2016 Presidential Race

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OK, so you leveled a playing field. But even based on that, you have not met reasonable doubt that he is not qualified; or, certainly no less qualified than Clinton.

Look I will be the first to admit that I dont like Clinton. I think she represents everything that I hate about the state of special interest big money politics in this country. I think the evidence is clear that the DNC railroaded Bernie the moment they felt his momentum. Yet still, I cannot ignore the facts.
IMO, this is the most embarrassing election I have had to endure since my voting age years! I still find it horrendous that these were the "best" two candidates the US could put forth for the highest office in the land out of over 300 million people.

That says a lot about us as a nation and where we are in our political world.

Honestly if the Republicans had nominated someone like Rand Paul to face Hillary I wouldn't be voting for her. The Republican party is divided though, the far right of the spectrum is dictating everything at the moment
IMO, this is the most embarrassing election I have had to endure since my voting age years! I still find it horrendous that these were the "best" two candidates the US could put forth for the highest office in the land out of over 300 million people.

That says a lot about us as a nation and where we are in our political world.


I agree. When the majority of the country is voting against the other candidate instead of a candidate they have faith in, you know something is wrong.
Look I will be the first to admit that I dont like Clinton. I think she represents everything that I hate about the state of special interest big money politics in this country. I think the evidence is clear that the DNC railroaded Bernie the moment they felt his momentum. Yet still, I cannot ignore the facts.

To this, I very much agree.

While Trump has his most ardent fans, I would wager most people who voted for him (or will vote) are holding their nose doing so. He certainly wasn't my first choice. Hell, he wasn't my 15th choice. But had it been, say, Jim Webb or about a half dozen other decent Democrats, I could have voted for any number of them. But Clinton? I will gladly read her obituary when the time comes.
Yet still, I cannot ignore the facts.
Yet that is exactly what you are doing.

1. Trump is facing a civil lawsuit from a Jane Doe who alleges that Trump raped her in 1994, when she was 13 years old, at parties hosted by the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who Trump called a friend. This goes to trial in December.

2. Sued successfully by Jill Hearth for sexual assault. This case was settled for an unannounced sum.

3. The Department of Justice sued Trump and his father Fred in 1973 for housing discrimination at 39 sites around New York. Trump and his father tried to counter sue but eventually payed a settlement.

4. Trump University

5 Tenant intimidation 1981. Trump settled with the Tenants

6 1991 Trump found guilty of conspiring to avoid union pension and benifits for workers. Trump again settled privately.

7 Ivana Trump accused him of Rape in a deposition but didn't want him to be charged

Civil trials, meaning anyone can file anything in civil court. Additionally, a settlement is not an admission of guilt under the law.

8 He addmited to sexual assault on tape.
He did no such thing, and furthermore, what he said did not meet statutory criteria for sexual assault. Try again.

9 Pam Bondi pay to play. Found guilty
Ok, 25K versus several million by the Clinton Foundation. Yeah big criminal there. :rolleyes:

I mean I can keep going:
No you can't, and frankly at this point your whole argument is embarrassing by any metric. Furthermore, the recent deluge of documents being released show the entire Clinton machine to be corrupt beyond any sense of reason. Is Trump under several FBI investigations (read plural)? No, wait, that is Hillary and her machine.
I have no idea who to vote for. I won't and can't vote for Clinton and even Trump disgustes me.
If a reality TV show host with an extensive criminal record came in to my pharmacy looking for a job with no experience I wouldn't have even looked at him for a basic hourly job. So please tell me how that makes him qualified to be president. I mean I have not seen anyone raise a legitimate argument here in support of him other than I hate Clinton or have access to classified material.

I mean everyone loves to talk about Clinton's dishonesty yet its a fact that Trump gets on that stage and lies more than 75% of the time. These candidates are held to completely different standards.

He possesses more world experience acquired via international businesses than either Clinton or Obama did: neither of them have ever had extensive work experience outside of government. Oh sure, tell me all about what she did as SECSTATE, the foreign policy mouth piece of POTUS, when she actually was accountable for her actions or actions of others.

You should really learn the differences between criminal and civil liability.
Well I would love to continue this but I just received the worst possible news from my recruiter. They have come back and denied my enlistment. I just don't care anymore. Corrupt ass people on top of the world. Fat lazy soldiers everywhere who don't even want to be in the military and here I am not even given the fucking god damn chance.

Sorry for the derailment, not sure who else to vent to that could possibly understand my frustration besides you guys.
Look I will be the first to admit that I dont like Clinton. I think she represents everything that I hate about the state of special interest big money politics in this country. I think the evidence is clear that the DNC railroaded Bernie the moment they felt his momentum. Yet still, I cannot ignore the facts.
Are you a third party supporter?
Yet that is exactly what you are doing.

Civil trials, meaning anyone can file anything in civil court. Additionally, a settlement is not an admission of guilt under the law.

He did no such thing, and furthermore, what he said did not meet statutory criteria for sexual assault. Try again.

Ok, 25K versus several million by the Clinton Foundation. Yeah big criminal there. :rolleyes:

No you can't, and frankly at this point your whole argument is embarrassing by any metric. Furthermore, the recent deluge of documents being released show the entire Clinton machine to be corrupt beyond any sense of reason. Is Trump under several FBI investigations (read plural)? No, wait, that is Hillary and her machine.

Trump Saying he "grabbed them by the pussy" implies he grabbed them by the pussy, which when not consensual is sexual assault by even conservative definitions.
Honestly if the Republicans had nominated someone like Rand Paul to face Hillary I wouldn't be voting for her. The Republican party is divided though, the far right of the spectrum is dictating everything at the moment

FWIW, The GOP has a spotty history when it comes to supporting their candidate for the White House. They have done so again this election cycle. Trump has the personality, and the resources to roll on despite a GOP that can't agree on when to pull the rug out from under you. Trump is where he is because of who he is, no other candidate would have made it this far, on his/her own against HRC.
Trump Saying he "grabbed them by the pussy" implies he grabbed them by the pussy, which when not consensual is sexual assault by even conservative definitions.

Generally it will vary state by state, but most states require penetration of the body (i.e. a finger, tongue or penis) to be considered sexual assualt. Outside of that it would fall under simple assualt, possibly aggravated if injury takes place (i.e. brusing, scratch, etc).
To somewhat change topic, I was just told by my daughters that today in school they voted for Hillary Clinton. Normal school stuff, right? I ask them why they voted for her, they replied that their whole class did. I again ask why? They reply because our teachers told us that Trump wants to take all the money from poor people and give it to rich people. That he wants to make laws that would make them their brother and mother have to leave the country (my wife is hispanic), etc.

This is the bullshit that makes me want to fuck people up. Their fucking school teacher is there to teach my kids how to read, write and do arithmetic. Not to influence their thinking on national politics. Now granted in the grand scheme of things, it's just elementary school kids learning about voting and the democratic process of our country. I know that it's just for learning and I know there are teachers probably doing the same with regards to Trump or whomever they support. I doubt any data from their little vote will ever leave the school. But it still pisses me the fuck off that a snivelingbitch, would lie to my daughters to get them to vote for something they know nothing about, or even care about for that matter. I mean really, my kids and wife are hispanic, so they have to leave the country, who says shit like that to a 8 and 5 year old girls?

I'm debating on going full fucking angry dad at the school Monday, or just sending a nasty-gram and call it good. I got my ass chewed pretty good for my last come to Jesus meeting at the school. My wife is supposed to handle this shit now, but fuck me, I'd like to verbally rip into this bitch and watch her scurry around in fear. }:-):mad:
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