2016 Presidential Race

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The GOP Civil War is entertaining.

The more the "establishment" tries to push people away from Trump, the more they are attracted to him because he's running on an anti-establishment platform. I personally would like to see a Drumpf vs Sanders ballot.

Next stop...term limits for Congress!!!
This will end (finally) the GOP as a major party.
What emerges will be interesting to watch, TEA Party/Evangelicals as a minor party and a "moderate" Republican Party forming coalitions with a large Democrat Party.
Wonder if the Libertarians will see growth?
This will end (finally) the GOP as a major party.
What emerges will be interesting to watch, TEA Party/Evangelicals as a minor party and a "moderate" Republican Party forming coalitions with a large Democrat Party.
Wonder if the Libertarians will see growth?
This alone almost makes it worth having HRC in office, to ensure the demise of the GOP as a functioning party. They have grown weak and fractured with narrow ideological give in any direction but god, bible, and damnation.
This alone almost makes it worth having HRC in office, to ensure the demise of the GOP as a functioning party. They have grown weak and fractured with narrow ideological give in any direction but god, bible, and damnation.

Agree...but with font adjustments.
This alone almost makes it worth having HRC in office, to ensure the demise of the GOP as a functioning party. They have grown weak and fractured with narrow ideological give in any direction but god, bible, and damnation.
No, they may claim that when campaigning but actually have no values (other than getting re-elected) or spine; which is why Trump is killing them in the primaries.
The GOP is gone, no matter who moves into the White House, watch the money...
Folks I know are voting for Trump as a way of saying FUCK YOU! to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell (and all the other established R's).
I suspect a lot of the Bernie vote is for the same reason (and they are getting pissed at the Dem establishment)
I'm prepping for at least 4 years with HRC or Biden. Either way, I'm fading into the Florida Mountains with my private army of fanatical followers.
Have fun out in Polk county...

I'm still waiting for that proverbial dead hooker to fall out of Trumps closet. He has to have something in his past that's on Frank Underwood status. If and when that does come out I'm picking Romney to be drafted as the nominee at a brokered convention.
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I'm still waiting for that proverbial dead hooker to fall out of Trumps closet. He has to have something in his past that's on Frank Underwood status. If and when that does come out I'm picking Romney to be drafted as the nominee at a brokered convention.
and all the Trump-eters will stay home and watch Mittens lose again.
I'm still waiting for Shrillary to get indicted and Biden to get drafted at a brokered convention.
and all the Trump-eters will stay home and watch Mittens lose again.
I'm still waiting for Shrillary to get indicted and Biden to get drafted at a brokered convention.

Romney=Loser...and a belated thanks to the GOP for making me cast another wasted vote for a guy who didn't stand a chance.

I feel like the GOP is in the position the Dems were BITD when they were offering up weak sucks like Mondale and Dukakis.

Trump has a chance if the party gets its head out of its ass and backs up the one guy they've got with serious momentum...but if they keep fucking around they're gonna blow the opportunity.

Have fun out in Polk county...

I'm actually in eastern Hernando where the mountains are an incredible 230 feet above sea level.
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and all the Trump-eters will stay home and watch Mittens lose again.
I'm still waiting for Shrillary to get indicted and Biden to get drafted at a brokered convention.

I wish I could agree x 4. It would be sweet. Try to imagine Biden and Trump as the only two on the stage for the POTUS debate. If Biden repeats his stunts like he did at the last VP debate, I just don't see the now VP doing all that well. I think Trump would take the time and mop the floor with ole "Joe".

I hope that there is more to this than hopes and dreams for our country.
I'm still waiting for that proverbial dead hooker to fall out of Trumps closet. He has to have something in his past that's on Frank Underwood status. If and when that does come out I'm picking Romney to be drafted as the nominee at a brokered convention.

I'm sure he has any number things in his closet as a successful business man, but to think that he is anywhere close to a fictitious politician is pure fantasy.

As far as Romney, we failed to pick him the first time around to instead pick the Manchurian candidate. We saw how good of a choice that was. Romney would have been a good alternative to everything that Obama was able to accomplish in office, but that ship has sailed.
and all the Trump-eters will stay home and watch Mittens lose again.
I'm still waiting for Shrillary to get indicted and Biden to get drafted at a brokered convention.

Do you know how stupid using names like this sounds?
I wish I could agree x 4. It would be sweet. Try to imagine Biden and Trump as the only two on the stage for the POTUS debate. If Biden repeats his stunts like he did at the last VP debate, I just don't see the now VP doing all that well. I think Trump would take the time and mop the floor with ole "Joe"...

Yeah, I think Trump would hammer Biden in a debate. But Biden has an advantage of being an incumbent VP and an experienced political campaigner, which might level the playing field in the long run. Keep in mind that if HRC is out of the picture, Biden might be more palatable to the Sander's crowd simply because he isn't a Clinton.
A, I think what you say about Biden is all valid. I can see where the Sanders crowd might take to Biden.
I ran across a Fox internet news article that involved the Hollywood crowd. Those that are pro Sanders are fearful of openly showing support. It seems the Clintons carry a lot of weight among the acting crowd. It's kind of ironic if you think about it, they're all actors; including Bill & Hil.

You can say the same, I guess, of President Reagan, but he was Gov of Ca before running to become one of our best ever Presidents.
I wish I could agree x 4. It would be sweet. Try to imagine Biden and Trump as the only two on the stage for the POTUS debate. If Biden repeats his stunts like he did at the last VP debate, I just don't see the now VP doing all that well. I think Trump would take the time and mop the floor with ole "Joe".

I hope that there is more to this than hopes and dreams for our country.

Yeah, I think Trump would hammer Biden in a debate. But Biden has an advantage of being an incumbent VP and an experienced political campaigner, which might level the playing field in the long run. Keep in mind that if HRC is out of the picture, Biden might be more palatable to the Sander's crowd simply because he isn't a Clinton.

A, I think what you say about Biden is all valid. I can see where the Sanders crowd might take to Biden.
I ran across a Fox internet news article that involved the Hollywood crowd. Those that are pro Sanders are fearful of openly showing support. It seems the Clintons carry a lot of weight among the acting crowd. It's kind of ironic if you think about it, they're all actors; including Bill & Hil.

You can say the same, I guess, of President Reagan, but he was Gov of Ca before running to become one of our best ever Presidents.

I can not imagine Trump letting Biden just roll his eyes during a debate, he'd call him on it; then rip the media for not calling him on it.

I wonder how much juice Trump has in Hollywood? Not with actors, but with the people who decide which actors get hired?
That ^^^^is a good question, about Hollywood. The Hollywood connection is not something to overlook. Frank Sinatra spent considerable time and $$ to get JFK elected, not that it did Sinatra any good. I've not heard much about the subject, save the Roseanne Barr war. I don't think that will hurt Trump, by itself.
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Unfortunately we have plenty of morons in this country who listen to the crap that comes out of the pie holes of the morons in Hollywood.
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