15/16 NHL thread

The Accountant

Airborne Infantry
Verified Military
Feb 25, 2015
So. I know there are a few people here who follow hockey and I believe an updated thread is overdue.

Looks likely you Minnesota Wild fans will be seeing Travis Hamonic. Sad to see him go from the Islanders, especially since he is one of our top 3 D'men. However it seems he requested a trade prior to the season to be closer to home for family reasons. I believe he deserves the accommodation. Question is what will The Wild deliver to the Islanders if they're interested in a trade.
Crosby is having a bit of a shitter of a year. Duchene was too, snapped out of it now. Still, I think the problem is our coaching.
Fucking Isles can't beat Canadiens. Islanders are very hit or miss so far this season. One thing Penguin and Isle fans can agree with is hoping the Rangers go on a long losing streak.

At least you Pen fans don't have to listen to Ranger fans all the time. :wall:
The million purse seems a bit of overkill considering the amount of the money the guys who are likely to win it earn already. I hope it goes to charity.

It's all a big gimmick, like you said, but it's the ASG- that's the whole point. I used to like the North America vs The World games.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Hockey players, for whatever reason, make excellent writers. Here is the latest piece by HOFer Bryan Trottier.

Letter to My Younger Self | By Bryan Trottier

That's a great article, read it the other day.

I give a lot of credit to his old man for Trott's success.. the man did right by his son by going and clearing off the pond all the time, good shit... good on him. I would think its a safe assumption that if you ask any elite level player in a sport at the Pro, College, hell... even High-school level. They all have older family members or friends that help them get to their potential.

What are everyone's thoughts on the new format for all-Star game? Specifically the three on three format with the $1 million purse. I initially just liked it as gimmicky, but as I think about it at least they are doing something to make the game more exciting.

Report: NHL ASG Moving to 3-on-3 Tourney Format

I love the new 3 vs 3 overtime rules.. so with that said I am in favor of the new Allstar game format. I like the way they set up how each team is a conference. Allows the league to send a few more players to the Allstar scene most likely too, especially goalies.
I think it's time I shop around the Midwest and earn some live NHL experiences. The Red Wings were the team I always remembered from SportsCenter as a kid and that's the team that seems to pop in my mind when I think of the NHL, along with the Blackhawks, and seeing as I was just informed the Blackhawks are also one of NHL's oldest teams (and that I'll take any excuse to take a mini vacation in Chicago) that would be second. Also seeing as for some reason I've never been to St. Paul and would love to visit I could kill two birds with one stone by checking out a Wild game, I think I've been convinced I won't be disappointed. Sounds like a good thing to do during that crappy stretch between the end of the NFL season and Spring Training.
I'm on the north side of Milwaukee so easily Chicago. From here I think St. Paul would be next closest over Detroit but I'm not certain off the top of my head.

Definitely go with Blackhawks... You may get called a bandwagon fan due to their recent success.. its the most common NHL fan insult. Just ignore it. They are close to you.
Definitely go with Blackhawks... You may get called a bandwagon fan due to their recent success.. its the most common NHL fan insult. Just ignore it. They are close to you.

I'm a lifelong Packers, Brewers, and to an extent Bucks fan so getting shot from Chicago games is nothing new ha.

Realistically, being it's proximity to me, that would in the end probably be the choice. However ideally I'll happily explore all three, if not this year then in the near future.
Anyone watch the Isle vs Ranger games last night?! Great game, team I root for came out with two points but it could of went either way. :thumbsup: