2016 Presidential Race

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That's bollocks. Anyone of a high enough profile- on both ends of the spectrum- already shoot their mouths off. And they're of such high profile they make too much money for the studios to shut them up.

Anyone else isn't high enough profile for anyone to care what they have to say.
Wouldn't that be political intimidation, and pretty goddamn un-American?
Probably, and not the first time it's happened.
McCarthyism and Hollywood Blacklisting has happened before.
It's all about the Benjamins; Trump (or his friend/supporters) don't have to invest in a movie that stars someone they don't like (capitalism), and studios are not obligated to hire someone if they think that person may impact their ability to secure funding..
There have been anecdotal stories about conservative actors/actresses being blacklisted because they are conservative, would you consider that to be un-American?
People are blacklisted all of the time. Right or wrong, it happens in just about any industry, including the military, so shutting someone down isn't new. Hell, people boycotted the Dixie Chicks...so what's the difference between me not buying an album and a studio not casting someone because of the box office repercussions?
Probably, and not the first time it's happened.
McCarthyism and Hollywood Blacklisting has happened before.
It's all about the Benjamins; Trump (or his friend/supporters) don't have to invest in a movie that stars someone they don't like (capitalism), and studios are not obligated to hire someone if they think that person may impact their ability to secure funding..
There have been anecdotal stories about conservative actors/actresses being blacklisted because they are conservative, would you consider that to be un-American?

Or that those conservative actors just suck. It isn't Daniel Day Lewis getting blacklisted if you know what I mean.
Well, I posted some time ago that I'd wait until the real candidate turned up. I guess I trod on my dick vis a vis Trump. I didn't think he'd get this far, though I'm not alone, I'm sure. It's been noted that the demographic he appeals to has always been there. As far back as Lincoln recognised this and Abe said that politicians ignore it and prefer to appeal to the better angels of our nature.
Turns out that Biden is really good at talking shit

Excerpts from Biden's Gridiron Dinner speech
In fact, the other day I walked into the Oval and said, “Barack, I think you should resign.”
He said, “To join the Supreme Court?”
I said, “Sure, whatever.”

Ted Cruz? An inspiration to every kid in America who worries that he’ll never be able to run for President because nobody likes him. He’s running. And look, I told Barack, if you really, really want to remake the Supreme Court, nominate Cruz. Before you know it, you’ll have eight vacancies.

And Donald Trump.

Donald has attacked every person of color – except John Boehner.

And he has demonstrated that he has a very difficult time when he has to deal with bright women of authority, like Megyn Kelly and Governor Nikki Haley. Can't you picture it? Can't you picture his reaction watching Hillary take the oath of office? It’s going to be worth the price of admission.

But folks, on a serious point, Trump said he likes “people who don't get captured."

What a terrible thing to say about my friend and a genuine war hero, John McCain.

So tonight I call on Donald Trump to be a man of his word – and release Chris Christie right now.
I'm glad I work nights or Biden and his 40+ car motorcade would be really good at fucking up my day.

Your drivers smashing into pedestrians (or other cars...or each other) is a small price to pay for arriving to guest on basic cable comedy shows on time.

JRB lives on the edge. :D


I was asleep in my villa on one of the rare days in which it rains. The locals decided the AFSF NCO leading the motorcade didn't belong, so they pulled him off the lead position and detained him (don't ask because I don't know). That's when they took over the lead vehicle and proceeded to drive around the greater "Undisclosed location in Southwest Asia" metroplex with multiple U-turns through parking lots and traffic circles. I have "contact derp" just from being on the base within hours of their departure.
I'm glad I work nights or Biden and his 40+ car motorcade would be really good at fucking up my day.

Clinton is in my fair city today. Biden, a few weeks ago (actually, he was about 500 yards from me doing some cancer research thing). It is a major CF in the hospital; and trying to get home in all of the diverted traffic? Fuhgetaboutit.....

There is an article out today that opines that should Trump be the nominee neocons will be so pissed off they will vote for Clinton. Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore.....
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There is an article out today that opines that should Trump be the nominee neocons will be so pissed off they will vote for Clinton. Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore.....
The same folks will then pitch a hissy fit when she appoints liberals to the Supreme Court.
Both bases are staffed with morons.
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