2016 Presidential Race

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There is some reading comprehension problems going on in the second article you posted. While he does say go vote "4 or 5 times" because "we don't do that" he did also say to go vote in person after sending in a absentee ballot. Which here in America is not ok.

Actually, it IS ok in several states...
Among the states that do allow voters to change their early ballot after it's been cast are: Wisconsin; Minnesota; Michigan; Pennsylvania; New York; Connecticut; and Mississippi.

Want to change your vote? Some states say no problem

Colorado, where he was speaking, allows for:
Colorado uses a vote-by-mail system exclusively, so there is no need for explicit absentee or early voting procedures, except for those who cannot or do not wish to vote by mail. County clerks and recorders automatically send mail ballots to every elector in active status, starting 18 to 22 days before the election. The last day on which a county clerk can mail a ballot to a voter is eight days before the election. However, since electors can register to vote until the polls close at 7 p.m. on Election Day, there are always some voters that cannot vote by mail ballot. Therefore, Colorado law requires county clerks to open and operate polling locations called Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPCs) starting 15 days before the election through Election Day, excluding Sundays. Eligible voters can visit any VSPC in their county of residence to do any of the following:

  • void their mail ballot to vote in person,
  • register to vote,
  • update an existing voter registration record,
  • obtain a mail ballot “over-the-counter,” or
  • vote in person on paper ballots or accessible voting devices
Voting in Colorado - Ballotpedia
So he was actually right about them being able to do it legally in the state where he was speaking

I posted that two or three posts back
Actually, it IS ok in several states...

Want to change your vote? Some states say no problem

Colorado, where he was speaking, allows for:

Voting in Colorado - Ballotpedia
So he was actually right about them being able to do it legally in the state where he was speaking

I was wrong. What I had read said it was illegal.
Just wait until after Donnie loses.

I predict that the definition of sore loser will be taken to new, preposterous heights.
Unfortunately, this won't be the last time we hear of Trump.
Why the Trump Machine Is Built to Last Beyond the Election

Essentially Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has amassed a massive digital enterprise based around donor lists from both the Trump campaign and the RNC. The thinking is that Trump (along with Stephen Bannon) is going to launch some kind of Trump media network after the election, and will directly market to people who donated to Republicans during the campaign. There's a few million names in the database, and Reince Priebus has said that the RNC values each email address at around 3-8$ per person in donations, so essentially Trump is sitting on an asset potentially worth tens of millions of dollars, if not more. That is, of course, assuming that people don't immediately dump him right after November 8th, which is entirely possible. His other brands such as Trump wine, Trump hotels, and his golf courses have all taken major hits as a result of the campaign. While he may not remain a relevant political force, it looks like this shrewd business move might make him a relevant media force.

I've got to hand it to the guy - this seems like a smart business move. Even if you don't like Trump, I encourage you to read the whole thing. It's fascinating.
And... The stock market predicts a Trump win. It's been right an amazing amount.

The U.S. Stock Market Isn’t Going Clinton’s Way

BTW, I put my cash where my mouth is. I've been betting against the S&P for a few months now and stand to make about a 600% return on my investment if the market drops below 2100 and stays there for a week or two. (which it actually did today on the news of Hillary's investigation reopening) . If Trump wins, the market goes down in the short term (see my earlier prediction).
The market got the Brexit vote wrong. Just saying.

It's also worth remembering that even with the recent negative news, Trump's path to 270 EV's is really steep. The NYTimes has a convenient interactive map that helps visualize the race paths. Here's one I just generated using pretty safe states


Both Ohio and Indiana are probably safely Republican, while Virginia, Wisconsin and New Hampshire are safely Democrat. From the latest polling, Colorado is also decently safe, but not a guarantee. What you can see is that Trump needs to run the table on the remaining swing states if he wants to eke out a win. If he so much as loses Florida, or wins Florida but loses North Carolina, it's over. Early voting in both of those states is showing a pretty sizable Democratic advantage, so far, but the prevailing wisdom is that early voting tends to favor Democrats anyway. Interestingly, I've heard that because of the Democratic GOTV operation in NC, early voting results for them are above what they were in 2012. It's entirely possible that we could see NC go blue this year.

Like you, I've put my money where my mouth is, except I made direct bets on PredictIt. I am long on a D win in NC and Florida, though I'm not so sure about Florida these days. I'm also long on a Clinton win.
The market got the Brexit vote wrong. Just saying.
But I got it exactly right and made a good bit of cash on them being wrong.

Like you, I've put my money where my mouth is, except I made direct bets on PredictIt. I am long on a D win in NC and Florida, though I'm not so sure about Florida these days. I'm also long on a Clinton win.

I like win-win solutions where I'm on both winning sides. The S&P always drops the week after the election regardless of winner. If Hillary wins, I win a little. If Trump wins I win a lot.
The market got the Brexit vote wrong. Just saying.

It's also worth remembering that even with the recent negative news, Trump's path to 270 EV's is really steep. The NYTimes has a convenient interactive map that helps visualize the race paths. Here's one I just generated using pretty safe states


Both Ohio and Indiana are probably safely Republican, while Virginia, Wisconsin and New Hampshire are safely Democrat. From the latest polling, Colorado is also decently safe, but not a guarantee. What you can see is that Trump needs to run the table on the remaining swing states if he wants to eke out a win. If he so much as loses Florida, or wins Florida but loses North Carolina, it's over. Early voting in both of those states is showing a pretty sizable Democratic advantage, so far, but the prevailing wisdom is that early voting tends to favor Democrats anyway. Interestingly, I've heard that because of the Democratic GOTV operation in NC, early voting results for them are above what they were in 2012. It's entirely possible that we could see NC go blue this year.

Like you, I've put my money where my mouth is, except I made direct bets on PredictIt. I am long on a D win in NC and Florida, though I'm not so sure about Florida these days. I'm also long on a Clinton win.

A local poll has Trump up 6 in NC. Of course, this shit changes daily so we'll see. Florida's numbers are strong on Trump. Even Wisconsin is starting to get interesting, and some polls have Trump within the MOE.
A local poll has Trump up 6 in NC. Of course, this shit changes daily so we'll see. Florida's numbers are strong on Trump. Even Wisconsin is starting to get interesting, and some polls have Trump within the MOE.

And he's on the move, stumping all the swing states daily and I'm sure the all out ad War will go until the end. Add in the daily release of potential "evidence" against the Clinton Crime Syndicate. :-"
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