2016 Presidential Race

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Election stations do this before voters show up.

According to the Facebook posts that sparked this controversy, that's exactly what happened.

From the last election:
I imagine that there aren't more recordings like this because there isn't a prominent narrative of vote-switching on the Democrat side, so instead of throwing up a video and screaming "RIGGED!!!" to the heavens, they just get a poll worker to fix the problem, and vote as normal. You'll note that in those Facebook posts, the voters involved were able to cast their votes correctly after poll workers took them offline, which tells me that that this is just an inconvenience rather than evidence of malfeasance.

Look, if you get touch-sensitive LCD screens, especially older ones, and have hundreds or thousands of grubby fingers jabbing them in a single day, some of them might fall out of calibration. I don't know how old those specific machines are, but I would wager that some of them were probably used in the midterms as well as the 2012 election. I had a Blackberry that used to do this (back when Blackberries were still a thing) and had to recalibrate it close to once a week, which was super annoying and I'm glad that I ditched that piece of shit. The Chase bank location near me has a nearly brand-new ATM with an LCD screen, and the cursor drifts ever-so slightly so that you kinda have to put your finger slightly up and to the left of the number you actually want to hit.

If the voting machines really were "rigged", wouldn't your vote appear as normal and just be miscounted on the digital register? If this is evidence of rigging conspiracy in the most visible election on the entire planet, then the conspirators are some of the most incompetent amateurs in history.

No need in explaining the tech to me. I don't think there's a widespread "rigging" but I have no doubt at the local level there's a little bit of negligence in the setup and operating of the machines. Voting just started, if they are "grubby"; then there is absolutely negligence or "rigging" in the system. The same technology is used in ABM's and they don't need as much calibration...
This happens in every single election. Touch screen machines fall out of calibration sometimes and need to be re-adjusted.
Guess why.
One of the world’s largest ATM manufacturers and, formerly, one of the largest manufacturers of electronic voting systems, has been indicted by federal prosecutors for bribery and falsification of documents.
The charges represent only the latest in a long series of criminal and/or unethical misconduct by Diebold, Inc. and their executives over the past decade.
A U.S. Attorney says the latest charges are in response to “a worldwide pattern of criminal conduct” by the company…bribing government officials and falsifying documents in China, Indonesia and Russia to obtain and retain contracts to provide ATMs to banks in those countries.
Voting Machine Manufacturer Diebold Charged Over Bribery, Fraud, And "Worldwide Pattern Of Criminal Conduct" - disinformation
Worse - its outright conspiracy, dontchya' know.

Lack of substantial evidence for it only proves that the cover up part is working, obviously.


Yeah, touch screens weren't pulled in MD because of anomlies of changing Rs to D's in state and the Baltimore mayoral election.:whatever:
The only way to keep an electronic device 100% secure is to disconnect it from everything, turn it off, and lock it in a Faraday cage.

Simple question for everyone: what electronic input devices have never failed you? 100% availability and 100% successful input rate?
The only way to keep an electronic device 100% secure is to disconnect it from everything, turn it off, and lock it in a Faraday cage.

Simple question for everyone: what electronic input devices have never failed you? 100% availability and 100% successful input rate?

If HP has any part in making them, no matter how small; the device fails from day one forward.
The only way to keep an electronic device 100% secure is to disconnect it from everything, turn it off, and lock it in a Faraday cage.

Does anyone know how votes are tabulated? How the data (vote count) is counted locally and then how that data is moved to the state level?

"But surely the data is encrypted during storage and transmission!"...yes, I'm sure it is.
Does anyone know how votes are tabulated? How the data (vote count) is counted locally and then how that data is moved to the state level?

"But surely the data is encrypted during storage and transmission!"...yes, I'm sure it is.

How did we ever vote in the old days? Without a serious media, the internet to tell us things were rigged, polarized left and right? Must have just counted on the honesty of the citizenry.
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Does anyone know how votes are tabulated? How the data (vote count) is counted locally and then how that data is moved to the state level?

How did we ever vote in the old days? Without a serious media, the internet to tell us things were rigged, polarized left and right? Must have just counted on the honesty of the citizenry.

Stepping past security concerns for a moment, how did we arrive at electronic voting? Who/ what studied the old paper ballots and determined their margin of error, time/cost to process, and susceptibility to fraud? Then, how were those methods and results compared to electronic voting? At what point did someone or some organization say "we'll accept x amount of loss/ fraud if it saves us y and z amounts of time and money"?

That's all before data-at-rest and data-in-transit, key management, encryption methods between the polling stations and central servers pops up. What metrics are acceptable to go from old paper methods to a computerized process? Time, money, fraud, loss, risk mitigation...

Fraud will always be there, ALWAYS, so what's the best method to combat fraud and what are our acceptable losses?
How did we ever vote in the old days? Without a serious media, the internet to tell us things were rigged, polarized left and right? Must have just counted on the honesty of the citizenry.

I am sure William Tweed and Tammany Hall counted on honest citizens to do their part, too. Corruption has been part and parcel of the political process since, well, definitely Biblical times.
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