2016 Presidential Race

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That would mean he'd have to back down from his "no compromises" rhetoric though and that sure as shit won't happen.
Who is "drawing first blood" in these mini-riots or whatever? Is a Trump supporter being pushed/ threatened or are they just sucker punching dudes?
Well the same could be said for the BLM and new black panther party who were calling for dead cops. I don't agree with a lot of the stuff Trump say's, I think he is very inflammatory and I don't think we need more of that right now, especially with the division in our country. However, I don't see him being responsible for the actions of others. One of the big problems in our society, is an inability of our people to accept responsibility for their own actions, and more so a desire to deflect blame and place that responsibility on others who are not. Now if Trump was POTUS and telling people to beat up protesters or some other crazy shit, I would fully agree with you, as the difference is running for a government leader position vs actually being that government leader/leader of the free world.
I agree that Trump has been targeted by protest groups. He is a divisive figure, so that's to be expected. But it bears reminding that peaceful protests are in themselves free speech. Protesters have the right to protest political events, just as much as Mr. Trump has the right to hold them. He also has the right to remove protesters from the premises (in a reasonable fashion), and his supporters also have the right to shout down. This is all constitutionally-protected speech.

Protesting with your fist is not protected speech.

I concur @Deathy Death, completely. As you so nicely pointed out, there are lines that, if not crossed, allow for exchange of speech and open support for one side or the other. We really do have a blight within our nation, that feels the need to push over lines. Some do so by being caught up in the movement, and the moment. Beliefs become inflamed, and well we start to look ugly all over again. That describes the majority of the "protesters", there is, however; another person(s) in the mix. I am convinced that a small portion of the protest movement that gets ugly, are doing so because that is someone's job. That is what they do, and are likely paid for their efforts; and may even see extra bucks if the result is what someone really likes. It is the cool as a cucumber "protester" who is pushing peoples buttons to cross the line. Once crossed, these people become involved physically, and get arrested, and go to jail for booking and a blemish appears on their records. The cool as a cucumber "motivator" knows how to stay away from the fray. Same person shows up at the next event.

There are a few things that I will put my hands on someone for unprovoked. Hate speech against my family and disgracing the United States flag in my presence, will not only get you punched in the mouth, but a righteous monkey stomping.

I do not agree with what the old man did, he most definitely should be charged/tried/convicted of assault. The same way I would expect to be for dishing out an ass whipping for my lines in the sand. That said, the old guy IMO picked a very bad reason to pay fines and spend time on probation.

Was Trump responsible for this assault? Nope, the old guy is. Did the protester have some responsibility in the incident? Anytime you decide to disrupt events, incite a crowd or disrespect other people, you run the risk of being assaulted.

I agree with you across the board @Diamondback 2/2. Both sides have a role, not unlike the gent in the video. That line is easy to cross. You're only hope is that when you,"Reach out and touch someone", wasn't recorded? In today's "connected" society, the chances are pretty good that you'll wind up on You Tube.
@Deathy McDeath, I would contend this is similar (but smaller scale) to leftists activists confronting riot police then claiming police brutality. Along the lines of IMF, World Bank, etc protests.

They protestors are not arguing politics or viewpoints they are inciting/provoking violence by their actions and then play the victim card.

How many Trump supporters are seeking out Hillary/Sanders people and just beating them?
What are you even talking about? You'll have to forgive me, because I'm not understanding your reference. I followed both of his campaigns fairly closely and off of the top of my head I can't think of any instances of protestors being beaten at Obama rallies.

Even if there were instances, and Obama remained silent on them, the difference is that Trump isn't even expressing tacit approval. Throughout the video I linked, there are numerous examples of Trump encouraging his supporters to beat protestors. That kind of rhetoric is far more serious and threatening. As I've said before, I do not condone what happened in Chicago. It is not a reasonable response to Trump or his rhetoric. But by the same token, incidents like Chicago do not give Trump supporters carte blanche to continue assaulting protesters. Let security handle it.
Black Panthers not letting white people vote in 2008.
DoJ initially won the civil rights/voting rights case (the perps didn't show), then Obama was inaugurated and DoJ decided to reopen/drop the case.
Can you imagine the outcry had a white guy told black voters to go home?
I agree that ultimate responsibility lies with the old guy, but it's irresponsible to say that Trump doesn't bear any sort of culpability in these incidents.

See, Trump's supporters, moreso than any other candidate's, are incredibly loyal and enthusiastic. I disagree with their views, but I give them credit for expressing so much enthusiasm for a candidate. And Trump, as a candidate who bases a lot of his appeal on charisma and salesmanship, should understand that he has an incredible ability to influence these people. It's the old axiom, "Words mean things". He needs to understand that when you've got a big crowd whipped up like an old big tent religious revival, saying things like "Knock the crap out of them", or "You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They would be carried out on a stretcher, folks. I'd like to punch him in the face." has serious repercussions. So while he does not bear all of the responsibility for the violence, he bears fulls responsibility for putting a stop to it.

Yes, that was a bit of praise for Donald Trump. I'll cop to that.

I will praise the enormous effort it must take for him to remain a psychological child where the ability to discern inappropriate/ inflammatory language is concerned.

If he is able to discern it, which is much more likely, I am impressed by the extent of the maladaptive pathology at work for him to give less than a shit about the consequences.

Add that to the pile of reasons Donnie is a monstrous disaster waiting to happen.
I will praise the enormous effort it must take for him to remain a psychological child where the ability to discern inappropriate/ inflammatory language is concerned.

If he is able to discern it, which is much more likely, I am impressed by the extent of the maladaptive pathology at work for him to give less than a shit about the consequences.

Add that to the pile of reasons Donnie is a monstrous disaster waiting to happen.

I don't care for Trump. Not 'my' candidate and all. But when I take a step back and look at him, my conclusion is that he is either a) really that stupid (as he is sounding), or b) it's an act, a vehicle, to get to where he wants to be. I think the man is far smarter and wrapped tighter than people give him credit for.
I don't care for Trump. Not 'my' candidate and all. But when I take a step back and look at him, my conclusion is that he is either a) really that stupid (as he is sounding), or b) it's an act, a vehicle, to get to where he wants to be. I think the man is far smarter and wrapped tighter than people give him credit for.
I'll agree, though Cruz lost points when he blamed Trump for the riots.
I voted (reluctantly) Cruz, but will pull the lever to keep Hillary out of the White House; I'd vote Biden to keep them both at home.
Kasich needs to follow-suit and move on!

Moreover, and somewhat unorthodox, I think that he should be considered for the VP on Trump's ticket to grab Ohio. Kasich did indeed win his own state, but honestly just barely. Way worse than what I would have expected and worse than Cruz winning Texas and OK.

We'll see. I think once people get away from the BS campaigning rhetoric, Trump definitely has a lot to offer. I keep hearing people talking about how divisive and polarizing he is yet he polls higher in every minority more than any other republican candidate in years. Seems like it's just the hip thing to say, but not until the Soros driven protesters has there been any real "violence" at his rallies. Listening to Obama today try to quell the craziness of the election was in bad form and beneath the presidency. This is nowhere near the levels from 20-50 years ago.
Moreover, and somewhat unorthodox, I think that he should be considered for the VP on Trump's ticket to grab Ohio. Kasich did indeed win his own state, but honestly just barely. Way worse than what I would have expected and worse than Cruz winning Texas and OK.

We'll see. I think once people get away from the BS campaigning rhetoric, Trump definitely has a lot to offer. I keep hearing people talking about how divisive and polarizing he is yet he polls higher in every minority more than any other republican candidate in years. Seems like it's just the hip thing to say, but not until the Soros driven protesters has there been any real "violence" at his rallies. Listening to Obama today try to quell the craziness of the election was in bad form and beneath the presidency. This is nowhere near the levels from 20-50 years ago.
The people that told us Dole, McCain and Romney are winners now tell us Trump can't win.:-/
Trump scares me. I mean like REALLY scares me. Will he threaten nukes? Insane trade wars? I believe in much of the message he tries to convey, just wish it was someone else carrying the flag.
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