2016 Presidential Race

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Verified Military
Feb 13, 2015
Tampa, FL
Since it hasn't happened yet, I figured I'd open Pandora's Box for everyone.

Who do you like at this point and why? If you had to vote tomorrow...and who are you intrigued by as a possibility a year from now, with a little more information?

Only days ago, Ben Carson was the guy that I said "Maybe in a year when I hear a little more..." But now, tomorrow he'd be the guy. Simply put, because I like everything the guy has to say, and he's the first candidate I wholeheartedly believe. My experience with voting only extends to 2002, mind you.

Just interested in the unique opinions of the board members here.
Well like it or not I think Hillary is the likely winner.

I like Chris Christie, but I don't think he is electable.

At this point in our society, I think people who are anti-abortion, anti gay rights, and anti social progress will have a difficult time winning a general election.
I'm a liberal, but I could live with Jeb Bush or John Kasich as President. Hillary is probably going to win, but it's looking like less of a sure bet than it was six months ago. Bernie Sanders is currently my favorite, though I'd really like to see more of his foreign policy ideas.
I'm a liberal, but I could live with Jeb Bush or John Kasich as President. Hillary is probably going to win, but it's looking like less of a sure bet than it was six months ago. Bernie Sanders is currently my favorite, though I'd really like to see more of his foreign policy ideas.
I feel like that about Jeb and Christie. Though Webb is the closest to my beliefs with Sanders having a lot of stuff I could get into.
Hilary for Prison 2016!

I lean libertarian on most issues, so Rand Paul is my guy. I would be okay with Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, or John Kasich, though.

As far as the Democrats go, I think Bernie Sanders as the right message on a lot of issues, but I disagree with his solutions.
By design, Hillary will lose the opportunity because of legal issues. leaving Biden/Castro or Biden/Warren.. depending on latino or women vote being more important.
Bernie Sanders will lose primaries and either run as independent and allow for a Republican win, or not run and Biden will win the election.

Kasich/Rubio for the Ohio/Florida/latino vote, but maybe Bush/Rubio or Walker/Rubio... or <insert name>/Rubio will win the republican primaries.
Trump will lose the primaries and either run as an independent and allow for the Democrats to win, or not run and in our current climate allow for Biden to be our next president.

Rand Paul's father scare the shit out of me, so 100% no.. I like Fiorina, but I don't see it happening.
I think it's all about Trump: will he stay or will he go? :hmm:

When the RNC says "you're fired", if he goes 3rd party, Crimin-illary will become POTUS :thumbsdown:and her closed door admin (and her open fly FMOTUS) will make Obama appear transparent as he has claimed, but if Trump fades into an Ambassador post, a Republican :thumbsup: will take over 1600 Pen Ave.
I'd rather have a Republican Congress and a Democrat in the WH. I think Obama has pushed everything far enough that the house of cards crumbles during the next administration. Media will blame the WH occupants if it's a Republican.
This is how I think it ends for us:


I can't take Rand Paul seriously, Trump is the GOP's best litmus test for controversial issues, but can sink that with an Independent run. Much like Perot, Trump breaking off will fracture the Republican vote allow the Democrats to win. Hillary is still the front runner and the email issue will eventually go away. (She's a farking criminal, but no one will charge her and this thing dies out) Jeb would have a chance but he's a Bush, most of the GOP candidates are throw-away's and we won't have a real handle on the actual contenders until they drop like flies leaving three or maybe four. Fiorina would make a great VP candidate and Walker's a bucket of fail with the Union fiasco.
This is how I think it ends for us:


I can't take Rand Paul seriously, Trump is the GOP's best litmus test for controversial issues, but can sink that with an Independent run. Much like Perot, Trump breaking off will fracture the Republican vote allow the Democrats to win. Hillary is still the front runner and the email issue will eventually go away. (She's a farking criminal, but no one will charge her and this thing dies out) Jeb would have a chance but he's a Bush, most of the GOP candidates are throw-away's and we won't have a real handle on the actual contenders until they drop like flies leaving three or maybe four. Fiorina would make a great VP candidate and Walker's a bucket of fail with the Union fiasco.
Is the burning garbage representing Hillary's emails?
This is how I think it ends for us:


I can't take Rand Paul seriously, Trump is the GOP's best litmus test for controversial issues, but can sink that with an Independent run. Much like Perot, Trump breaking off will fracture the Republican vote allow the Democrats to win. Hillary is still the front runner and the email issue will eventually go away. (She's a farking criminal, but no one will charge her and this thing dies out) Jeb would have a chance but he's a Bush, most of the GOP candidates are throw-away's and we won't have a real handle on the actual contenders until they drop like flies leaving three or maybe four. Fiorina would make a great VP candidate and Walker's a bucket of fail with the Union fiasco.

We are boiling down to, if not already there, a one party system. That "party" is the media backed front runner, which means another eight years of a Clinton Whitehouse.
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I'm going with Trump as of now based upon his blunt style if anything. I'd like to read more into what specific polices he has.

Otherwise my 2nd choice is wide open.
For the Trump supporters out there- I hate the guy. He represents what a shit show this entire process is.

Can any of you make a coherent case that he could/should actually hold the office? I mean- zero political experience, zero policies, and he's abrasive and childish to the press, IMO.
For the Trump supporters out there- I hate the guy. He represents what a shit show this entire process is.

Can any of you make a coherent case that he could/should actually hold the office? I mean- zero political experience, zero policies, and he's abrasive and childish to the press, IMO.

His hair SCREAMS for AFSOC support.
For the Trump supporters out there- I hate the guy. He represents what a shit show this entire process is.

Can any of you make a coherent case that he could/should actually hold the office? I mean- zero political experience, zero policies, and he's abrasive and childish to the press, IMO.

Kinda like the guy currently holding office when he first threw his hat in, only with the brain cavity-to-mouth filter disengaged, yeah? Not like we're really all that much to be proud of these days with our current ranking in press freedom according to Reporters Without Borders.

We're closer to being a third world banana republic than we care to admit. Our elections have been more about who's the bigger cult of personality since 1996. None of our options on either side of the aisle are really anything to write home about. Depending on how the next two presidential elections pan out, we're either going to resemble a larger version of a Central American tin pot dictatorship, or we're going to rise up to be be every bit the global enemy that the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany was. It all depends on which cult of personality wins.
For the Trump supporters out there- I hate the guy. He represents what a shit show this entire process is.

Can any of you make a coherent case that he could/should actually hold the office? I mean- zero political experience, zero policies, and he's abrasive and childish to the press, IMO.
He thinks the President runs the show, doesn't seem to understand Congressional roles, and really is clueless about the Federal Bureaucratic (i.e. the GS environment) process.

Maybe a good Sec of Commerce, but nothing else

Kinda like the guy currently holding office when he first threw his hat in, only with the brain cavity-to-mouth filter disengaged, yeah? Not like we're really all that much to be proud of these days with our current ranking in press freedom according to Reporters Without Borders.

We're closer to being a third world banana republic than we care to admit. Our elections have been more about who's the bigger cult of personality since 1996. None of our options on either side of the aisle are really anything to write home about. Depending on how the next two presidential elections pan out, we're either going to resemble a larger version of a Central American tin pot dictatorship, or we're going to rise up to be be every bit the global enemy that the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany was. It all depends on which cult of personality wins.
My guess is combine the two.
A Socialist Dictatorship, unless America's Muslim population rises up in protest. :p
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For the Trump supporters out there- I hate the guy. He represents what a shit show this entire process is.

Can any of you make a coherent case that he could/should actually hold the office? I mean- zero political experience, zero policies, and he's abrasive and childish to the press, IMO.

I believe he could because he knows how to lead large organizations. He is both a leader and manager. At this point in politics I want someone with zero direct political experience; some who hasn't drank that Kool Aid.

As for being that way to press I don't care. The press can suck both good and bad.
I'd like to see Rubio/Carson or Cruz/Carson. Those two match my own views closer than other candidates. Unfortunately, I believe poor ole Bush came across as incompetent in the debates because he stumble around the questions. Kasich has a solid record in Ohio, but that's all he could talk about, and I hadn't heard of him before the debates.

I could live with a Trump/Carson matchup. I don't think that anything Trump says is not carefully calculated. This is a man who has amassed $10 billion worth of wealth, and that does not happen for someone that is not in a way "diplomatic".
Since Trump's wealth has been brought up a few times here and since The Donald has valued himself at ~$10 billion, I figured I'd share an article/blog I read a few weeks ago concerning this very topic. Granted, it's a contrarian view to Trump's wealth and only Trump knows what he's truly worth, but it's certainly thought provoking nonetheless.

Trump Change: Is Donald Trump Broke?—The Alpha Pages

"Trump’s FEC document impresses me as the statement of a person who does not have much of anything other than himself – he is his own product. He is the professional wrestler of the financial world – a person who is famous for being famous, the tragic product of a society that produces images instead of actual things."
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