2016 Presidential Race

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I just want the election to end.... Tuesday can't come soon enough.

I will say what I have said from the beginning one more time.

No matter who wins this election, we the people will persevere. We are what makes America great, not politicians or shitty, poorly thought out slogans. While I certainly do not like Trump, if he wins I will give him the same respect I have always given the office of the presidency,no matter who was in it. I think we as a nation are more than the president. I am proud of our nation and I think that a peaceful transition to the winner is the most important thing going forward. I fear that idiots on both sides will make that difficult in the coming weeks.
I just want the election to end.... Tuesday can't come soon enough.

I will say what I have said from the beginning one more time.

No matter who wins this election, we the people will persevere. We are what makes America great, not politicians or shitty, poorly thought out slogans. While I certainly do not like Trump, if he wins I will give him the same respect I have always given the office of the presidency,no matter who was in it. I think we as a nation are more than the president. I am proud of our nation and I think that a peaceful transition to the winner is the most important thing going forward. I fear that idiots on both sides will make that difficult in the coming weeks.

Well said.
I just want the election to end.... Tuesday can't come soon enough.

I will say what I have said from the beginning one more time.

No matter who wins this election, we the people will persevere. We are what makes America great, not politicians or shitty, poorly thought out slogans. While I certainly do not like Trump, if he wins I will give him the same respect I have always given the office of the presidency,no matter who was in it. I think we as a nation are more than the president. I am proud of our nation and I think that a peaceful transition to the winner is the most important thing going forward. I fear that idiots on both sides will make that difficult in the coming weeks.

Well said. I know when it is all said and done, I will really need to have a come-to-Jesus with myself about moving forward. But honestly, if I could do it with that clown in in Oval, I can do it with either Trump or HRC.
I just want the election to end.... Tuesday can't come soon enough.

I will say what I have said from the beginning one more time.

No matter who wins this election, we the people will persevere. We are what makes America great, not politicians or shitty, poorly thought out slogans. While I certainly do not like Trump, if he wins I will give him the same respect I have always given the office of the presidency,no matter who was in it. I think we as a nation are more than the president. I am proud of our nation and I think that a peaceful transition to the winner is the most important thing going forward. I fear that idiots on both sides will make that difficult in the coming weeks.

Agreed. I bag on Donnie because he's an orange-colored, racist, misogynist moron with no experience for the job he wants, but if the stars violently misalign he'll still be POTUS and I respect the position.

And, just like I expect my own men to say some version of, "That's fucking stupid, sir" when I present a questionable idea or plan, I will do the very same with Donnie.
Donald Trump is going to win, he is going to make everything more better than ever before, and he is going to grab all you sniveling bitches by the pussy...:sneaky:

As the great philosopher Forest Gump once said "I just felt like running" and "life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get".

When you vote for and elect retarded people into the most powerful position of the world, retarded shit happens...alot of it!

We should all be getting ready for our Sunday drive down to Stupidvill, where everyone is saying "have you seen my baseball" and you don't touch the earmuffs no matter how dumb they look.

The most corrupt women in the history of American politics vs the rich arrogant asshole. don-da-dah!!! I wonder what Captain Hindsight will have to say about all of this...:wall:
Hampton University's CPP Latest Poll Shows VA Voter Shift from Clinton to Trump Post Email Investigation


I'm going to need a bigger bag of popcorn to watch all the butthurt around the world if Trump wins.
That's cool. Every other poll has Clinton up by a safe margin in Virginia. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/virginia/
I fail to see how a state governor being under investigation magically turns into a significant polling advantage which, after all, is simply a measure of people's opinion. That's a pretty spurious association to make.

Also, there's only about 13,000 felons who have had voting rights restored in Virginia - a move that I completely agree with. I don't see why felons who have served their time should lose voting rights in the first place.
Also, there's only about 13,000 felons who have had voting rights restored in Virginia - a move that I completely agree with. I don't see why felons who have served their time should lose voting rights in the first place.

I do not agree. You should have thought of that before breaking the law. Voting is a right and by committinga felony you abandoned your social contract to follow the rules and laws of society and thus gave up your right to vote.
Voting is a placebo to make you think your "involved". Money makes all the decisions.
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I do not agree. You should have thought of that before breaking the law. Voting is a right and by committinga felony you abandoned your social contract to follow the rules and laws of society and thus gave up your right to vote.

So break the law once and forever be punished? Why even have prisons if punishment is lifelong?
So break the law once and forever be punished? Why even have prisons if punishment is lifelong?

In my example yes. Prisons serve many purposes and there are consequences after that. I generally don't trust felons. A felony is a serious crime and not to be taken lightly. Don't break the law (felony) it seems simple to me.

I can come back and respond with something more but that'smy short answer.
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