There was another time we did an exercise at Ft...(can't remember the name..rangerpsych help me out! lol) where we ended up landing on a busy interstate. It wasn't a bad jump though since I didn't get injured! lol
Fort Pickett, Virginia.
My platoon was ADVON for that Bn deployment, and as such was DZSO and associated buffonery.
I was DZSO RTO. There was a communications breakdown between the aircraft and us on the ground. We could talk to the lead bird, but could not talk to the other aircraft. So, lead bird says no biggie we can talk to you so you talk to us we'll talk to the air force... lol
well, it wasn't LOL for long. Drop 1 goes off fine.. 2nd bird comes around... CARP jump mind you... well when we call lead bird saying they're good to drop they hit the fucking green light button and started dumping people out the door...
over the closed ASP
over the active freeway
over the 75' trees in the treeline
over everything but fucking dropzone...
Needless to say when we saw the first canopy open over 1.5 miles from the DZ we shut them down and conducted an airland.
Being an EMT and not being required as an RTO at that point, I was tasked with our Plt medic to go start checking out folks and triage as necessary... ended up grabbing the Bn surg and some other doc's who were on the first chalk on the way there...
There was one severe injury on that jump, individual landed in trees and was hung up.. over 30' up in the air.. He did a hangup check by bouncing and promptly fell to the ground.. broken back at that point, noticible stepoff and deviation... So... we load em up in the back of the van.
I talk to the Ft Pickett Emergency coordinator since I just got tasked with the Plt medic to take this cat to the hospital. I told him that I need to move out with a casualty and if I can get it I would like to have a trooper escort or something since I have no emergency lights and we're an hour away from the hospital...
"Ya sure no prob *calls on radio to trooper dispatch, gets reply of X highway and Y highway linkup* there you go not an issue"
Ok, cool... so I'm doing 10 over the speed limit in a white military van with a guy strapped to a backboard and affixed to the floor of the van. I have the lights in the back on so the medic can keep checking on him, and we're both in BDU's and both cammied up...
I blow past a vehicle..... right side of the road.. facing me.... HRM think it's a cop, aint at the linkup point yet.
Hey doc, that IV you have been wanting to do, you're gonna get a chance... "why" because we got a trooper on our tail.. I saw tail lights headlights blue lights... pull over.... lardo the trooper comes wandering up... meanwhile doc's in the back playing human pincushion and the trooper comes up to me and I already have license and ID.. "Sir I'm Spc X, I'm coming from Ft. Pickett where we just conducted an airborne operation and this is a casualty in the back that needs to get to BLA hospital. I've been informed by the Ft. Pickett Emergency coordinator that I'm supposed to be met by a trooper escort at x/y highways"
uhh, aint heard nothin like that... but i don't think ya'll are lyin... take'er easy and i'll let em know up ahead boutcha...
Great, cool, thanks *grab id's and hit throttle skidding gravel*
Get to the hospital.. no ticket no issues, casualty being taken care of.. and doc's gotta open his fuckin mouth when the surgeon shows up at the hospital bout getting pulled over... Doc K looks over at me with a stare and I just shrugged "Sir, I was informed I was good, I drove the same speed an ambulance would have, and I was SUPPOSED to have been met by troopers.. I'd recommend speaking with the Pickett Emergency coordinator who failed to do his job :) "