2016 Presidential Race

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Hillary Clinton, AIDS historian.

Hillary Clinton apologizes for calling Nancy Reagan a 'very effective, low-key' AIDS advocate - CNNPolitics.com

Clinton said the former first lady, who died on Sunday, "started a national conversation" on AIDS that "penetrated the public conscience and people began to say, 'Hey, we have to do something about this, too,'" during an interview with the network at Reagan's funeral.

Chad Griffin, the president of the Human Rights Campaign and a former Clinton White House aide, knocked the Clinton on Friday for incorrectly holding Reagan up as an activist.

He tweeted, "Nancy Reagan was, sadly, no hero in the fight against HIV/AIDS."

Fact checking, ain't nobody got time for dat!
You've probably already heard about the Trump rally in Chicago that was shut down by protesters. The other candidates have weighed in:
Presidential Candidates React To Violence At Donald Trump's Chicago Rally

Personally, I don't like Trump, but I have a stronger dislike for this kind of political violence. First, it's not productive. It's just one of many Trump rallies that will occur before the Republican nomination. Second, it develops Trump's narrative even more. A big group of liberals conspiring to disrupt free speech is the kind of thing that the Trump campaign feeds on. And, as if his campaign didn't already have a huge media presence, this only elevates it another notch.
Third, and most important I think, is that while this election is already a batshit circus, this kind of action pushes it over into "Holy shit. What the fuck is going on?" territory. Election violence is what we see out of Thailand, or places like South Korea where ministers will throw down in parliament if shit doesn't go their way

Despite its faults, the American election machine generally functions without the need to throw hands. I would hate to see it come to that. American liberals need to calm down and realize that even if nominated, Trump will probably lose the general, but pulling shit like this is only going to help him.

As a corollary to the above statement, I should add that even if he does win the Presidency, it's not the end of the world.
it's not the end of the world.

No happy ending? There shoulda been a disclaimer on that vid. Four seconds into it I had violent flashbacks of suckling titties in Korean bars, drinking ungodly amounts of booze (not unheard of on Romulak), wondering where the ATM was and why my fingers smelled funny. But yeah, I agree about decorum in politics.
For sure.
The "Trump incites violence" is a false narrative playing the game against him. I'm not a fan, personally, but these "protesters" are carrying their "stop the hate" posters while antagonizing people in a multitude of ways. Just as in all professional sports, it's the guy that retaliates that gets caught.
There are always nut jobs protesting at these things. I remember a rally with Dick Cheney I went to a decade or more ago. Some protester outside started yelling at me as I was leaving.
Asshat: "Hey lady! So you like Dick?"
Dame: Smiles, licks lips, and nods.
Asshat: Jaw hits sidewalk while cop next to him laughs.​
The more Bernie is "outraged" about Trump's insinuation that Bernie's people could be behind organizing the protesters, the more I am inclined to believe Trump is on to something.
Interesting editorial in a local paper.

"In both states – one on the southern border, one on the northern – nearly 90 percent said they were either dissatisfied with or flat-out angry at the federal government. Only 8 percent said they were satisfied; only 2 percent said they felt “enthusiastic” about Washington.

What does that tell you – that 90 percent of these voters are dissatisfied?

That tells us the federal government has lost the consent of the governed."

Without your consent
The "Trump incites violence" is a false narrative playing the game against him. I'm not a fan, personally, but these "protesters" are carrying their "stop the hate" posters while antagonizing people in a multitude of ways. Just as in all professional sports, it's the guy that retaliates that gets caught.
This video from NYT offers some pretty damning evidence that Trump not only doesn't go far enough in discouraging violence at his rallies, but actively encourages it.
Video: Trump's History of Encouraging Violence
Perhaps there would be less "violence" if the Occupy-types would let him speak and not try to stop political speech. Regardless if the Left doesn't like it, he is able to say what he wants.

Why isn't Clinton and Sanders coming out against their operatives causing problems? Oh, cuz it plays into their favor.

If a "right wing crazy" tried to rush the stage where Clinton or Sanders were speaking, they damn sure would have been given a hero's welcome by CNN.
It's not just about the Chicago rally. Trump has been on this rhetorical track for months.

Why isn't Clinton and Sanders coming out against their operatives causing problems? Oh, cuz it plays into their favor.

Like this? Hillary Clinton on Twitter

Look, we are all in agreement that using violence to disrupt free speech, as we saw in Chicago, is not the answer. I said as much earlier on this page. But protestors at Trump rallies have been assaulted for much less than that, and I argue that Trump actively encourages it.
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It's not just about the Chicago rally. Trump has been on this rhetorical track for months.

Like this? Hillary Clinton on Twitter

Look, we are all in agreement that using violence to disrupt free speech, as we saw in Chicago, is not the answer. I said as much earlier on this page. But protestors at Trump rallies have been assaulted for much less than that, and I argue that Trump actively encourages it.
Not like Obama supporters never threatened violence against anyone.
I'm not so sure that Trump's reaction to protesters brings more protesters; the protesters bring more protesters. I think there is a message from active protest groups to Mr. Trump, that, if needed, people will be brought in to cause a disturbance. Obama had people fainting in front of him so he could act the hero, no other candidate ever had to do that; you'll have trouble convincing me that they were not staged. As with many protestors that get physical, some have come from outside the area, to take part in the protest. We have seen it is so many places, so many times, over a wide range of causes, and it looks the same every time. Mr Trump, IMHO has been targeted by protest groups. The message is, that where ever he goes, the picture will look the same; possibly worse if the protesters have their way. I have an awful lot of trouble believing that Trump is, all by himself, causing these violent, ugly protests. It is exposing the ugly thinking, and acting that has been our eyesore ever since the Viet Nam anti war protests. Mr. Trump is not behind the protests, protesters are. Mr. Trump is expressing his opinion regarding those who try to shut down his rallies, and disrupt his speeches. It is my belief that there is a concerted effort being made to deny Mr. Trump his right to free speech, and he is not having any it. The NYT has not been a fan of the GOP, and the NYT coverage of the protests is predictable as well.

My thoughts on the issue. Back to my wee cave here in The Valley:D.
His Justice Department condoned it, and he never condemned it.
Silence=approval in this case.
What are you even talking about? You'll have to forgive me, because I'm not understanding your reference. I followed both of his campaigns fairly closely and off of the top of my head I can't think of any instances of protestors being beaten at Obama rallies.

Even if there were instances, and Obama remained silent on them, the difference is that Trump isn't even expressing tacit approval. Throughout the video I linked, there are numerous examples of Trump encouraging his supporters to beat protestors. That kind of rhetoric is far more serious and threatening. As I've said before, I do not condone what happened in Chicago. It is not a reasonable response to Trump or his rhetoric. But by the same token, incidents like Chicago do not give Trump supporters carte blanche to continue assaulting protesters. Let security handle it.

I'm not so sure that Trump's reaction to protesters brings more protesters; the protesters bring more protesters. I think there is a message from active protest groups to Mr. Trump, that, if needed, people will be brought in to cause a disturbance. Obama had people fainting in front of him so he could act the hero, no other candidate ever had to do that; you'll have trouble convincing me that they were not staged. As with many protestors that get physical, some have come from outside the area, to take part in the protest. We have seen it is so many places, so many times, over a wide range of causes, and it looks the same every time. Mr Trump, IMHO has been targeted by protest groups. The message is, that where ever he goes, the picture will look the same; possibly worse if the protesters have their way. I have an awful lot of trouble believing that Trump is, all by himself, causing these violent, ugly protests. It is exposing the ugly thinking, and acting that has been our eyesore ever since the Viet Nam anti war protests. Mr. Trump is not behind the protests, protesters are. Mr. Trump is expressing his opinion regarding those who try to shut down his rallies, and disrupt his speeches. It is my belief that there is a concerted effort being made to deny Mr. Trump his right to free speech, and he is not having any it. The NYT has not been a fan of the GOP, and the NYT coverage of the protests is predictable as well.

I agree that Trump has been targeted by protest groups. He is a divisive figure, so that's to be expected. But it bears reminding that peaceful protests are in themselves free speech. Protesters have the right to protest political events, just as much as Mr. Trump has the right to hold them. He also has the right to remove protesters from the premises (in a reasonable fashion), and his supporters also have the right to shout down. This is all constitutionally-protected speech.

Protesting with your fist is not protected speech.
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There are a few things that I will put my hands on someone for unprovoked. Hate speech against my family and disgracing the United States flag in my presence, will not only get you punched in the mouth, but a righteous monkey stomping.

I do not agree with what the old man did, he most definitely should be charged/tried/convicted of assault. The same way I would expect to be for dishing out an ass whipping for my lines in the sand. That said, the old guy IMO picked a very bad reason to pay fines and spend time on probation.

Was Trump responsible for this assault? Nope, the old guy is. Did the protester have some responsibility in the incident? Anytime you decide to disrupt events, incite a crowd or disrespect other people, you run the risk of being assaulted.
Was Trump responsible for this assault? Nope, the old guy is. Did the protester have some responsibility in the incident? Anytime you decide to disrupt events, incite a crowd or disrespect other people, you run the risk of being assaulted.
I agree that ultimate responsibility lies with the old guy, but it's irresponsible to say that Trump doesn't bear any sort of culpability in these incidents.

See, Trump's supporters, moreso than any other candidate's, are incredibly loyal and enthusiastic. I disagree with their views, but I give them credit for expressing so much enthusiasm for a candidate. And Trump, as a candidate who bases a lot of his appeal on charisma and salesmanship, should understand that he has an incredible ability to influence these people. It's the old axiom, "Words mean things". He needs to understand that when you've got a big crowd whipped up like an old big tent religious revival, saying things like "Knock the crap out of them", or "You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They would be carried out on a stretcher, folks. I'd like to punch him in the face." has serious repercussions. So while he does not bear all of the responsibility for the violence, he bears fulls responsibility for putting a stop to it.

Yes, that was a bit of praise for Donald Trump. I'll cop to that.
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