2016 Presidential Race

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Yeah, I know lots of people say that voting third party is just throwing away a vote, but honestly, maybe people should really start looking into it. Although voting third party this election will likely not upset the political statues quo, maybe enough people will vote third party to where next election, a third party candidate is a viable option. I think it's ridiculous to vote for who you hate least as apposed to who you really want as President. Things don't have to be that way, but we let them by allowing ourselves to be divided among the bipartisan system.
Yeah, I know lots of people say that voting third party is just throwing away a vote, but honestly, maybe people should really start looking into it. Although voting third party this election will likely not upset the political statues quo, maybe enough people will vote third party to where next election, a third party candidate is a viable option. I think it's ridiculous to vote for who you hate least as apposed to who you really want as President. Things don't have to be that way, but we let them by allowing ourselves to be divided among the bipartisan system.

Sure, that's an option. People can be principled and vote third party, the GOP can be principled and break off to support another candidate at the convention. Being a man of principle will ensure a Hillary administration, so if people are willing to do it, then, yeah.

Moreover, and somewhat unorthodox, I think that he should be considered for the VP on Trump's ticket to grab Ohio. Kasich did indeed win his own state, but honestly just barely. Way worse than what I would have expected and worse than Cruz winning Texas and OK.

We'll see. I think once people get away from the BS campaigning rhetoric, Trump definitely has a lot to offer. I keep hearing people talking about how divisive and polarizing he is yet he polls higher in every minority more than any other republican candidate in years. Seems like it's just the hip thing to say, but not until the Soros driven protesters has there been any real "violence" at his rallies. Listening to Obama today try to quell the craziness of the election was in bad form and beneath the presidency. This is nowhere near the levels from 20-50 years ago.

I don't think that's an unorthodox idea. Kasich is definitely a liberal Republican, but it would not hurt being so well-liked as VPOTUS, and he polls well. I am curious how Ohio would have turned out had Rubio not been in the race, how the vote would have settled; more for Kasich, more for Cruz, or more for Trump.
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I don't think that's an unorthodox idea. Kasich is definitely a liberal Republican, but it would not hurt being so well-liked as VPOTUS, and he polls well. I am curious how Ohio would have turned out had Rubio not been in the race, how the vote would have settled; more for Kasich, more for Cruz, or more for Trump.
I would bet Kasich.

Immigration has been Rubio's Achilles Heal, and he is closer to Kasich than Cruz or Trump on that issue.
I don't care for Trump. Not 'my' candidate and all. But when I take a step back and look at him, my conclusion is that he is either a) really that stupid (as he is sounding), or b) it's an act, a vehicle, to get to where he wants to be. I think the man is far smarter and wrapped tighter than people give him credit for.

Trump is not stupid. He knows how to market a product and right now the product is him. He is tapping into a huge voter-base of mostly white Americans who are tired of being blamed for all the world's ills; who've witnessed too many years of government pandering to minorities; who are worried about the impact of 11-million illegal immigrants in this country; and who have serious concerns about terrorism. He touching some nerves and he's saying the kinds of things people are saying to one another in their homes...in the same informal language. With all the other candidates so desperate to appeal to minorities, Muslims, the LGBT crowd--about 15% of the population--he's zeroed in on the vast majority of Americans who've felt neglected for so many years.

Like him or hate him, it's brilliant positioning.
Trump is not stupid. He knows how to market a product and right now the product is him. He is tapping into a huge voter-base of mostly white Americans who are tired of being blamed for all the world's ills; who've witnessed too many years of government pandering to minorities; who are worried about the impact of 11-million illegal immigrants in this country; and who have serious concerns about terrorism. He touching some nerves and he's saying the kinds of things people are saying to one another in their homes...in the same informal language. With all the other candidates so desperate to appeal to minorities, Muslims, the LGBT crowd--about 15% of the population--he's zeroed in on the vast majority of Americans who've felt neglected for so many years.

Like him or hate him, it's brilliant positioning.
I think Trump is the only candidate that can shred Hillary in the debates.
She'll pull out the gender card and he'll light her ass up.
My biggest concern with Trump? Is he serious, or is he going to tank his campaign to let Hillary win?
I think Trump is the only candidate that can shred Hillary in the debates.
She'll pull out the gender card and he'll light her ass up.
My biggest concern with Trump? Is he serious, or is he going to tank his campaign to let Hillary win?
I agree that he could shred her, but where do people get the idea that he is willing to tank his campaign? What does that get him? I am a huge Trump supporter now, but even then I recognize that this guy has the biggest ego on the playing field.

Whether you (generally not personal) like him or not he has a lot of money and knows how to move it around and make more. As is evidenced by his methods of campaign financing himself through loans to himself. For all intents and purposes he has:
  1. conquered the business world (regardless of failed or successful ventures, he is worth more than all of us, financially, combined many times over)
  2. the entertainment world (his name/brand is a big name in the industry and constantly talked about)
  3. and now he is looking to conqueror the political world. What better crowning achievement for someone with an ego than to waltz onto the political stage and take the most powerful seat in the world? I really don't think he will tank his bid for her or anyone else. I don't believe there is anything they could offer him to do that.
In any event, this election is fascinating because we are likely witnessing the collapse of a modern day political party, and maybe another if the Bernites get mad enough about how their party is cheating their voters ala superdelegates.
I think Trump is the only candidate that can shred Hillary in the debates.
She'll pull out the gender card and he'll light her ass up.
My biggest concern with Trump? Is he serious, or is he going to tank his campaign to let Hillary win?

You are as devious as my wife because she came up with this same suspicion, that he pre-strategized this whole charade with the Clintons.

It would be mass betrayal on the grandest scale and a tremendous waste of money--unless he was promised political favors in return that would negate losses.

It's just a bit too far fetched for me.

Or is it?????:-o:-o:-o
Trump is in it to win it. If he would have to change his party affiliation at the last moment to do so - or go forward without the RNC nod - he would do it. He has the momentum and knows it. He is saying what needs to be said and a lot of people are responding with their votes.

This will be a very interesting convention this year!
I think Trump is the only candidate that can shred Hillary in the debates.
She'll pull out the gender card and he'll light her ass up.
My biggest concern with Trump? Is he serious, or is he going to tank his campaign to let Hillary win?

I like Trump's ability to take on an issue nose to nose, and stay with it to the end. If you wonder how far he will go, ask Rosanne Bar. I feel our nation needs that kind of leadership, and Hilary is not a leader; Bengazi points that out rather well. Not only that, she continues to lie, and cover up her role as SOS. We need a Reagan back in the White House. Clinton will fall far short of that, and right on her face if she tries. I think Trump might just be what we need now.
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This whole thing is rough.

Used to be rough... On stage and whenever they're in public, they're all Nursultan Tulyakbais. Privately, they're all huggy/friendly with each other, all Azamat Bogatovs...

Just pour a nice Bourbon and have sexy time...

ETA: used to be they said, bullshit walks and money talks. Well... Look at bullshit twerking and autotuning now...
Trump supporters who are judging their boy by his willpower and influence alone may wish to reassess, IMHO. :-/

Donald Trump Warns Supporters Could Riot if He Doesn't Get GOP Nomination

Not that they should riot, but there's plenty of precedent. IF he gets into the convention with the preponderance of delegates and the GOP/RNC pull some underhanded bullshit and some other candidate gets the magical number of delegates to receive the nomination, I would understand the riots. Not I advocate it, mind you, but I understand.
"Donnie Trump: a president who doesn't bother to say a single thing to discourage others from running around assaulting other citizens and destroying property when he 'thinks' and 'believes' there's the very real possibility that this exact thing may soon happen."

Why isn't anything like this this one of his campaign taglines? Because its utterly ridiculous to think so? Because it represents a childish and unreasonable act by someone who may soon be directly responsible for the security and welfare of 319 million people?
When people think of a "third party" they need to check themselves because history isn't kind to that sort of thinking. Look at the Progressive (Bull Moose) Party. It accomplished little yet it split the Republican Party and allowed Wilson to win back-to-back terms. Ross Perot generally appealed to Republican voters or middle-of-the-road voters and probably allowed Clinton to win the race. Those third party "upset with the system" voters changed what? NOTHING. The parties didn't change so it was business as usual and the GOP arguable lost three presidential elections.

I can't stand Trump but it increasingly looks like it will be him and Clinton in November. You can have principles or a shot at keeping Clinton out of the WH, but you can't have both.
"Donnie Trump: a president who doesn't bother to say a single thing to discourage others from running around assaulting other citizens and destroying property when he 'thinks' and 'believes' there's the very real possibility that this exact thing may soon happen."

Why isn't anything like this this one of his campaign taglines? Because its utterly ridiculous to think so? Because it represents a childish and unreasonable act by someone who may soon be directly responsible for the security and welfare of 319 million people?
Seriously? This is what you want to focus on as the problem with our current political system? How about focusing on the conditions that contributed to this state of angry voters that are being fleeced by the established power group on both sides, or angry voters fed up with the status quo from both parties? You have Republicans that are going to be pissed if Trump doesn't get the nomination when he played the game, or the Democrats that are pissed with the superdelegate bullshit being shoved at them.

Funny how you don't see the same angry and violent low educated Trump supporters/protesters at a Bernie or Hillary event, and causing trouble as was done to Trump. I don't see Trump supporters starting riots in low income cities, coming to events of the other party, and disrupting political rallies.

I guess tolerance is only ok if you believe what you are supposed to, and not what you want. Nothing personal towards you, but I can respect people not liking Trump within a policy context. Any of the other multitude of ridiculous reasons being cited is just crying at this point.
I can't stand Trump but it increasingly looks like it will be him and Clinton in November. You can have principles or a shot at keeping Clinton out of the WH, but you can't have both.

Slow golf claps.

The third party candidate cuts both ways; there was Ralph Nader in 2000. Had he not run, Gore would have won.
Regardless, I would like to do away with the entire electoral college issue and let my individual vote count. Yep...I would have to take the good with the bad, but at least my vote counts -- or should.

Then, we wouldn't have brokered conventions and idiocy like that. We vote for who we want, if it's not our guy...so be it...win some, lose some. The thought that a few individuals can pick "our" candidate against the will of the people is atrocious.
I don't like any of the candidates, I'm an independent voter who generally leans to the right. But as with how the Democratic party has lost all faith with their super delegates system. The Republican party will lose all faith if they attempt a brokered convention and push the clear front runner out.

A third party? No I think we need to, as a people, say enough is enough and reboot the whole party concept. An honestly I personally would favor a lot more political parties. This you're either this or that, with very little middle ground, although both sides do the same bullshit when holding office, is simply insanity.
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