2016 Presidential Race

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No one in their right mind will indict a presidential candidate with a week left in the race. They would have to stand over a dead body, covered in blood and holding a weapon, to take a charge. Once she wins, no one will indict a president-elect unless...."dead body." The only way she takes a hit is after what will probably be a contested election and she's finally out of the picture. Maybe.

To recap: without some egregious, can't escape evidence of a crime, she will not be charged. I'd love to see her booking photo, but it won't happen.

Agreed, totally. I don't think the primary goal is indictment, at least for 8 days. I think their primary goal is to Keep HRC off-message and playing defense, letting the GOP pound her on these things. Sure, they keep yelling "indictment", all to rouse everyone up, but I think they know that an indictment is very unlikely.
Of the many scenerios I've seen thrown around, this one has been swimming around my brain for some time.

It's funny really. Clinton wins and the average Republican drops an F-Bomb or two, kicks the dog, has a drink, and carries on.

Trump wins? Look the fuck out. There will be riots and they will be violent. And not just the BLM folks either - the illegals who are here will be right there with em.

I can't agree here. People are saying the election is rigged. One candidate is saying he may not accept defeat. That is a recipe for more than saying "fuck" having a few beers and dealing with it.

I think that no matter who wins, it will be ok. As long as people aren't so concerned with stupid stuff I have seen posted the passed few days that they themselves do something dumb.
People are emotional creatures. When those emotions are charged, they say and do things they normally wouldn't. We -- the USA -- find ourselves in interesting times. But, we have gone through them before. We will drive on and continue being "who" and "what" we are. Will there be a percentage that pushes the envelope and "riot" or whatever they choose to call it -- sure, but, at the end of the day, life will go on and we will continue to be the USA.

Warriors drive on! Warriors aren't changed by their environment...Warriors CHANGE their environment.
I think that no matter who wins, it will be ok.

I really hope you are right - based on what I have seen over the past year in regards to protests and violence over black men being shot by cops, I get concerned that you might not be. Add to that the protests and violence over not the shooting of black men, but instead over the decision not to charge officers, I get doubly concerned that you may have more faith in people than I do.

Personally I think that if Trump somehow pulls this off, the "something for nothing" crowd are going to be very concerned that the ride is over. The illegals who are here are going to be terrified that come inauguration day, the "jack booted thugs" will be knocking down their doors, and the ability to shame and influence change via Twitter/Facebook is over.

There will be violence. It's just how I see things right now...but if ever there was a time I hoped my beliefs to be disproven, it is now.
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People are emotional creatures. When those emotions are charged, they say and do things they normally wouldn't. We -- the USA -- find ourselves in interesting times. But, we have gone through them before. We will drive on and continue being "who" and "what" we are. Will there be a percentage that pushes the envelope and "riot" or whatever they choose to call it -- sure, but, at the end of the day, life will go on and we will continue to be the USA.

Warriors drive on! Warriors aren't changed by their environment...Warriors CHANGE their environment.

I want to believe you are right. But I am really struggling right now...(see my post above to TLDR). It is becoming "in" again to be anti-USA. To be against the establishment, and the country. Patriots are being seen as unenlightened and suffering from white privilege. Last week my sister-in-law the overzealous liberal and social justice warrior said to me, "If you'd take the time to understand their side, you'd applaud their taking a stand against the National Anthem. It's not their song, it's YOUR song." She says shit like this because she is a cunt and knows that it pisses me off, but she also really believes it.

So @Agoge , while I agree that "Warriors change their environment", I am very concerned that it will be Warriors like you and me who simply adapt, improvise, and overcome, and warriors of my SIL's ilk who will make the most noise and actually influence change.
@Ooh-Rah, Brother, I know exactly what you are saying. We all have our realm of influence. I have members of my family who are exactly like your SIL. When I speak with them, I let them know that I won't converse with them as long as they identify with any group, I.E., Dem, Rep, Liberal, Conservative, Race, Creed, etc. I will only speak on terms of an individual and specific issues.

Many people out there don't possess their "own" opinions, but simply regurgitate other's opinions that they see on the news, Facebook, etc, and claim it as their own. They ignorantly follow others. I don't let their opinions affect my world, because I choose not to allow it to.

I will press the fight, stand my ground, and then take some...more often than not!

Keep up the good fight my brother...I will improvise and overcome...I choose not to adapt all the time.
I like how some of you are predicting riots if Trump wins, like why? If anything there should be riots if Hillary wins.

But I just see a lot of facebook bitching about to go down.
Of the many scenerios I've seen thrown around, this one has been swimming around my brain for some time.

It's funny really. Clinton wins and the average Republican drops an F-Bomb or two, kicks the dog, has a drink, and carries on.

Trump wins? Look the fuck out. There will be riots and they will be violent. And not just the BLM folks either - the illegals who are here will be right there with em.

Maybe you need the riots if Trump gets elected, no matter how violent. Maybe some people need to learn how they can and can't act.

Too many people on the left thinking they can get away with anything these days, because they're on the "right" side.

It's not a real peace if there's only peace when they get their way. I'll take violence over a false peace any day...
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Speaking of rigging things...
Donna Brazile has resigned from CNN following the latest WikiLeaks dump that reveals she leaked debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign in advance of a CNN primary debate while she was a contributor for the network.
The acting DNC head recently got into a heated conversation with Megyn Kelly when confronted by Fox News host over a different email scandal, when Brazile was caught leaking town hall questions to the Clinton Campaign.
Donna Brazile Out at CNN, Network ‘Completely Uncomfortable’ With Clinton Campaign Interactions
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The Dems and mainstream media prefer to go with bullshit headlines rather than actual things that happened.

Judicial Watch today released 323 pages of new Department of State documents, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which Clinton and top aide Huma Abedin sent classified information over Clinton’s clintonemail.com unsecure email system.

Trump didn’t encourage voter fraud in Colorado. He "just" questioned the integrity of the election.

Did Donald Trump really encourage his supporters to vote twice? That’s how several media outlets, including CNN and the Huffington Post, framed some of Trump’s latest remarks in Colorado.

“Trump, skeptical of mail-in balloting, encourages voting more than once if necessary,” CNN’s headline originally stated. (CNN later ran a correction to its story, changing the headline to “Trump stokes skepticism of Colorado voting system.”) “Donald Trump encourages his supporters to vote twice,” the Huffington Post’s headline read.

But that’s not really what Trump said. Here are Trump’s remarks on Sunday at Greeley, Colorado:

Who has sent their ballots in? Now do you think those ballots are properly counted? … You can go to university center, and they’ll give you a ballot, a new ballot. They’ll void your old ballot. They’ll give you a new ballot. And you can go out and make sure it gets in. Now in some places, they probably do that four or five times, but we don’t do that. But that’s great. So by tomorrow, hopefully almost everybody will have their ballots in.

Much of the initial media attention characterized these remarks as Trump telling his supporters to vote twice. But Trump doesn’t want people to vote multiple times — he even said that “we don’t do that.” He instead questioned whether people’s mail-in ballots are being counted, and advised people on how they can get new ballots.

There is some reading comprehension problems going on in the second article you posted. While he does say go vote "4 or 5 times" because "we don't do that" he did also say to go vote in person after sending in a absentee ballot. Which here in America is not ok.
There is some reading comprehension problems going on in the second article you posted. While he does say go vote "4 or 5 times" because "we don't do that" he did also say to go vote in person after sending in a absentee ballot. Which here in America is not ok.

Uh, when exactly does he say that? And why do you think a left wing news site (Vox) wouldn't have pointed that out?

He says you can go get a new ballot and have the old one voided. He just chided the "other side" with the idea that they vote multiple times, so who the hell actually thinks he's going to turn around the next second and recommend his voters do the same? He literally mentions the voiding of old ballots. And lol @ the shitty "here in 'Murica" jab... like it's different anywhere else in the world.
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