Your worst jump experience..........share ?

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Never really had a bad jump but plenty of shitty landings/"PLFs".

But this thread did remind me of this

These guys were in my platoon.
Just an update on the two guys, I will use abbrevations for privacy reasons.
"TR" got medically discharged and is currently attending college. I can't remember his injuries but he walks on his own power with the help of leg braces.
"AR" is still active at this moment. He was offered a medical discharge but denyed it to fulfill his obligation and took a less physical job in Battalion. After a couple of months back at work he got sick of the work and came back to the platoon. This guy is an animal, if you would see him there is no way you would think he fell a couple hundred feet. He is currently serving as a Rifle Team Leader. He has a titanum femur and has pretty much "recovered" (he can keep up in runs). He also completed a water jump after the accident.

RIP Samodell :(

"Shitty landings" mean like "Feet, ass, head" ;)
More than one... Womack ER was a friggin nuthouse that night, it was a payday Div Jump... remember those goatfucks?

How can I forget ?..............................I'd rather have jumped full equipment, at night, in the rain, with hail, high winds, and no moon, than to be on another of those friggin jumps.
How can I forget ?..............................I'd rather have jumped full equipment, at night, in the rain, with hail, high winds, and no moon, than to be on another of those friggin jumps.

ah, this was a quarterly... Div, D-CE, HEq ... the old "look we're REMF's and we can do the Infantry shit too, jumps... I think they palletized their friggin desks, and some even had dust on their rucks... It was a sad sad experience.
ah, this was a quarterly... Div, D-CE, HEq ... the old "look we're REMF's and we can do the Infantry shit too, jumps... I think they palletized their friggin desks, and some even had dust on their rucks... It was a sad sad experience.

So it was like an SF Support Company jumping? :D
ah, this was a quarterly... Div, D-CE, HEq ... the old "look we're REMF's and we can do the Infantry shit too, jumps... I think they palletized their friggin desks, and some even had dust on their rucks... It was a sad sad experience.

I forgot to bring that up. All the HQ guys, profiles attempting to get paid, etc. I remember having to wrap my room mates lowering line because he had forgotten how to it had been so long. :rolleyes: He was a profile geek that had been taken off and the 1st SGT told me to get him ready, he was jumping rather he liked it or not. I of course complied. :)
1st jump in Batt - Suchon DZ, although not that bad - I did land on a pile of rocks and was paralyzed for what seemed like forever....probably only 15 seconds. Nothing would move, then I managed to wiggle a finger. Unfortunately that was the best part of that shitty 2 week deployment to good ole Kentucky. Luckily I wasn't injured, just temporarily jarred...I guess.

The worst jump for me was my last jump ever - I forget the name of the DZ, but it was in the ROK....even though we didn't have Boon with us, we had plenty of mo's puking soon after take off. Got to love 130's with a bunch of hungover idiots all trying to keep it down!!!!

Anyway our 1st Sergeant (Mr. Highspeed former SF support type) thought it would be cool for us to jump our weapons exposed. Which I honestly don't think enables one to deploy a weapon any quicker... It was one of those perfect jumps, C130 ramp blast - incredible scenery as we exited and though I was the last of 6 jumpers I beat half of them to the ground. I was dumping air in an attempt to avoid the river.....feet and knees together, lower the ruck, watching the horizon.....BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM OH FUCK.

The ground had recently frozen and I landed and tried much to my dismay to do a dynamic PLF...but unfortunately my feet had landed about 2 feet lower in the tire track of a 5 ton, that must have gotten stuck in the mud prior to the freeze. This led to me pushing the front site post of my exposed weapon into my upper thigh, luckily it stopped right at the muscle fascia, saving me from any serious damage. It did however create a 4 by 2 inch gouge stuffed with dirt, grass and the 2 chemlights that happened to be in my cargo pocket! LOL

So I landed with a load and thunderous FUCK YOU MOTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFUCKER, right next to the Col. who had come out to watch this 'tactical' day time jump.

After I uncurled myself from the fetal position and managed to hold down a serious desire to fucking puke, I slowly derigged and stood up. Started packing my shit up, when my RTO comes over and says, "Hey Sergeant - that was a horrific landing! HAHAHAHAH, by the way your BDU's are ripped."

I said thanks and continued to pack up, then I realized that I might be ripped as I stuck my hand in the hole in my pants and came back with just a bit of blood across my knuckles...hmmmm I pull my pants down to check out the damage....well holy shit. My RTO turned white and walked away. I decide to have a smoke. So I'm standing there butt ass naked in the middle of the DZ smoking a smoke and the Col. is like, "WTF". Before he get's back over to me to investigate why this E5 who just cursed like a MF'r is now standing naked and smoking a smoke in the middle of his tactical DZ, I decide to pull out the chemlights.....

He comes walking over and in a not too nice tone ask, "Sgt. WTF is going on here?"

So I say, "Hey Sir, sorry about the cussing...check this shit out...."

I turn around he takes one look at the skin, fat cells, and grass hanging from my thigh down to my knee and starts screaming for a medic! LMAO

Really was funny, the worst part was my senior leadership hadn't seen it and didn't realize that I was a bit eff'd they drove me all over kingdom come before finally getting back to Camp Casey - 5.5 hours later.

When they finally got me into a room and pulled my pants down the CO actually turned whiter than my RTO had and just about ran out of the room...the 1st Sgt. had the curtesy to take out his signal mirror so I could watch them stitch me up....

It was amazing how many hot nurses had to assist, I became a training aid that night so not all was lost.

All in all it was more funny than bad, and I have a cool scar to show for it!

Besides with everyone else out in the field it was easy to get the girl friend into the room and she helped nurse me back to health....I should post a pic of her just so everyone has a sense of her nursing capabilities...perhaps later - damn she was hot.
1st jump in Batt - Suchon DZ, .

I love ramp jumps. As they say "It's the big TV screen to the world" Kinda weird though holding the static line down next your thigh.:uhh:

Exposed weapon ? I never thought it was any quicker either to get to it load and take the prone before moving out.

Great story!!!
Mike when we went to KY I landed in a good ole patch of Poison IVY and the next day I was covered in oozing itchy sucked so bad...until the gave me a steroid shot. But yeah, that deployment sucked.
Mike when we went to KY I landed in a good ole patch of Poison IVY and the next day I was covered in oozing itchy sucked so bad...until the gave me a steroid shot. But yeah, that deployment sucked.

Yes, I must say it was a lovely introduction to life in Regiment....:eek:

I've never seen poison ivy patches like that before...I remember getting down in the prone, noticing all the green then realizing I was in the middle of a football size patch of that shit. Luckily I had my gloves on cause all I could think was, WOW this sucks bad enough without having that shit.
Daytime, Hollywood from a UH-60 into Phillips DZ near Tampa, a exotic animal retirement home or whatever. Very hard packed soil and when dry is like concrete.

So I decide to make up my own PLF, relaxing my legs instead of keeping tension in them. The result is I hit feet, butt....and stopped there. I broke my L-5 and strained all of the muscles in the middle of my back. I laid there for a good minute before I wiggled my toes. I remember thinking "I can't move, I can't get up, WTF do I do?" So I screamed for the medic. I eventually got up (it took forever for the medic to get there), but I couldn't carry my own gear off the DZ. One of the lowest feelings of my life was to have another man carry my chute.

I still have back problems to this day. The old "Walk it off" mentality and not report an injury will cost me in the long run.
Daytime, Hollywood from a UH-60 into Phillips DZ near Tampa, a exotic animal retirement home or whatever. Very hard packed soil and when dry is like concrete.

So I decide to make up my own PLF, relaxing my legs instead of keeping tension in them. The result is I hit feet, butt....and stopped there. I broke my L-5 and strained all of the muscles in the middle of my back. I laid there for a good minute before I wiggled my toes. I remember thinking "I can't move, I can't get up, WTF do I do?" So I screamed for the medic. I eventually got up (it took forever for the medic to get there), but I couldn't carry my own gear off the DZ. One of the lowest feelings of my life was to have another man carry my chute.

I still have back problems to this day. The old "Walk it off" mentality and not report an injury will cost me in the long run.

Yeah, especially if you want VA medical. I had two separate surgerys at Womack for the shoulders. I got a 20% medical and still use the VA here in Cincinnati today. In fact I just back from picking up prescription meds.
Dec 2 1985, Death Jump we called it. Formation after chow!!! Top yells out, bullshit we said under our breath...looneytunes played on the loud speaker so after our tribute to the fallen and our Salute, ABN Schu says, "there is no way we have a jump". Looking over the water tower spanning in the horizon over the area of the museum was the blackest cloud with a thunder head attached that "I" have ever seen. So into the "chow hall". The feeling was, "there is no f@#$$in way we are going to Jump. So up the stairs with full stomachs and what do we see? A full manifest board!!! Prejump 1800, oh yaa let the bs begin!!! so mfn we went, I grabbed our gear and into the rectum of Divisional great ideas we went. Pre-jump was long, so long that when we were complete the rain was so bad, PLF's where being completed in about 6 in of water. 32DAYS AND A WAKE UP!! 22!!! Terminate WITH EXTREME PREDJUDICE!!!!....sounds of satisfaction and pride of the Airborne could be heard between the splashes....waiting for the cancel sign from LT, Top, CO anyone!!! but, it doestn't come. Then...a yell emrged from a frightening voice. It was "Top Shepard" a small man with a temper of SATAN's Mentor 3x Vietnam vet, that the more you resisted him the taller he became. An immortal and a Camal Non filter 4 pack a day smoker that would run circles around most successful triathletes.....CLEAN UP!!! dry fatigues, dry boots, FORMATION 2130!!! Ok......not the answer I wanted to hear!!! I guess the Airforce wants to fly around with PO'd Troopers on board in the worst storm of the year.....Temp 30 degrees windchill 10 wind speed approx 15-25 knots and climbing.....we are not going to jump?.....To be continued.
"Shitty landings" mean like "Feet, ass, head" ;)

Yeah, the landings that make you swear out-loud $#@!% and lay on the ground feeling sorry for yourself while taking a moment to regain some composure. Never had a "soft landing", fuckers would be saying "that is the softest landing I had", O fuck off!.

Didn't everybody say to themselves just as they were going to land "O F**K! O F**K! OOO F********K!"? then again it could just be me because I hated landing. PLFs are such a crock of shit, no matter how you land you land like a sack of shit. (Ha that rhymes, my new sig)