2016 Presidential Race

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While Trump is certainly no Hitler, partly because you just can't get away with that stuff anymore, I believe that he's as close as you can get these days in America.
seriously dude? That shit only flies at liberal rallies.

I believe in the 1920s and 1930s in Germany a political organization took to the streets and disrupted the political events of those they opposed.. They were the National Socialists. Bernie might be saying that his brand of "Democratic Socialism" is different, bit this is the same story we have seen before. The idiots on the left that have been blocking highways and disrupting free thought and political speech are the same fascists that are nothing more than useful idiots.
I love the Nazi comparisons because they are so right....for a small slice of history. Like comparing the US to Rome, you have valid arguments under certain parameters and limitations. "Oh, this how the Nazi's started" is like saying "this is how cake started" about chocolate. It isn't like chocolate is the only ingredient in that cake.

You can basically take any nation and compare it to a really bad nation. If you want to have an actual argument you need to make the comparison across multiple instances throughout history. Everyone expects the Nazis or Rome when political points are made, but you hardly ever see some long forgotten Asian dynasty or the Seleucid's mentioned.
In terms of Mr. Trump, I see leadership. We have not seen any leadership for eight years, so I guess some are looking around for a word to describe him. It is leadership.
Ms. Clinton is not a leader. That was true when she was SOS, and it will be no different if she becomes POTUS. My guess is just more of what the last eight years have been.

My $.02.
In terms of Mr. Trump, I see leadership. We have not seen any leadership for eight years, so I guess some are looking around for a word to describe him. It is leadership.
Ms. Clinton is not a leader. That was true when she was SOS, and it will be no different if she becomes POTUS. My guess is just more of what the last eight years have been.

My $.02.
The Nazi's were socialists who shut the opposition down, can someone point out which Clinton/Sanders rally has been shut down by Trump supporters?
The Nazis were Nationalists as much as socialists. Trying to say what Bernie is saying/doing is anything like National socialism is a stretch to say the least, but more like a fucking warp drive into another galaxy.
Interesting theory on how this could pan out if the GOP backs a moderate Republican as a third party contender to sap enough votes from Hillary and Trump to keep them from obtaining the needed majority to be elected.

From HuffPo: Doomsday Savior? How Paul Ryan Will Pick the Next President
Fairy tale.

Democrats will vote for Hillary, you'd have to attract a lot of Sanders supporters to make that 3rd Party Candidate attractive.
I still am waiting for an indictment just before the convention so Biden gets the nomination.
The Nazi's were socialists who shut the opposition down, can someone point out which Clinton/Sanders rally has been shut down by Trump supporters?

Come the actual Presidential election, I'm sure we'll see it happen- on both sides.

I knew I was gonna get a bunch of flack for that post, but I don't care. It's just how I feel. I don't trust him, and I don't trust Clinton. I couldn't live with myself if I voted for either one, and I wouldn't want my children to live in the worlds that either of them envision.
Come the actual Presidential election, I'm sure we'll see it happen- on both sides.

I knew I was gonna get a bunch of flack for that post, but I don't care. It's just how I feel. I don't trust him, and I don't trust Clinton. I couldn't live with myself if I voted for either one, and I wouldn't want my children to live in the worlds that either of them envision.

Who knows for sure how this election will turn out, hell we're not even sure who will be selected. If Clinton and Trump run, you can always write yourself in for POTUS, and vote for yourself. What is your plan if Clinton or Trump are elected? Canada is English speaking, well most of, socialistic, and radar detectors get smashed on the spot if they catch you with one. Canada still loves, and sends money to the Queen. Mexico to the south is easy to get into, and cost of living is pretty low, in some areas. If you go south, drug cartels run everything, schools are poor, violence and dead bodies are everywhere, and are an expected norm, most don't speak English. Medical care is marginal, unless you have lots of money. If you have money, and they find out, plan on body guards to reduce the risk of kidnapping of you and your family. Maybe those government leaders, and their governments are more to you liking. Good luck with the choice you make for your children.
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Who knows for sure how this election will turn out, hell we're not even sure who will be selected. If Clinton and Trump run, you can always write yourself in for POTUS, and vote for yourself. What is your plan if Clinton or Trump are elected? Canada is English speaking, well most of, socialistic, and radar detectors get smashed on the spot if they catch you with one. Canada still loves, and sends money to the Queen. Mexico to the south is easy to get into, and cost of living is pretty low, in some areas. If you go south, drug cartels run everything, schools are poor, violence and dead bodies are everywhere, and are an expected norm, most don't speak English. Medical care is marginal, unless you have lots of money. If you have money, and they find out, plan on body guards to reduce the risk of kidnapping of you and your family. Maybe those government leaders, and their governments are more to you liking. Good luck with the choice you make for your children.

If either of them get elected, I'm not going to run. This is just as much my country as it is everyone else's. I'll just wait things out and if things get to be too bad, you had better believe I'll doing my best to try and change things. I'm a man of my principles, and I won't let, nor have I ever let, anyone or anything change that. If it takes running for Presidency one day, I'll do that too.
If either of them get elected, I'm not going to run. This is just as much my country as it is everyone else's. I'll just wait things out and if things get to be too bad, you had better believe I'll doing my best to try and change things. I'm a man of my principles, and I won't let, nor have I ever let, anyone or anything change that. If it takes running for Presidency one day, I'll do that too.

Good for you, I like your answer.
This is why Trump is winning. "When" it hits home again, Hillary and the rest will say they need to now resort to whatever means necessary to ensure it does not happen again. To include supervised-enhanced-interrogation and monitoring of communication.

Trump will say, "damn it, I've been shouting it from the beginning!" And he has.

The average unenlightened American only knows they don't want ISIL running amok in Des Moines. If someone steps up and says what they are thinking, even if they would never admit it out loud, they will vote for him. (And never admit it)
  • Trump said in that interview on Fox & Friends that the US needs to 'shut the borders' and stop allowing Muslim refugees into the country
  • He advocated the use of waterboarding on terrorist suspects, saying he would go further if the laws allowed him
  • Hillary Clinton called Today after declining an interview during Trump's press push and criticized him, saying; 'We don't need to resort to torture'
Trump calls for the surveillance of Muslims on US soil after attacks
Belgium is dealing with Muslim refugees now. Of course they're not all bad but until they police their own, we need to take a different tact.
Meanwhile Mexico is pushing permanent resident to get US citizenship so they can vote against Trump (which justs gives him another boost AT the Polls).

I voted Cruz (reluctantly), but will pull the Lever for Donald if he is on the ballot (or leave that portion of the ballot blank if neither Cruz or Trump are on it)
...and here you go.

Piers Morgan sees the light when it hits even closer to home. I've seen him do enough editorials dogging his one-time good friend - looks like he's back on board.

See, it's all about perspective -

"Trumps a misogynist"
"Trumps a racist"
"Trumps an elitist"

then "BOOM goes the suicide bomber" and it's:

"Trump is the only one saying what I think, and I believe he might actually mean it"

Note to those who may be confused, what he's doing is displaying leadership. Something we've sorely missed the past 8 years or so.

PIERS MORGAN: Isn’t it time we listened to Trump on terror?
"He told me he wants law-abiding Muslims to root out the extremists in their midst, expressing his bafflement and anger that someone like Abdeslam was able to hide for so long in the very part of Brussels he had previously lived."

Myself and others here have screamed this for years. When I mention it to my liberal friends they hem and haw without saying anything. Rooting out their own is as much a part of the solution as "snapping necks and cashing checks" yet people ignore this. It forces the Left to admit their friendly Muslims are aiding and abetting and the Right won't acknowledge it because it doesn't have the zing of black-clad ninjas and Hellfires raining from the sky. No one wants to address this in part because no one how to address this issue. They don't have a plan so they can't discuss the solution. The Muslim community damn sure doesn't want this to see the light of day because it robs them of their political martyrdom.

Oh yeah, fuck Piers Morgan. Piece of shit. Even a clock is right twice a day.
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