2016 Presidential Race

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Disagree cause - while I am assuming sarcasm, there is just enough Alex Jones in your post to make me wonder!
Disagree cause - while I am assuming sarcasm, there is just enough Alex Jones in your post to make me wonder!


I don't follow Alex Jones, but all three of those scenarios are very possible. I've been talking to the Joe Biden becomes POTUS scenario sence his son died. I think a special election will be called for and I think Comey gave them the reason to articulate that.
I wonder if Obama could somehow be inaugurated for a two year term should Hillary be indicted following the election. Resign at his year limit of ten years and Joe because POTUS for two years.
I wonder if Obama could somehow be inaugurated for a two year term should Hillary be indicted following the election. Resign at his year limit of ten years and Joe because POTUS for two years.

Why don't we just wait and see. There is a long way to go before she is indicted.
Most of the polling (going by and large by 538.com but I think they've got a solid track record) shows the race was tightening before this latest news-cycle fixation. But, the polls were tightening as Republicans came back to Trump - not because Democrats or independents were abandoning HRC. The same held true with when the email scandal was getting more prominent coverage earlier in the campaign - it tended to energize the other party and depress HRC supporters, with only slight movement in 'independents.' I put independents in quotes as I've seen some convincing research (I think vox was where I saw the article so if you're convinced of their 'bias' then maybe you don't want to believe this) that most 'independents' self-identify that way but their voting history shows they're pretty tied to one party's view. They are more vulnerable to staying home - but not to crossing over. Further, the undecided portion of the electorate has been getting smaller as the race is ending with most of the swing states having the smallest percentage of undecided votes.

Bottom line, this news could help tighten the size of the HRC victory but is very unlikely to change it. Who it helps are down-ballot Republicans who benefit from less Trump blowout coattails. Predictably you seem them jumping on this latest report with both feet - and why it looks like to Democratic operatives, whether he intended it this way or not, that the FBI director is actively working to help the Republican party. The timing of this puts maximum damage on the Democratic chances of taking the Senate and closing the gap in the house.

Similarly the Trump taped comments release timing was perfect for causing down-ballot Republicans to abandon him (then come crawling back a week later) before the 3rd debate. That doesn't mean it was intentionally released for that effect but if you're a Republican political operative you've got to believe it was.
There is this piece of paper that has been amended to include term limits for POTUS. I can see the current one trying to get around that, hell; maybe all this media circus is about that very thing.
Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but I think you need to step out of the right wing media bubble for a bit.
You're probably right, and I didn't watch Fox news any until the FBI jumped back in.

Don't worry, non-President Trump is going to launch a major media effort that will be to the right of Fox news once the election is over. The far right will be way more main stream. It's going to be really interesting to see them inveigh on Fox news' left-wing bias.
No one in their right mind will indict a presidential candidate with a week left in the race. They would have to stand over a dead body, covered in blood and holding a weapon, to take a charge. Once she wins, no one will indict a president-elect unless...."dead body." The only way she takes a hit is after what will probably be a contested election and she's finally out of the picture. Maybe.

To recap: without some egregious, can't escape evidence of a crime, she will not be charged. I'd love to see her booking photo, but it won't happen.
@Freefalling , how dare you question the Government, which has asserted electronic voting is tamper proof! The comrades have reserved a place for you in the education camp with a report date of 21 January 2016, or day 01 according to the new Clinton Calendar.
Shouldn't day 01 in the new Clinton Calendar be 21 January 2017?
Doesn't matter what she does, she won't be indicted unless she loses and Trump pushes the issue (which he probably will). My scenarios are a bit different from what I've seen.

Scenario 1 - Hillary wins and immediately starts issuing globalist/gun control/socialist leaning executive orders. I think you can look forward to...TPP (she says she aopposes it, but it fits her agenda to a T), "common sense" gun laws and the setup for amnesty within the first 10 days of a Clinton presidency. The right pushes back, but loses while trying to stay PC and make everyone happy. We continue our march down a road that was well documented by Orwell. The conservative side of the population realizes what's happening, but by the time they come together to try to stop it, it's too late.

Scenario 2 - Trump wins and we have urban riots. They get so bad due to the media's never ending crusade to fan the flames of conflict that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The stock market comes crashing down for the first 90 days or so before coming back up slowly, wiping out an incredible amount of wealth. Violence ramps up, law enforcement ramps up and pretty soon everyone's either carrying or hiding.

Neither one of those two scenarios looks good to me.
Doesn't matter what she does, she won't be indicted unless she loses and Trump pushes the issue (which he probably will). My scenarios are a bit different from what I've seen.

Scenario 1 - Hillary wins and immediately starts issuing globalist/gun control/socialist leaning executive orders. I think you can look forward to...TPP (she says she aopposes it, but it fits her agenda to a T), "common sense" gun laws and the setup for amnesty within the first 10 days of a Clinton presidency. The right pushes back, but loses while trying to stay PC and make everyone happy. We continue our march down a road that was well documented by Orwell. The conservative side of the population realizes what's happening, but by the time they come together to try to stop it, it's too late.

Scenario 2 - Trump wins and we have urban riots. They get so bad due to the media's never ending crusade to fan the flames of conflict that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The stock market comes crashing down for the first 90 days or so before coming back up slowly, wiping out an incredible amount of wealth. Violence ramps up, law enforcement ramps up and pretty soon everyone's either carrying or hiding.

Neither one of those two scenarios looks good to me.

Wasn't scenario 1 basically the same for President Obama? He did t do any of the shit people thought he would do. We are still here. More guns than ever.
Wasn't scenario 1 basically the same for President Obama? He did t do any of the shit people thought he would do. We are still here. More guns than ever.
Yup. He is the world's best gun salesman. The industry will miss him.
Can I use your laptop? My battery died.

Of the many scenerios I've seen thrown around, this one has been swimming around my brain for some time.
cenario 2 - Trump wins and we have urban riots. They get so bad due to the media's never ending crusade to fan the flames of conflict that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The stock market comes crashing down for the first 90 days or so before coming back up slowly, wiping out an incredible amount of wealth. Violence ramps up, law enforcement ramps up and pretty soon everyone's either carrying or hiding.

It's funny really. Clinton wins and the average Republican drops an F-Bomb or two, kicks the dog, has a drink, and carries on.

Trump wins? Look the fuck out. There will be riots and they will be violent. And not just the BLM folks either - the illegals who are here will be right there with em.
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