2016 Presidential Race

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Politics is a section of schooling that the educational system has lost control of. They should be teaching "how" government works and not their personal endorsements of any candidates for any reason.

I would have a talk with the school. I would advise them that it isn't the teacher's place to endorse candidates, but to teach the methods of government. I have had those talks myself. I wouldn't get completely bent up on that subject like I had others, but I would speak with them. If they aren't held accountable, schools will dive deeper into areas they shouldn't and we will continue to have functionally illiterate kids graduating school.
Politics is a section of schooling that the educational system has lost control of. They should be teaching "how" government works and not their personal endorsements of any candidates for any reason.

I would have a talk with the school. I would advise them that it isn't the teacher's place to endorse candidates, but to teach the methods of government. I have had those talks myself. I wouldn't get completely bent up on that subject like I had others, but I would speak with them. If they aren't held accountable, schools will dive deeper into areas they shouldn't and we will continue to have functionally illiterate kids graduating school.

This^^^^^^^ is really a huge observation, and speaks to the base of our society; and where it is really failing. It was a long time ago, but we learned State History one year, US History the next year. The final two years were World History. Politics was mentioned in regards to it's impact on history.
Politics is a section of schooling that the educational system has lost control of. They should be teaching "how" government works and not their personal endorsements of any candidates for any reason.

I would have a talk with the school. I would advise them that it isn't the teacher's place to endorse candidates, but to teach the methods of government. I have had those talks myself. I wouldn't get completely bent up on that subject like I had others, but I would speak with them. If they aren't held accountable, schools will dive deeper into areas they shouldn't and we will continue to have functionally illiterate kids graduating school.

You are right, but I still love watching those liberal fucks scurry around and tremble in fear when I raise my voice a little bit and give them my "motherfuckers I'll kill you" stare.:sneaky:
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Generally it will vary state by state, but most states require penetration of the body (i.e. a finger, tongue or penis) to be considered sexual assualt. Outside of that it would fall under simple assualt, possibly aggravated if injury takes place (i.e. brusing, scratch, etc).

That is rape. Sexual assault is different than that.
To somewhat change topic, I was just told by my daughters that today in school they voted for Hillary Clinton. Normal school stuff, right? I ask them why they voted for her, they replied that their whole class did. I again ask why? They reply because our teachers told us that Trump wants to take all the money from poor people and give it to rich people. That he wants to make laws that would make them their brother and mother have to leave the country (my wife is hispanic), etc.

This is the bullshit that makes me want to fuck people up. Their fucking school teacher is there to teach my kids how to read, write and do arithmetic. Not to influence their thinking on national politics. Now granted in the grand scheme of things, it's just elementary school kids learning about voting and the democratic process of our country. I know that it's just for learning and I know there are teachers probably doing the same with regards to Trump or whomever they support. I doubt any data from their little vote will ever leave the school. But it still pisses me the fuck off that a snivelingbitch, would lie to my daughters to get them to vote for something they know nothing about, or even care about for that matter. I mean really, my kids and wife are hispanic, so they have to leave the country, who says shit like that to a 8 and 5 year old girls?

I'm debating on going full fucking angry dad at the school Monday, or just sending a nasty-gram and call it good. I got my ass chewed pretty good for my last come to Jesus meeting at the school. My wife is supposed to handle this shit now, but fuck me, I'd like to verbally rip into this bitch and watch her scurry around in fear. }:-):mad:

Any chance of recourse through the school board? I don't know how things are in your AO, but where I grew up, an angry parent with a legitimate, well-articulated complaint showing up at one of their meetings (which were open, just like a town board) would draw some attention. If nothing else, your willingness to show up at their meetings would get the school administrators' attention and would be a solid demonstration of capability and will.
That is rape. Sexual assault is different than that.

No dude, sexual assault is rape. :wall:

That's the point, what you are claiming is sexual assault, is in fact just assault. But again it is dependent on the state. I mean really, they going to toss a guy in prison for 25 years for grabbing a pussy? Have him register as a sex offender? How would you defend against that if falsely accused?

And to be clear I don't think any man should be doing that to any woman. If they do, I think they should face a severe punishment. But the law doesn't call it sexual assualt, nor should it be IMHO.
.Well depending on the state, in NY, where he said it.

New York criminalizes a wide range of conduct constituting "sexual abuse," which is generally defined as subjecting another person to sexual contact without the latter's consent.

More generally, sexual assault vs rape:

What is the difference between rapeand sexual assault? Rape is defined as unwanted penetration, whether that is oral, anal, or vaginal. Sexual assaultrefers to any unwanted sexual contact, including fondling and molestation
In many places, the "physical" act of touching would be considered a sexual battery and not necessarily an assault. Just saying for clarity and not necessarily because it's the law where it occurred.

Either or...he is a tool for doing it and would probably be a fine recipient of a proper throat punch!
No dude, sexual assault is rape. :wall:

Just to be clear, rape is one (of several) ways to you can be sexually assaulted. Penetration isn't required for sexual assault. At least according to DoD, it's ANY unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature (penetrative or not).
To somewhat change topic, I was just told by my daughters that today in school they voted for Hillary Clinton. Normal school stuff, right? I ask them why they voted for her, they replied that their whole class did. I again ask why? They reply because our teachers told us that Trump wants to take all the money from poor people and give it to rich people.

Ah, the classic struggle between the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat when, ultimately, this class will lead to a proletariat revolution.

Sorry buddy, but their teacher is a fucking Marxist...or a progressive Democrat that leans far left.
Just to be clear, rape is one (of several) ways to you can be sexually assaulted. Penetration isn't required for sexual assault. At least according to DoD, it's ANY unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature (penetrative or not).
DOD has some of the stronger laws regarding sexual assualt. They also have UCMJ and allow for varying punishment.

Think of it this way, couple privates fucking around playing the dick slap game. Someone gets mad and claims sexual assault. Not going to hold much water... vs someone actually finger banging Suizy when she passed out at a party.

Under the Texas penal code, sexual assault is the act of rape via penetration. There are other sexual offenses such as public ludness and molestation, etc.
.Well depending on the state, in NY, where he said it.

New York criminalizes a wide range of conduct constituting "sexual abuse," which is generally defined as subjecting another person to sexual contact without the latter's consent.

More generally, sexual assault vs rape:

What is the difference between rapeand sexual assault? Rape is defined as unwanted penetration, whether that is oral, anal, or vaginal. Sexual assaultrefers to any unwanted sexual contact, including fondling and molestation

The intentional touching, either directly or through the clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person. 18 USC

But under NY penal code we are both wrong, it's listed as "Sexual Offences Forcible Touching"

S 130.52 Forcible touching.
A person is guilty of forcible touching when such person
intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose:
1. forcibly touches the sexual or other intimate parts of another
person for the purpose of degrading or abusing such person, or for the
purpose of gratifying the actor's sexual desire; or
2. subjects another person to sexual contact for the purpose of
gratifying the actor's sexual desire and with intent to degrade or abuse
such other person while such other person is a passenger on a bus,
train, or subway car operated by any transit agency, authority or
company, public or private, whose operation is authorized by New York
state or any of its political subdivisions.
For the purposes of this section, forcible touching includes
squeezing, grabbing or pinching..
Forcible touching is a class A misdemeanor.
DOD has some of the stronger laws regarding sexual assualt. They also have UCMJ and allow for varying punishment.

Think of it this way, couple privates fucking around playing the dick slap game. Someone gets mad and claims sexual assault. Not going to hold much water... vs someone actually finger banging Suizy when she passed out at a party.

If "Someone" was a willing participant, no it won't water. But if it was made known that it was unwelcome... yes it absolutely will.

The key difference is whether or not contact was unwanted. In your second example, there's no question.
To somewhat change topic, I was just told by my daughters that today in school they voted for Hillary Clinton. Normal school stuff, right? I ask them why they voted for her, they replied that their whole class did. I again ask why? They reply because our teachers told us that Trump wants to take all the money from poor people and give it to rich people. That he wants to make laws that would make them their brother and mother have to leave the country (my wife is hispanic), etc.

This is the bullshit that makes me want to fuck people up. Their fucking school teacher is there to teach my kids how to read, write and do arithmetic. Not to influence their thinking on national politics. Now granted in the grand scheme of things, it's just elementary school kids learning about voting and the democratic process of our country. I know that it's just for learning and I know there are teachers probably doing the same with regards to Trump or whomever they support. I doubt any data from their little vote will ever leave the school. But it still pisses me the fuck off that a snivelingbitch, would lie to my daughters to get them to vote for something they know nothing about, or even care about for that matter. I mean really, my kids and wife are hispanic, so they have to leave the country, who says shit like that to a 8 and 5 year old girls?

I'm debating on going full fucking angry dad at the school Monday, or just sending a nasty-gram and call it good. I got my ass chewed pretty good for my last come to Jesus meeting at the school. My wife is supposed to handle this shit now, but fuck me, I'd like to verbally rip into this bitch and watch her scurry around in fear. }:-):mad:

These teachers will vote for Clintion, and she may win. To push that on a captive audience, who is expected to believe everything the teacher says; is way out of line. Better she bring the parents in the room first and speak with them on equal ground is the proper, and adult thing to do. To cram this down defenseless school kids is nothing short of intimidation by the teaching staff. In reaility you have an adult bullying a child. The kids can not begin a debate with the teacher without risking getting bounced from school for being argumentative. Same holds true for teachers pushing Trump. Debate that among yourselves, teachers.

This is shameful, and the teachers will never see it that way. This is the norm for today. What will tomorrow's "norm" for our society be?
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Jesus, this thread has turned into MSNBC.

Where is this alleged victim that Trump assaulted? Where were charges filed and when is the hearing?
If "Someone" was a willing participant, no it won't water. But if it was made known that it was unwelcome... yes it absolutely will.

The key difference is whether or not contact was unwanted. In your second example, there's no question.

I'm not disagreeing with what you are saying. What I am pointing out is that shit happens sometimes, and even though it's wrong, it may not meet the requirements of a full on sexual assault or punishment that follows. The UCMJ accounts for this stuff, hints the amout of discretion afforded commanders.

I've actually seen a full on brawl break out because of that stupid dick slap game and when the article 15s start to get talked about one dumbass wanted to claim he had been sexually assaulted. Big problems over stupid shit, what happened? They all ended up working extra duty in the motor pool for being stupid. No sexual assault, etc. If we're talking federal and state laws, law enforcement is not given the same latitude, hints many different laws regarding sexual offences.
In many places, the "physical" act of touching would be considered a sexual battery and not necessarily an assault. Just saying for clarity and not necessarily because it's the law where it occurred.

Either or...he is a tool for doing it and would probably be a fine recipient of a proper throat punch!

Sexual Battery is an unwanted sexual touching.

Sexual assault is a forced, or coerced sexual contact or behavior that happens without consent.

If you listen to the tape, after Trump brings up the "pussy grabbing", he followed with, "and they let you get away with it". That is his opinion of course. When I first heard the comment, what came to my mind, medical as it is, I was having trouble visualizing the act of "pussy grabbing". Now grabbing a guy by his balls, is and act that fits the anatomy. Grabbing a female "by her pussy", just doesn't fit the anatomy very well.

The bottom line to the whole thing was that it was a private conversation, or so Trump thought, with a bottom feeding scum bag who would sell anyone out for his five seconds of fame. That the bottom feeder got fired for airing his "private conversation" with Mr. Trump shows the contempt the network for having an employee sell out the trust of a show's guest.

What things might WJC, & HRC have said in private have been just as bad, they just never ran into the same bottom feeder that Trump did. In fact, Mr bottom feeder would have been canned, and the tape burned before it ever came up; wouldn't it.
@Red Flag 1, you are correct sir! My biggest problem with this whole situation is the fact that we are having to have these types of discussions for our top two candidates for President of the United States.

I can't elaborate enough how sad I think this whole situation is.

Honestly, I will be glad once it's over so I can see what we -- as a nation -- have to deal with and then drive on.
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