2016 Presidential Race

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Npr mentioned fiorinas hormone comments this morning, before I had my coffee, and my first reaction was 'wha...?'. Then I realize she just buried it hilt deep in bill Clinton. Yes, carry on.

I don't know much about Carson, and Lord he's awkward when he speaks, but I get the feeling he's cold, clinical, and usually the smartest guy in the room. Like many Americans, I'm almost at the point where 'I'll try anything', just to break the current gridlock that's busy pitting Americans against each other.
@racing_kitty for President of SS-istan!!!!

I would rather have Trump sit across from Putin and tell him the truth than have a President bend over to smell King Abdullah's junk. Seriously, I think that Trump would have the "command climate" that only tolerates straight shooters, accountability, etc and BS-ers would be sent packing...publicly.

The scandals at IRS, VA, OPM, DOS, etc would most likely be nipped in the bud before they even became scandals. A business leader like Trump is programmed to always make moves to progress upward due to the incentives (financial, personal, etc) whereas idealists like Obama honestly believe his plan/ideas are right regardless of conflicting information, which MUST be wrong. People like Bill and Hillary are honestly pathological.

Leadership...the American people are crying out for leadership but I don't think we're ready for Trump to be in the WH but are most definitely trying to signal their desire to break the logjam as @Freefalling wrote.

How many recall obama's open mic gaff with the Russian Ambassador, before his re-election? "Tell him I can do more for him after the election". How is it that that has never been mentioned, looked at or questioned?}:-) }:-). Off track for this election cycle, but the media has burried a ton of material that should have been looked at.
How many recall obama's open mic gaff with the Russian Ambassador, before his re-election? "Tell him I can do more for him after the election". How is it that that has never been mentioned, looked at or questioned?}:-) }:-). Off track for this election cycle, but the media has burried a ton of material that should have been looked at.

I bet there is an email about it somewhere...:p
I've been looking at them from a foreign policy aspect and I think Trump would be terrible for NZ and would take us back to the dark times of 1986 or something. Though I think he would be terrible at foreign policy in general, to be quite honest.

Clinton might be OK there. The email illegality notwithstanding she seemed to be quite able in the SoS role.

The others it's hard to tell. Everything is so-rightly- turned towards American domestic issues.
I've been looking at them from a foreign policy aspect and I think Trump would be terrible for NZ and would take us back to the dark times of 1986 or something. Though I think he would be terrible at foreign policy in general, to be quite honest.

Clinton might be OK there. The email illegality notwithstanding she seemed to be quite able in the SoS role.

The others it's hard to tell. Everything is so-rightly- turned towards American domestic issues.
What did she actually do as Sec State?
What did she actually do as Sec State?

She executed the foreign policy of your country. You can say Benghazi or whatever, I honestly don't care about that because that's an internal issue for you guys as far as I'm concerned. She's been able when it comes to NZ- we've been brought a lot closer and relations are almost 100% (I would say 85-90%) to what they used to be.
What did she actually do as Sec State?

Use her personal email a lot.

I'm not sold on any candidate just yet, but the tabloid entertainment I'm getting from this entire race has me skeptical of the whole thing.

On Trump: He focuses a lot on illegal immigration, I find that to be an important issue sure, but there are more issues to be tackled across the nation. The education system and the VA are two big issues I'd like to see more press about but that may not happen. His tax and economic standpoints are good but we will see if they can actually come to a reality versus just words on paper.

Most candidates I just don't see as anything different then my previous 27 years of existence, life long politicians with the occasional outlier but none of them seem to offer anything different then the rest as they just talk in circles. That's the only benefit I give to Trump, he may speak like a jackass but I know where he stands and he does not play the coward in damage control every time he says something someone does not like. I somehow feel he may pull out of the race though as it gets closer for whatever reason.
She executed the foreign policy of your country. You can say Benghazi or whatever, I honestly don't care about that because that's an internal issue for you guys as far as I'm concerned. She's been able when it comes to NZ- we've been brought a lot closer and relations are almost 100% (I would say 85-90%) to what they used to be.

She was in the position to make decisions and carry out foregin policy. We know she did that while bleeding sensative, and probably seceret and above information using her cellular phone. That alone was not IAW the care and practice of a US Sec of State, the legality of which is very much in question. As for Benghazi, the function of that station was her responsability, that includes the safety of all of the staff at that Embassy. I do care deeply about what happened at Bengazi, and Clinton pretty much threw the entire station under the bus; you can't just blow that off as "What ever". Is that the policy re: every US Embassy. While SOS, she made comments about being under direct fire, which was proven to be untrue, just like Brian Williams. It's just my $.02, but Clinton's time as SOS, was that of failure, and has put the security of our Nation at risk.
My summing up of their probable attitudes to New Zealand is not an endorsement or approval/disapproval of that candidate.
She executed the foreign policy of your country. You can say Benghazi or whatever, I honestly don't care about that because that's an internal issue for you guys as far as I'm concerned. She's been able when it comes to NZ- we've been brought a lot closer and relations are almost 100% (I would say 85-90%) to what they used to be.
No, Obama appointed a bunch of Czar's to actually conduct policy. She played tourist as a resume builder.
She sucked as Sec State. Time will show she used the office for personal financial gain, a violation of the law.

Looking back, I think overcharge was the appropriate term.
So Trump or Clinton, wow what a choice.

That's like walking into a Singaporean hairdressers and choosing between the hooker with AIDs or the one with Syphilis.
Idiocracy is now a documentary. Either that, or people really are that disgusted with the election process. How else can you explain Deez Nuts for president?

Also, the Donald is swinging through my home town tomorrow. Demand for tickets meant they had to move to a bigger venue, namely Ladd-Peebles Stadium.

My fat fingers hit post before I could hot link, sorry.
I fully endorse Joe Biden for the Democratic Party's nomination for President.

(If he runs, Criminillary is out (and her political career is done) and the Republican nomination WILL win.)
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