental USA ?
...that meme is dumb for a more reason that I can list
I've spent enough time in a lot of those states to know there are decent left, right, and center people. You can't blame the entire population for the fuckery of a few cities.
Also, in my flavor of conservatism, we don't exile people just because they don't think the exact same way we do. That's what the other side does.

Conservatives and other people who voted (R) in this election also need to remember that our political system is a pendulum and just because it's swinging our way now, doesn't mean it won't swing back the other way. In fact, the harder the swing one way, the more it is guaranteed to swing back hard the other direction.

A lot of people on the left are about to reap the consequences of being unmitigated assholes for the last 8 years. it would be smart to not let a celebratory dunk fest start setting the stage for it to be done to us when they start winning again. Which is absolutely going to happen sometime down the road. because that's the way our republic is set up.

Accountability for the worst actors, yes. Absolutely. There needs to be punishment, and deterrence for future bad acts. But not this level of extreme.

I live in New York. I voted for Trump. Twice. But now some ass clown with a shaky hand and no access to a decent drawing program wants to expel my entire state because more of my fellow citizens voted blue than red this last election? Yeah, fuck right on off with that. Fuck ALL the way off with that.

...and that doesn't even take into account the economics of casting out states like NY or CA, or the military impacts due to the major bases in those states.

This meme is dumb. It's divisive at a time we need to try to start healing. I want every state, and every good citizen, not just the ones who voted the way I wanted them to.
If it really is a profit generating vehicle for nancy Pelosi, then I can't see how in the fuck it is even legal for her to have a hand in it - that would be like somebody in the Pentagon opening a fucking lemonade stand in the parking lot...

...but hey, free trade economy - we should all be allowed to participate - I guess
If it really is a profit generating vehicle for nancy Pelosi, then I can't see how in the fuck it is even legal for her to have a hand in it - that would be like somebody in the Pentagon opening a fucking lemonade stand in the parking lot...

...but hey, free trade economy - we should all be allowed to participate - I guess
I think she just set the stage for it to be permitted/re-opened, I don't think they're saying she runs it or profits from it.

This is a convenience purely for the ruling class. They should be spending their time, and our money, making life easier for us. Not for themselves.

Yeah, scratch this perq.
I am a huge fan of efficiency, and I loathe bureaucratic inertia and cumbersome, bloated organizations. Having been in academia, the military, healthcare, and government, I have seen, oh, I don't know, a million examples.

The booze store? Are you kidding me? Axe it. The legislative branch has over 33,000 staffers. House members may hire up to 18 staffers at a salary of just over $151K. The senate? Hire up to the mid-20s, and is population-dependent, also with salaries of $151K. 73 federal law enforcement agencies or organizations. 18 intelligence agencies. I could go on but we all know the drill.

With almost 3 million federal employees even Helen Keller could swing an axe and chop down the inefficiency and bloat.
I've spent enough time in a lot of those states to know there are decent left, right, and center people. You can't blame the entire population for the fuckery of a few cities.

Yeah, don't lump me in with the fucking city of philly. I can assure you, there's plenty of us in this region that are not blue.
Honestly it is very interesting how the wokes in the sports world are just crumbling because of Trump. These idiots, and anyone on Blue Sky or an equivalent? Mastadon? Actively cheered on the throttling of truthful content and breaking news that was not ideologically aligned...and now they are complaining about the direction of twitter and leaving? Honestly, it would be better if they all just left the country while we're at. Their citizenship can be granted to an illegal once they've been vetted for any criminal record. I know, I know, hyperbolic and stuff...but read this stupid article.

Sports media's migration from X to Bluesky has accelerated post-election

Literally in my morning SBJ, this guy announced he was deactivating his twitter account and then said go read this article on awful announcing. So, only left wing social platforms are a place of free speech? You know places where they come at you for wrong think, such a bizarro world.
The same party that calls anything not supporting their narratives as racist, will of course call thought controlled speech as freedom unless one has a different opinion. This is a thought reforming tool. It's social engineering just like eliminating white and heterosexual males in same race with white female couples or strong alpha roles in ads and in most cases TV shows.
Watching this thread has been great. Let's talk about these appointments!!!

If you didn't want Hegseth at SECDEF, you shouldn't have let Austin violate the Constitution and uphold unlawful orders. Cry about it.

Suppose you didn't want Bobby Kennedy at HHS. In that case, you shouldn't have appointed a dude masquerading as a woman, calling himself an admiral, and allowed big pharma to poison our food, water, and children with impunity. Cry about it.

If you didn't want Elon and Vivek gutting the federal government, you shouldn't have made it the gluttonous blob of unelected bureaucrats it is today. Cry about it.

If you didn't want Tulsi at DNI, you shouldn't have weaponized the national intelligence community for political gain. She went from having plain clothes agents with dogs follow her around the airport to head of DNI. Cry about it.

If you didn't want Gaetz as AG, you should have used some of your misguided "morals and ethics" while Merrick Garland took a shit on the Constitution. And save me the sex trafficking nonsense- no one leveling these claims gave a shit about kids until now. No charges against Gaetz, and you know damn well that if there was *any* way to prosecute him, they would have. Fucking cry harder.

Also, specifically on why he resigned, y'all don't find it odd that Trump goes to Washington, has a couple of meetings with Johnson, and the new speaker, then taps Gaetz, who said on stage that he and Trump "had a secret", then Gaetz immediately resigns? It seems like there was a move in the play, does it not? Maybe Trump said, "I know he's a pain in your side. What if I told you he's out of here? All it takes is a confirmation hearing." No? Nothing? What about a recess appointment? Anyone? Beuller? Gaetz is getting confirmed as AG.

And now for something completely different.

Elections have consequences. No one cares what the internet thinks is "a good pick" or not. Trump has changed everything about this early administration, showing he learned from 2016. When people like John Bolton and the MSM and Big Pharma and woke generals are terrified? Good. That's the point.

And just so we are clear here- I see some talk about "bringing people to the table" and "now that the election is over, we need to bring back discourse" and the like. I want to elucidate my position.

Fuck you. No. There is only one scenario in which I would like to "bring people to the table," and it's to show them the decapitated heads of the previous people I brought to the table as a warning.

You don't win a war by winning one battle and then being nice (see; every war we have lost the last 50 years). You win a war by putting your enemies heads on pikes and breeding them out of existence. If you don't see this as a war, you're exactly who I am talking to.

***If you internalized any of the above, this is a "you" issue, so please reflect on self and don't bother replying to me. I am not the one that made you sad, you are.
Watching this thread has been great. Let's talk about these appointments!!!

If you didn't want Hegseth at SECDEF, you shouldn't have let Austin violate the Constitution and uphold unlawful orders. Cry about it.

Suppose you didn't want Bobby Kennedy at HHS. In that case, you shouldn't have appointed a dude masquerading as a woman, calling himself an admiral, and allowed big pharma to poison our food, water, and children with impunity. Cry about it.

If you didn't want Elon and Vivek gutting the federal government, you shouldn't have made it the gluttonous blob of unelected bureaucrats it is today. Cry about it.

If you didn't want Tulsi at DNI, you shouldn't have weaponized the national intelligence community for political gain. She went from having plain clothes agents with dogs follow her around the airport to head of DNI. Cry about it.

If you didn't want Gaetz as AG, you should have used some of your misguided "morals and ethics" while Merrick Garland took a shit on the Constitution. And save me the sex trafficking nonsense- no one leveling these claims gave a shit about kids until now. No charges against Gaetz, and you know damn well that if there was *any* way to prosecute him, they would have. Fucking cry harder.

Also, specifically on why he resigned, y'all don't find it odd that Trump goes to Washington, has a couple of meetings with Johnson, and the new speaker, then taps Gaetz, who said on stage that he and Trump "had a secret", then Gaetz immediately resigns? It seems like there was a move in the play, does it not? Maybe Trump said, "I know he's a pain in your side. What if I told you he's out of here? All it takes is a confirmation hearing." No? Nothing? What about a recess appointment? Anyone? Beuller? Gaetz is getting confirmed as AG.

And now for something completely different.

Elections have consequences. No one cares what the internet thinks is "a good pick" or not. Trump has changed everything about this early administration, showing he learned from 2016. When people like John Bolton and the MSM and Big Pharma and woke generals are terrified? Good. That's the point.

And just so we are clear here- I see some talk about "bringing people to the table" and "now that the election is over, we need to bring back discourse" and the like. I want to elucidate my position.

Fuck you. No. There is only one scenario in which I would like to "bring people to the table," and it's to show them the decapitated heads of the previous people I brought to the table as a warning.

You don't win a war by winning one battle and then being nice (see; every war we have lost the last 50 years). You win a war by putting your enemies heads on pikes and breeding them out of existence. If you don't see this as a war, you're exactly who I am talking to.

***If you internalized any of the above, this is a "you" issue, so please reflect on self and don't bother replying to me. I am not the one that made you sad, you are.
Standing Ovation Applause GIF by The Maury Show
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