2016 Presidential Race

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Yeah I am SUPER excited to see what sort of bombshell forced an acting director to go against his own bureau's policy of not releasing information within thirty days of a political election.

It's got to be massive! I mean, there's probably no way that this turns out to be a headline with no substance that gets slow rolled a week out right?!

Charges have to be imminent!!!!

I am so "over" this bullshit a 20 year old white chick at an expensive liberal college that identifies as mayonnaise and would prefer you use non-genderfluid dyamic ghostkin pronouns told me I had to "just chill and sit with your feelings."
Yeah I am SUPER excited to see what sort of bombshell forced an acting director to go against his own bureau's policy of not releasing information within thirty days of a political election.

It's got to be massive! I mean, there's probably no way that this turns out to be a headline with no substance that gets slow rolled a week out right?!

Charges have to be imminent!!!!

I am so "over" this bullshit a 20 year old white chick at an expensive liberal college that identifies as mayonnaise and would prefer you use non-genderfluid dyamic ghostkin pronouns told me I had to "just chill and sit with your feelings."

I hope you're kidding but that is funny, sad and tragic.
Yeah I am SUPER excited to see what sort of bombshell forced an acting director to go against his own bureau's policy of not releasing information within thirty days of a political election.

It's got to be massive! I mean, there's probably no way that this turns out to be a headline with no substance that gets slow rolled a week out right?!

Charges have to be imminent!!!!

I am so "over" this bullshit a 20 year old white chick at an expensive liberal college that identifies as mayonnaise and would prefer you use non-genderfluid dyamic ghostkin pronouns told me I had to "just chill and sit with your feelings."
What a cuck.
Yeah I am SUPER excited to see what sort of bombshell forced an acting director to go against his own bureau's policy of not releasing information within thirty days of a political election.

It's got to be massive! I mean, there's probably no way that this turns out to be a headline with no substance that gets slow rolled a week out right?!

Charges have to be imminent!!!!

I am so "over" this bullshit a 20 year old white chick at an expensive liberal college that identifies as mayonnaise and would prefer you use non-genderfluid dyamic ghostkin pronouns told me I had to "just chill and sit with your feelings."

I'm not sure if it was preplanned or chance, but today some of the premium channels, HBO & SHO, are broadcasting, "Weiner". It covers the period of time after his second "Carlos Danger" discovery, and right thru the Mayoral race for NYC. It includes his wife, and some of their brief interactions. She acts like she is not wanting any part of him or what he is doing. I really find that watching in now is quite amazing, on HBO no less.
Interesting that the same folks (infotainment) that previously praised Director Comey for his professionalism now are calling for his head!
Interesting that the same folks (infotainment) that previously praised Director Comey for his professionalism now are calling for his head!

Or the people that previously called for his head are praising him now...
I'm scared for Huma!

When you look at all of the people whom Clinton kept around after each scandal...she's not the sort you want as a President, she doesn't know how to get rid of people who affect her bottom line.
I cannot wait to read the FBI's warrant: will the cite Hillary's case or cite potential Abedin's false official statements?

Do these emails fall under Congressional purview due to the Oversight Committee's preservation order?
Scenario 1: Trump wins landslide victory and Hillary files suit due to government influence, citing her polling numbers before and after FBI release. Everyone agrees to a special election, Obama stays in power until special election, mean while Hillary is indicated on mishandling classified materials and corruption. Democrats cut tis with the Clinton's to save face, Joe Biden steps into special election, destroys Trump, Joe become 45th POTUS.

Scenario 2: Trump wins and Hillary is immediately chraged, and put on trial, the whole trial becomes the news of the day, thousands of crazy things come out. It's a puppet show, while the economy and national debt spin out of control. Trump blames HRC and Obama for mess, says we're all screwed, never ac acomplishes anything he campaigned on.

Scinario 3: Hillary is elected, FBI director Comey is murdered, we go to war with Russia. Gun control executive orders and constant overreach of power by executive branch causes states to start forming alliances outside of party politics, several states decide to leave the union, American Civil War 2.0
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